Marathon maps are great for a nice test, not messing up for 4 min is a whole lot different than trying to not mess up for 15 min.
theres many good and bad points i think.
good points.
Marathons are mostly always collabs, so you get to play many different styles of mapping in one song, this i find to be very fun.
Getting a +1000 combo on a marathon map just feels soo much better than fc'ing a normal song.
If the songs in the marathon are great, then the longer the better is how i think
bad points.
When you have a bad go and cant keep a combo going, >_> mainly in multi because it makes you feel very nub.
If the songs are not chosen good for it, ....zzzzzzzzzzz time.
Sometimes it can be mapped so that theres too much of it what feels the same, which instantly makes it feel bad more easier than a normal size map.
Well thats my point of view over them, but overall i would say i'm glad there is marathon maps on here and i wish there was more
Fav one has gotta be the lucky star marathon