
Vocaloid and Touhou avatar packs made by me: Powersocke!

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Restless Spirit
Hey guys!
So I was searching through the web to find a lot of stock pics to create hundreds of avatars and here they are. They are online on my DevArt account for quite a while now but I never took the opportunity to post them here, so here they are. Feel free to download. They are all with transparent background and 128x128 pixels.

Touhou Avatar Collection: ... macht&qo=1

Hakurei Reimu Avatar Pack: ... macht&qo=0

Hatsune Miku Avatar Pack: ... macht&qo=3

Kagamine Rin/Len Avatar Pack: ... -464375908

Kagamine Rin Avatar Bonus Pack: ... -465450221

IA Avatar Pack (NEW!): ... -466871398

I hope you like them. c:

I am making new avatar packs every once in a while so you might want to check this post every so often.

Also, if you find an avatar in one of my packs and think to yourself "I like this one but I'd like another crop/want it to look the other way/upside down" or whatever, talk to me and I'll see what I can do for you. You can either receive the stockpic I made the avatar from to work on it yourself (the stock pics are all with transparant background so you do not have to worry about doing that) or you could ask me to do another version of the avatar in question you might like better.
Just remember: when requesting any alterations to existing avatars it is always good to say exactly what you want. The more details the better.

And if there are any issues with my avatars like pixels that don't belong there and such, please let me know and I will fix it anon.
that reimu avatar pack <3

i like the other ones too ;3

btw... 7z? i dont have 7zip >.>
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

_sparky_ wrote:

that reimu avatar pack <3

i like the other ones too ;3

btw... 7z? i dont have 7zip >.>
7zip is a free program, but .7z archives can be opened with WinRar or every other program that can open archives. Or most programs. I recommend 7zip because it's easy, free and does the job.
Wow, this is a one big collection

Thanks Powersocke :)


Where's the DL button BTW??
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

Sonatora wrote:

Wow, this is a one big collection

Thanks Powersocke :)


Where's the DL button BTW??
The download button is located on the right hand side, just above "More from Graumacht". You can't possibly miss that.

Powersocke wrote:

_sparky_ wrote:

that reimu avatar pack <3

i like the other ones too ;3

btw... 7z? i dont have 7zip >.>
7zip is a free program, but .7z archives can be opened with WinRar or every other program that can open archives. Or most programs. I recommend 7zip because it's easy, free and does the job.
oh....i have neither programs xD thats ok though
Oh, wow... Thanks, that's enough avatar to last for a lifetime.

That Touhou Avatar Collection is big. I notice that it has 57 Reimu Hakurei inside, are they the same ones with the Hakurei Reimu Avatar Pack?
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

piruchan wrote:

Oh, wow... Thanks, that's enough avatar to last for a lifetime.

That Touhou Avatar Collection is big. I notice that it has 57 Reimu Hakurei inside, are they the same ones with the Hakurei Reimu Avatar Pack?
Yes, they are the same. I also wrote it in the description of the Reimu avatar pack. I created the Reimu avatar pack in case someone wanted to only have Reimu and not the over 600 other avatars since Reimu is kinda popular.
[ Pingu ]
Thank you so much for this! I love all of them! :)
I though there was the other Vocaloids, but its only Miku ~

I think its better to rename the thread to ''Hatsune Miku and Touhou avatar packs made by me: Powersocke!'' since it only have 1 Vocaloid
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

Lapis Aoki wrote:

I though there was the other Vocaloids, but its only Miku ~

I think its better to rename the thread to ''Hatsune Miku and Touhou avatar packs made by me: Powersocke!'' since it only have 1 Vocaloid
It was originally named like that but I renamed it like it is now because I am working on another avatar pack vor Rin and Len more or less rapidly (I already have a ton of stockpics gathered and doing well so far), so I thought since there is going to be another pack real soon, it is better named this way.

But I am happy some people actually like this. :)
Thanks Powersocke for giving me a good avatar

I might keep this one for a year unless a circlejerk appears

Also, any avatars that have the same style as my current one
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

Sonatora wrote:

Thanks Powersocke for giving me a good avatar

I might keep this one for a year unless a circlejerk appears

Also, any avatars that have the same style as my current one
I am very happy that I could help you out. Thank you for using it. c:

Also here's a general announcement:

I am currently working on a Kagamine Rin/Len-Avatar Pack and have all the art gathered I think I'll need. I'll try and keep the amount of avatars per character on one level. Also it's gonna feature a lot of possible partner avatars due to the fact that artists like to draw twins in one picture of the same style. Or on top of each other. Which is why a lot of Len avatars may have some bits of Rin in it because for some inexplicable reason people like to draw bits of Rin on top of bits of Len and it is not always within my possibilities to make it appear that Len wasn't affected at all in the first place. Also, due to this, some of these are a pain in the arse to make or feature a bit more Rin in the Len ones than I would have liked. But nontheless, I am going to give it my best. :)

I am making good progress so far and have almost 40 avatars done. I've gathered several hundred of art pieces so expect a lot of avatars for this one, too. If I'll work hard on it, it'll be up some time next week or so. Stay tuned.

Also, if you've got requests regarding the avatars I've already made (for instance: "Could you flip this one so it looks the other way/upside down?" and "Could you change the overall colour scheme?" and stuff), feel free to ask and maybe I can do something for you. But of course everyone is free to work on these avatars. Do with them what you want. You can also go ask another graphic artist who might be more experienced than I am.

But I offer it to you. c:
[ Pingu ]
If you're going to continue making avatar packs, you should definitly consider making more Vocaloid packs ;D
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

[ Pingu ] wrote:

If you're going to continue making avatar packs, you should definitly consider making more Vocaloid packs ;D
This will be my first objective, yes.

I want to cover all the main Vocaloid first, namely Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, Kaito, Meiko, Gumi and Gakupo.
This is going to be a lot of work. But hey, the Rin/Len pack is doing wlel so far.
Just a suggestion but, can you do Kagerou Project avatars next. Just a mere suggestion you dont need to take seriously
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
I could do that. If I find enough fan art. But I guess that would be not that much of a problem, I think.

I wanted to do an anime avatar pack anyway, might as well do one next and then proceed with the Vocaloids.
I just hope the Steam Summer Sale doesn't give me too much of a delay because there's just so much I want to play.

Edit: Oh wait. I see. Kagerou project is related to the Vocaloids as well.
Hm. You know, I am focusing on making packs for each vocaloid. Included in these packs will be at some point or another Kagrou Project avatars or avatars from the Evillious Chronicles because that's just how it goes when searching for fan art.

So the probability of me making a pack for the Kagerou Project only is relatively low, to be honest. I will make vocaloid packs one at a time (with Rin/Len two, I guess, but they are twins, gotta to 'em together).
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
Minor update:

The Rin/Len avatar pack will be released on monday due to my RL barging in at unexpected intervals. I make 100 avatars a day but sometimes I just can't get to do it because I got something else to do. Also it's Steam Summer Sale and I've got my hands on some sweet, sweet games.

But anyway. I'll release the pack on monday, so stay tuned. It'll be out very very soon.

If you ever spot an avatar in one of my packs where you think "This one's awesome but I would prefer another crop" or anything like that, you can always talk to me. You may receive the stock picture I made the avatar from if you want to do things yourself (they're all with transparent background so you don't have to bother doing that yourself) or you can ask me to make another version of the avatar in question that you might like better.

Powersocke wrote:

Minor update:

The Rin/Len avatar pack will be released on monday due to my RL barging in at unexpected intervals. I make 100 avatars a day but sometimes I just can't get to do it because I got something else to do. Also it's Steam Summer Sale and I've got my hands on some sweet, sweet games.

But anyway. I'll release the pack on monday, so stay tuned. It'll be out very very soon.

If you ever spot an avatar in one of my packs where you think "This one's awesome but I would prefer another crop" or anything like that, you can always talk to me. You may receive the stock picture I made the avatar from if you want to do things yourself (they're all with transparent background so you don't have to bother doing that yourself) or you can ask me to make another version of the avatar in question that you might like better.
Nice one Socke. GetHype
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

The Kagamine Rin/Len Avatar Pack is now in existence and uploaded to my dA account. They are all 128x128px with transparent background. You can find the link in the first post of this thread. Feel free to download if you wish and do whatever you want with them. Just don't say "I MAED DEM!!!1" and you're good to go. Some of them took real work and were a pain in the arse, I can tell you that much.
Anyway, enjoy.

I know I said it's gonna be online on monday buuuut... I did manage to finish this pack plus the preview picture today so I uploaded it in advance.
But not every Rin picture made it into this pack. Why is that? Well, because I wanted to keep the avatar numbers on an even level for both Rin and Len. But I had more Rin artworks than I had Len artworks. How do we fix that? Well, with a Rin Avatar Bonus Pack of course!

I will be working on the Rin Bonus Pack very soon and it should be up some time next week, so if you're into Rin, stay tuned and expect ~60-70 more avatars of Rin only. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow, maybe I'll take my time and will release it on wednesday or thursday, I'll see what I can do.
[ Pingu ]
:D yey
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
Bumping this one for two updates:

I noticed that some of the avatars had a few minor issues and fixed that. Update is uploaded.

Secondly: The Rin pack will be ready to go in a few hours.

That's it pretty much. If you spot an avatar that needs fixing just say so and I will get to work. I can overlook things from time to time.

Oh and:
I am always happy as SHIT when I see someone using one of my avatars. Sonatora made me happy three times in a row now.
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

My Kagamine Rin Avatar Bonus Pack featuring 65 avatars is now uploaded to my dA account. As before, you can find the link in the first post of this thread. They are free to use, just don't claim you made them and everything will be fine. Enjoy.

You guys have any requests on which Vocaloid I should make an avatar pack for next? I planned to do Megruine Luka since she's one of the four well known Vocaloid and upon completing her pack I will be done with those four and can concentrate on the rest (Meiko, Kaito, Lili, Gumi, Gakupo and whatnot). If you guys want some other Vocaloid to be worked on first I can do that. If not I will just stick to my plans and do a pack for Luka.
Woah such packs! I love it.
If you feel like it, i'd personally love some IA avatars (I love IA the most, even if she's not considered true "Vocaloid") But of course, if you have free time :3
Amazing work anyways!
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

Lunavista wrote:

Woah such packs! I love it.
If you feel like it, i'd personally love some IA avatars (I love IA the most, even if she's not considered true "Vocaloid") But of course, if you have free time :3
Amazing work anyways!
Thank you. c:

Well, "true" Vocaloid or not, I even consider the UTAU being Vocaloid since it's more or less the same technology. I could do that. IF I find enough fanart, that is. I wonder what kind of results I get when I search for "IA".

EDIT: Looks like I will be having a lot of IA pictures in the near future. This makes stuff a whole lot easier. I will be gathering some more pictures, will count them and if they're at least 60 or more I will make an avatar pack out of it. I'd like to have more than 60 though but I'm never sure with Vocaloid which are not as widely known.
But it's nice to work on something different for a change.

EDIT 2: I will be making an IA Avatar Pack next, then. It'll be not THAT big though, I guess. I don't know yet. Maybe 100 avatars, maybe 150, maybe something in between. I'm not sure why I make so many avatars for one character anyway. It's not like anybody would use all of them. Anyway, I'll see what I can do. The avatar pack should be up either at the end of next week or at the start/middle of the week after that, I'm not sure.
[ Pingu ]
Ohh, nice. ^^
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
Little update for those of you who wonder:

The IA Avatar Pack will be done and uploaded to DevArt tomorrow afternoon or some time in the evening. So yeah. Just so you know.

Also: Some of the avatars in this pack are weird because some of the artworks I found were pretty weird to begin with. And I am not too fond of some of them myself but maybe someone else. Anyway, that thing will be uploaded tomorrow so you want to be happeh or something.

Powersocke wrote:

Little update for those of you who wonder:

The IA Avatar Pack will be done and uploaded to DevArt tomorrow afternoon or some time in the evening. So yeah. Just so you know.

Also: Some of the avatars in this pack are weird because some of the artworks I found were pretty weird to begin with. And I am not too fond of some of them myself but maybe someone else. Anyway, that thing will be uploaded tomorrow so you want to be happeh or something.
Awesome, i'll definitely check that out! :3
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

The IA Avatar Pack is out now. You can click on the download link in the first post of this thread as usual.
Also, the preview picture might be a bit of an eye cancer so you might wanna watch out and put on sunglasses before clicking on the link. Just for your safety.

If none of you have any further suggestions I'll prepare to make an avatar pack for Megurine Luka in a few days.
please make one with the boys :'c
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

AllRiseSilver wrote:

please make one with the boys :'c
Well Len got his over 100 avatars alright. But I planned on doing Gakupo and Kaito anyway. So you may be the one to decide wich male Vocaloid I'll do an avatar pack for next. I could also be doing YV2 or whatever. Just give a request on which male Vocaloid you'd like to have an avatar pack for and I'll search for stuff and will tell you, based on what I've found, if I'll do it or not.
Beautiful IA avatars!! Not sure what i'll use one for yet, probably osu. Lovely work, they're super~!
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
I'm quite happy about the positive feedback I got so far. So there are definitely more avatar packs to come. To be perfectly honest I didn't know about this avatar pack. There were some avatars there I didn't really like too much. But since there were quite a few people who liked it I'm confident again. Thank you. :>

Anyway, since it was requested I do an avatar pack for one of the male Vocaloid you guys get to decide which one. Just leave a request in this thread and I'll start working on it at the start of next week. Too much going on the rest of this week to do stuff like that.
Do a Kaito and Meiko one. Pretty much hyped since I like those two alot
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
Kaito is it then. Okay. Something blue for my gallery and a male vocaloid to work on.

Then expect a kaito Avatar Pack some time next week or the week after that. If I don't find at least 200 good stock pictures it's not gonna take this long though.
[ Pingu ]

Sonatora wrote:

Do a Kaito and Meiko one. Pretty much hyped since I like those two alot
ewww meiko
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

[ Pingu ] wrote:

Sonatora wrote:

Do a Kaito and Meiko one. Pretty much hyped since I like those two alot
ewww meiko
Meiko is great. In my opinion at least. An avatar pack for Meiko will come in the future since she's a vocaloid.
But I'll only do vocaloid with japanese anime style stuff because that's how it works. No Leon or those british things and whatever.
I understand if you wont do other vocaloids tho :3

Just a quick sugggestion, once your done with Miku, Kagamine Twins, Meiko and Kaito please compile them into a single pack called "Project Diva" Avatar Pack

As always, good job Powersocke
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit

Sonatora wrote:

I understand if you wont do other vocaloids tho :3

Just a quick sugggestion, once your done with Miku, Kagamine Twins, Meiko and Kaito please compile them into a single pack called "Project Diva" Avatar Pack

As always, good job Powersocke
This is actually a pretty great suggestion. Maybe I'll search for some more Miku art before doing this so that there's at least some motivation downloading that pack as a whole for all of the users who downloaded the Miku pack and all the other ones. Or I'll search for something else to put into this pack.

But I guess I'll go with this suggestion. To get that over with as quick as possible I'll state that Kaito will be next, Meiko will come after that, then I'll search for some more art to incorporate it into the Project Diva avatar pack with all the avatars I did before.
Love the IA pack!
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
Thank you, piruchan. c:

I will start working on this thing Wednesday, you may expect an update on that tomorrow. Maybe.
I already know where I can get stuff from but I dunno how much. But since Kaito is rather popular I expect a lot of pictures to work on.
Hey dude, I forgot to tell you something


I might help you find art :)
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
Oh yeah, totally forgot about that one.

Would be kinda rude to not let have her have her own avatar pack though. Tell you what. I'll make Kaito and I'll make Meiko next and then I'll make the Project Diva pack as well as the Megurine Luka pack simulataneously, so that both the Project Diva pack and the Megurine Luka pack come out the same day. Of course, Luka will be featured in the Project Diva pack as well.

But the way I see it there'll be lots of new Miku artworks for me to work on. That's my guess. So I will find enough new art for the Project Diva pack.

Powersocke wrote:

Oh yeah, totally forgot about that one.

Would be kinda rude to not let have her have her own avatar pack though. Tell you what. I'll make Kaito and I'll make Meiko next and then I'll make the Project Diva pack as well as the Megurine Luka pack simulataneously, so that both the Project Diva pack and the Megurine Luka pack come out the same day. Of course, Luka will be featured in the Project Diva pack as well.

But the way I see it there'll be lots of new Miku artworks for me to work on. That's my guess. So I will find enough new art for the Project Diva pack.
Lol, totally forgot about her too
amazing pictures ♥♥
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
I was pretty fuckin drunk yesterday and I still have plenty of beer left so I dunno If I'll start workin on the Kaito pack today or tomorrow.
That's just how it goes. If life gives you beer, be sure to drink it!
[ Pingu ]

Powersocke wrote:

If life gives you beer, be sure to drink it!
sorry not old enough lol

Powersocke wrote:

I was pretty fuckin drunk yesterday and I still have plenty of beer left so I dunno If I'll start workin on the Kaito pack today or tomorrow.
That's just how it goes. If life gives you beer, be sure to drink it!
Be careful about the drinks dude. Those things might complicate your liver. Drink at moderate pace
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
Do not worry, I won't kill myself with this stuff. Promise. I rather die from lung cancer.


I have to admit: I haven't been working on the avatar packs the past few days. Someone gifted me XCOM: Enemy Unknown via Steam and since I've started playing it, I just couldn't stop. So much so that I recently had a game session that lasted over 21 consecutive hours of playing this game. I'm so amazed by it that we may encounter some serious delays.It was literally just playing - sleeping - playing - sleeping and so on and so forth. And I'm not even owning the major expansion "Enemy Within" which expands the game greatly from what I've read as well as the little customization DLC and the little Weapons DLC (which I will buy today or next month, don't know yet). Which means that I will have at least one more full lengthy playthrough through the entire game once I acquired those expansions which in turn means that in that period of time I most likely won't spend any time on the avatar packs.

But do not be sad, dear friends, for I will return gloriously!
Maybe I will do something else to release together with the Kaito pack, I dunno. Something to compensate for that time I didn't work on that stuff when I said I did. And don't say "Dude, don't rush it man!" or anything of the sort, for I have great fun with making these packs (at least as much fun as I have with playing video games since I like to work three hours in a row on those packs with great results).
Well, maybe I just needed a quick pause or something. I've been putting up quite a lot of avatar packs recently so my brain ought to want to do something different for a change I guess.

Anyway, do not worry, stuff will come. I just don't know when. At this rate I should start working on that stuff within the next week or two. Maybe sooner (as it is in most cases when I say "It's going to take two weeks!" and then it's just three days). So: stay tuned for further updates, Powersocke out.

Powersocke wrote:

AllRiseSilver wrote:

please make one with the boys :'c
Well Len got his over 100 avatars alright. But I planned on doing Gakupo and Kaito anyway. So you may be the one to decide wich male Vocaloid I'll do an avatar pack for next. I could also be doing YV2 or whatever. Just give a request on which male Vocaloid you'd like to have an avatar pack for and I'll search for stuff and will tell you, based on what I've found, if I'll do it or not.
Pelase Kagamine Len.

And can you make couple avatars too?
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