
Greetings :)

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Hey all, how's things? Friends usually call me Kizzi, Ket or Kibble, although none of those are even close to my name. Actually, they more frequently just call me "frens", but that wouldn't be a very good way to introduce myself.
I'm starting to reach an age where I feel weird disclosing my age online in case I become "that creepy old guy", even though I'm only a little over two decades old and not, in fact, a guy.

I had no idea Osu existed at all until yesterday, and I still have no damn clue what I'm doing, but the trying (and failing) is pretty fun. And by fun I mean infuriating-yet-addictive.
I watch a lot of anime. I play a lot of games. I suck at all of those games, but I play them anyway. I generally prefer RPGs to shooters, although I have a soft spot for Gears of War and Army of Two.
I like taro flavour bubble tea and Rowntrees fruit gums.
My favourite book series is The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
In the rest of my spare time I screw about in photoshop and attempt to organise my itunes library once and for all.
I'm not very good at introducing myself without sounding pretentious and/or boring, so I'm gonna cut it off here.

I'll probably see you around the forums and (hopefully) leave a better impression there than I am doing here :')
Hmm another tea lover. Welcome to the forums. If you need an assistance, just contact me.
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thanks :) I'm having quite a bit of fun taking the trial-and-error route for now, but I might hold you to that if I encounter some insurmountable obstacle or something haha ^^
Im so mad bro
Welcome! As with everyone, enjoy your stay, you'll get better with practice (we all did) but, and I can't stress this enough, have funn!~
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Haha oh believe me, I'm having a blast. I suck, but I'm having a blast :')

Welcome to the forum mate, have a nice & long stay with us :D

As Im so mad said, you'll get better by practicing so keep playing and... yeah that's pretty much all ! Anyway, feel free to add me as friend so we might be able to play together in the future :P

Cya~ & welcome again :)
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Ahh thank you! And yeah, I think the main thing I'm struggling against is my inherent lack of rhythm rather than anything else :')
But as I said, the trying and failing is quite fun so I can't see me ditching it any time soon haha
(It took me a good minute of looking to find that big "add friend button" and I think it may be a sign that I've been on the computer too long but oh well)
well welcome and enjoy osu :D
anyway your text is to small
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Is it? It's not that much smaller than the default, though o.O
Welcome! :D
Yuuki Asuna
Welcome to the forums! :)
Hello, welcome to the forums!
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