
Glee Cast - Don't Stop Believing

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, 22 December 2009 at 11:07:26 PM

Artist: Glee Cast
Title: Don't Stop Believing
Source: Glee
Tags: Show Choir, Rachel, Finn, Gleek
BPM: 124
Filesize: 8006kb
Play Time: 03:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Regionals (4.46 stars, 389 notes)
  2. Sectionals (3.57 stars, 307 notes)
Download: Glee Cast - Don't Stop Believing
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hey guys =)

I've only installed osu! a few days ago, and was ultra suprised there are no glee songs!!!
I really love the show, and hope gleek fans will enjoy playing osu whilst listening to the awesome music.
Since I've only joined this community for a little while, I'm really fresh so I'm eager to take constructive criticisms. I believe I followed the guidelines, so hopefully there isn't too many errors I've skipped over.

PS - Thanks to my fellow gleek friends (kenni_j, firesd, shift6, frozensaeyn) and modders (osuplayer111, tmokb93, leorda, James2250).

Latest Changes (5th edit):
Adopted 02:07:983 (10) - new combo
Moved to :636, 02:14:757 (5) - move to 02:14:515
Adopted 03:15:966 (6) - new combo
Adopted 03:19:837 (5) - end at 03:20:805
Adopted 03:23:708 (6) - new combo
Adopted 03:37:257 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hitsounds plz
Adopted 03:44:031 (1) - end at 03:46:450? try it with a finish and see how it sounds

Adopted 01:33:386 (3) - new combo
Adopted 01:43:063 (5) - ^
Adopted 02:07:983 (10) - ^
Moved to :636, 02:14:757 (8) - move to 02:14:515
Adopted 02:43:063 (4) - ^
Adopted 02:52:740 (5) - ^
Adopted 03:44:999 (1) - add finish?
Fixed some minor spacing issues
First of all, you need to set a preview point on all difficulties.
Some spacings are incorrect. An example: 00:17:040 (1,2) - This is good, but this is different 00:17:064 (2,3). I hope you understand what I mean.
Use always distance snap and grid snap.
Add some hitsounds.


BPM: 124,00
Offset: 8.225
Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
I'll just mod the beats in your map, in all its forms, will not tell you to add or remove the beat <3
Remember to fix spacing after all modfiy :3

Offset: 8225 (remember to do an resnap)
Add some Source.
Add some Tags.
Not ever auto-choosed colors are good. Choose you some colors for beats.
Add hitsounds.
Use Grid Level 3.

I'm going to mod with my modify I said in general.
It's too easy for a Normal. Make it more difficulty.

00:17:418 (1,2,3) Move them 2/4 before.
00:18:144 (4) Move it 2/4 before and extend it by 2/4.
00:29:152 Add a Break Time here.

Same errors as Normal. Too easy for an Hard. Make them more difficulty. Plus is too similiar to Normal, try more new graphic location x3

And that's all for your map! I hope you will ask me again for other maps-modding :)
Please get this ranked, and dont give up!
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod and support guys ^^

Beat map is now editted/updated bearing mods in mind.

Changes include, but are not limited to:

1. Offset fixed, resnapped notes
2. Added source and tag
3. Touched combo colours
4. Redid spacing for most parts - distance snapped most notes. (Fixes 17s mark)
5. Rearranged a lot of graphic locations to give it a different feel to the other mode.
6. Grid Level more intricate
7. Preview Point set
8. Now renamed Sectionals/Regionals instead of Normal/Hard to suit the theme
9. Added Kiai Time at the end
10. Rearranged hit sounds from scratch (previously quite adhoc)
11. Difficulty adjusted
12. Sectionals - 00:29:152 - extended to not add break

More constructive criticisms wanted on the newer version =) and I was hoping if you guys can teach me a few things I'm confused about =)

1. How are we meant to determine the offset? I know both you pros got the same offset value. Is there some programs which help determine it (for future reference)?

Cheers, and thanks once again!

Edit: Included change list

Some AIMod detect 53 problem about spacing. To avoid this, open AIMod first (Ctrl+Shift+A) and use distance snap
00:27:337 (2,3) - Allign with 1
01:08:708 (5) - Allign with 4

Some AIMod detect 71 problem about spacing. To avoid this, open AIMod first (Ctrl+Shift+A) and use distance snap
00:35:321 (7) - Add a finish hitsound

No star for now
PM Me if you already fix all
Topic Starter

Latest Changes:

00:27:337 (2,3) - Allign with 1 - fixed
01:08:708 (5) - Allign with 4 - fixed
00:35:321 (7) - Add a finish hitsound - fixed
Thanks Leorda =)

I also went through the items AIMod detected. Rearranged some notes, but there are still some of them that I would like to keep unchanged so that the beats are placed in structured positions. There were also some notes that were correctly distance snapped, but still show up as too close on AIMod =S

Can a more experienced modder please tell me whether all the beats need to follow beat spacing?
Having every single beat following the rule seems very limiting, especially for box or circle formations.

Thanks once again to all those who helped me, and thanks in advance for your future assistance =)
Please change the ff:

Make the Source Glee

Remove Don't Stop Believing, Glee, and Believing from the Tags
Topic Starter
Done =)
Changed the source/tags

Can someone tell me the process of how a map accumulates stars? (Especially if noone is interested in the song) =(
Basically, people can star your maps if they like it for free. (They check the Star this map! box and post) This will give +1 Star priority.

You can also kudosu Star your map, which is a +2 Star Priority. This will cost 3 kudosu.
Kudosu is earned by modding someone else's map.
02:07:983 (10) - new combo
02:14:757 (5) - move to 02:14:515
03:15:966 (6) - new combo
03:19:837 (5) - end at 03:20:805
03:23:708 (6) - new combo
03:37:257 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hitsounds plz
03:44:031 (1) - end at 03:46:450? try it with a finish and see how it sounds

01:33:386 (3) - new combo
01:35:321 (9) - ^
01:43:063 (5) - ^
02:07:983 (10) - ^
02:14:757 (8) - move to 02:14:515
02:14:273 (7) -new combo
02:29:515 (6) - ^
02:43:063 (4) - ^
02:44:999 (11) - ^
02:52:740 (5) - ^
03:44:999 (1) - add finish?

coming along nicely
Topic Starter
Thanks for the useful insightful mod, James =)

Changes -
Adopted 02:07:983 (10) - new combo
Moved to :636, 02:14:757 (5) - move to 02:14:515
Adopted 03:15:966 (6) - new combo
Adopted 03:19:837 (5) - end at 03:20:805
Adopted 03:23:708 (6) - new combo
Adopted 03:37:257 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hitsounds plz
Adopted 03:44:031 (1) - end at 03:46:450? try it with a finish and see how it sounds

Adopted 01:33:386 (3) - new combo
* 01:35:321 (9) - ^
Adopted 01:43:063 (5) - ^
Adopted 02:07:983 (10) - ^
Moved to :636, 02:14:757 (8) - move to 02:14:515
* 02:14:273 (7) -new combo
* 02:29:515 (6) - ^
Adopted 02:43:063 (4) - ^
* 02:44:999 (11) - ^
Adopted 02:52:740 (5) - ^
Adopted 03:44:999 (1) - add finish?

As you can see, I adopted most of the suggestions but there were two things that I didn't follow completely.
The first was the 02:14:757 timing. I think you might meant for me to move the beat onto 2:14:636 instead of 2:14:515.
I replayed the song at different playback speed, and it does seem to me that the lyrics fall closer to the :636 than the original :757 =)
The second is the new combo suggestion I marked with an asterisk (which are actually all the same line in the Pre-Chorus). After consideration and given the proximity of the notes, I think it wouldn't be harmful to leave it as it is, as the song doesn't really have many long combos anyways.

Once again, thanks so much!

PS - No new episodes of Glee until April saddens me =(
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bump to upload something

new beatmap in progress since I played a bit more osu and now I realise how crappy this version is
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