
osu!StreamCompanion - live pp display / ingame overlay!

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Sure, use !lb! for line breaks
CS:!cs! !lb!AR:!ar! !lb!OD:!od! !lb!HP:!hp!
spaces are there just for readability - you can remove these if necessary
Thank you! Good job with this program :)
Nice program! Is it or will it be compatible with mania? (including the pp system and ranks on every hit, where there is no 300g and 200 in osu!std):)
I keep trying to open stream companion but it always says "osu!stream companion is already running!" and i cant do anything.

LazyOPerson wrote:

I keep trying to open stream companion but it always says "osu!stream companion is already running!" and i cant do anything.

It is running but you have to close it from your system tray. I'm not sure what causes it but sometimes after returning to osu after leaving stream companion open you have to restart it to make it work.
Hey, sorry if this was just me messing something up, but for some reason, Stream Companion will only load 200 select beatmaps no matter what I do. It works fine for the loaded beatmps but for every other beatmap, the window states: "map data not found: Beatmap Name - Beatmap Artist" Just to add, there's literally no pattern I could discern from the loaded beatmaps at all. I've tried restarting, reinstalling, changing osu! release streams, reinstalling osu!, rebooting, hitting F5, and changing settings in both osu! and the stream companion client. It's weird because this never happened in my old install that had even more beatmaps. Do you guys have any ideas on what's causing this?
So .... basically it wouldn't load all maps (stuck at 7300 maps, as in pic) and most maps showed up as no data found.
Hopefully it'll work again in the next update or so.
i keep getting this error.. <.<

Impossibile trovare il metodo 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<!!0> System.Linq.Enumerable.Prepend(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<!!0>, !!0)'.
in osu.Game.Beatmaps.Formats.Decoder`1.Decode(StreamReader primaryStream, StreamReader[] otherStreams)
in PpCalculator.ProcessorWorkingBeatmap.readFromFile(String filename)
in PpCalculator.ProcessorWorkingBeatmap..ctor(String file, Nullable`1 beatmapId)
in BeatmapPpReplacements.PpReplacements.GetMapReplacements(MapSearchResult map)
in osu_StreamCompanion.Code.Core.Maps.Processing.MainMapDataGetter.GetMapReplacements(MapSearchResult mapSearchResult)
in osu_StreamCompanion.Code.Core.Maps.Processing.MainMapDataGetter.ProcessMapResult(MapSearchResult mapSearchResult)
in osu_StreamCompanion.Code.Core.Maps.Processing.MapStringFormatter.ConsumerTask()
in System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
in System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
in System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback
I am currently running version 190308.17 and already tried to set up the visualizer for my stream-
My current issue is, that the map displayed by the visualizer doesn't really change but the pp display still works. I'll descirbe what happens when I change a map:

1. I start SC and run a map - - everything works fine
2. I change the map in menus - - the graph and osu! preview picture gets sort of "overwritten". This issue happens over and over again when opening a new beatmap.

3. I just realised, that the problem only occurs when running osu! in Fullscreen mode. I just tried it without fullscreen and it works flawless.


the app just stops working when i launch osu, works fine when osu is turned off
I have an issue with the visualizer where the graph and the preview picture works fine but the pp counter didnt change at all when I play a map, can someone help me with this? ;(

My SC version is 190308.17
There seems to be an issue with the latest update, at least for me. When I open the program, it spits back an error message that says this.
Error message

"Could not load file or assembly 'System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.OsuHitWindows.SetDifficulty(Double difficulty)
at osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.HitObject.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
at osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.OsuHitObject.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
at osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Slider.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
at osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.HitObject.ApplyDefaults(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, BeatmapDifficulty difficulty)
at osu.Game.Beatmaps.WorkingBeatmap.GetPlayableBeatmap(RulesetInfo ruleset)
at PpCalculator.PpCalculator.Calculate(Nullable`1 time, Dictionary`2 categoryAttribs)
at BeatmapPpReplacements.PpReplacements.GetPp(PpCalculator ppCalculator, Double acc, String mods, Int32 score)
at BeatmapPpReplacements.PpReplacements.GetMapReplacements(MapSearchResult map)
at osu_StreamCompanion.Code.Core.Maps.Processing.MainMapDataGetter.GetMapReplacements(MapSearchResult mapSearchResult)
at osu_StreamCompanion.Code.Core.Maps.Processing.MainMapDataGetter.ProcessMapResult(MapSearchResult mapSearchResult)
at osu_StreamCompanion.Code.Core.Maps.Processing.MapStringFormatter.ConsumerTask()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()"

I am not a software developer, and have no idea what this means. Any help is greatly appreciated.
How Do you turn on the in game overlay?
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All of the issues above should be addressed in newest release.

ThatOneThot wrote:

How Do you turn on the in game overlay?

Overall, I tend to forget to look on osu! forums for a longer periods of time. In the future if you have any particular issue please post it on github to get fast response.
When im browsing songs, my game lags and freezes to wait for Stream Companion to catch up and display the new song. I don't think it's my computer's fault since it's decent. Is there anyway to fix this? Who else has this issue?
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Should be fixed in next release. I was aware of that happening and never looked at it since it wasn't noticeable, but with introduction of LiveVisualizer it escalated.
Ive got a problem, everytime i have osu companion open, it gives me weird input lag from my mouse to osu, like it makes my sensitivity of my mouse different at random points when im switching through maps ect. Really need this figured out, thanks!
I got a problem. when i'm installing sc it says this "The Drive or UNC share you selected does not exist or is not accessible. Please select another" Pls help.
for some reason it says the file is a virus. plz help
Virus detected, Trojan, duh.
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EnanoASD wrote:

I got a problem. when i'm installing sc it says this "The Drive or UNC share you selected does not exist or is not accessible. Please select another" Pls help.

That is indication of dirty uninstall (most likely you manually removing SC folder instead of using uninstaller). Use something like ccleaner to remove registry remains of previous install.

RhysCTV wrote:

for some reason it says the file is a virus. plz help

Was caused by ingame overlay code that is now removed in newest version. It is now provided as a separate download zip(but still detected as virus, due to how it works).

Piotrekol wrote:

RhysCTV wrote:

for some reason it says the file is a virus. plz help

Was caused by ingame overlay code that is now removed in newest version. It is now provided as a separate download zip(but still detected as virus, due to how it works).

So how can i get ingame overlay now?
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wiki page has been updated with relevant information
Can you make a sliderbreak counter in the future?
When i am in Fullscreen the pp counter always says 0pp .Window mode works
When i play a map and pause it somewhere in sc it says the pp, map, link etc. but in-game overlay isn't working why? Am i doing something wrong!!??! RTPP isn't working too. Is there any other ingame pp displayer?!!??
Alright i can't open stream companion

PP counter isn't tracking pp. It always stays at 0pp. Pls help.

OfficialChooga wrote:

PP counter isn't tracking pp. It always stays at 0pp. Pls help.

I was streaming with this daily and it was just fine, but suddenly it stopped for me as well and only shows 0pp , the setup has been running itself every time i restart the application when it did not previously do so- additionally when it performs the small test with a map and mod combination it no longer detects anything

edit: I fixed my own issue by doing the following-

I ran the uninstaller inside the stream companion folder as an admin, uninstalled everything.
Downloaded the latest version from the github link provided in this thread-
Ran the installer as Admin
When selecting the install location, i put it in a folder on my desktop (which is also where my osu folder is)
Ran stream companion as Admin & osu! as Admin - Worked first time.
- raspy

Noko_BSF wrote:

I cant Launch the app

I'm late, but running the uninstaller and then freshly installing fixed it for me if your error log showed something about the ingame overlay. Hope this helps
It keeps giving me this message even tho i've installed .NET Framework a couple of times and tried installing the latest version (4.8) Several times and this message keeps appearing
pp counter not working while playing full screen, anyone help please
Xi Flashlight
your creation is awesome! but there's 1 problem...
how do I use output patterns?
I just added the new output pattern and made the text file on here.
but, it doesn't work. how should I do?
Bruh, why my SC don't find the map in the window???
I wonder so often why i miss a note and decided to try adding some code. The purpose is to get a png or gif from the moment so i can see what i did wrong.

Iam not a good programmer but iam trying right know to get the data from "public int HitMiss" and check if the number is changing. if it changes i want to create a png or maybe it has to be a gif for the last 2 seconds. Maybe 200x200px around the cursor. If someone with better programming knowledge wants to help with that topic, feel free to pn me :)

b4mbus88 wrote:

I wonder so often why i miss a note and decided to try adding some code. The purpose is to get a png or gif from the moment so i can see what i did wrong.

Iam not a good programmer but iam trying right know to get the data from "public int HitMiss" and check if the number is changing. if it changes i want to create a png or maybe it has to be a gif for the last 2 seconds. Maybe 200x200px around the cursor. If someone with better programming knowledge wants to help with that topic, feel free to pn me :)

It's great idea but I think it's hard to implement and use .

Because there is no effective way to get accurate data at the time, for example the data provided by osu replay file (.osr) is not absolutely accurate. The essence of real-time data tools/plugins is the timer for reading osu! data, which can not be accurately get data.
pp counter does not work properly for mania and does not work at all for ctb

DarkProjector wrote:

Because there is no effective way to get accurate data at the time, for example the data provided by osu replay file (.osr) is not absolutely accurate. The essence of real-time data tools/plugins is the timer for reading osu! data, which can not be accurately get data.

The 100/50/Miss LiveCounter seems to have a little bit of a delay but a 2sec gif shoud compair that i guess. Maybe i just have to try it.
Alternatively i could record and plot the mouselocation and compare it with the location of the circle from the beatmap file. To avoid not getting the right timing i could add a offset and settings to increase the length of the record.
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Mugino wrote:

pp counter does not work properly for mania and does not work at all for ctb

mania seems to be mostly off by few pp at most(graph not working for it is intended), so not an issue in my eyes. I'll check if something has changed in mania pp calc code and include it in next release if that's the case.
ctb is not implemented at all so..

b4mbus88 wrote:

The 100/50/Miss LiveCounter seems to have a little bit of a delay but a 2sec gif shoud compair that i guess. Maybe i just have to try it.
Alternatively i could record and plot the mouselocation and compare it with the location of the circle from the beatmap file. To avoid not getting the right timing i could add a offset and settings to increase the length of the record.

While I believe SC is already pretty fast and efficient at getting osu! memory data(have you tried using TCP or WebSocket outputs? I don't get where you're getting 2s from), you could try using directly (meaning you have full control over read frequency, instead of SC artificially limiting/slowing it down)
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