The new major public release is up! Get to the updating and enjoy this wide range of new features:
The new major public release is up! Get to the updating and enjoy this wide range of new features:
- Basic online ranking (Available soon!)
- Rank system improved
- Ability to review and replay achieved scores. (Click them on the song selection screen)
- Ability to insert breaks in edit mode (automatically detects silence between 2 far-away notes).
- Skip button added in play mode! Jumps to 4 beats before the first note.
- Pause button added in play mode! (hit Escape in-game)
- New graphic changes include ouendan-style feedback for spinners and a rotating ball for sliders. (thanks to Kylecito)
- Song list improved. Unplayed songs now appear as green
- Tick rate option added for sliders in "TIMING" section of editor.
- New background features in design mode!
- Major amendments to make the game's scoring and systematics to make it feel a lot closer to ouendan. (thanks to Asho)