
How many people actually like Marathon maps?

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Do you like Marathon beatmaps?

Love them
Like them
They're ok
Hate them
Total votes: 137
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Marathon beatmaps are really long beatmaps (over 7 minutes or so).

I personally despise playing anything single song that's longer than 4 mintues (5 mins, if there's a nice video/storyboard). I'm just wondering how everyone else feels about them.
They are great when I am in the mood for them. That is, I have little stress in my life.

Since that rarely happens I don't play them much.
Yeah, they're good when I feel like playing one. XD
I enjoy playing them. I consider them a test of endurance, especially ParaPara and the Nico Nico Douga marathons. (Kumikyoku, Ryuuseigun, Nanairo no Nico Nico Douga)
Finishing a marathon map has a much better feeling than finishing a regular map. So it's basically like the feeling you get from a regular map multiplied by ten or so.

Though Marathon maps also bring with them that special brand of turmoil that regular maps are without. In a short map, if you're going for a good score, a combo-break is an instant restarter. But if you break your combo 20 minutes into a 35 minute map, is it worth restarting? No, of course not. Still, you're not gonna FC it~
It's good to play with your friends and compete. You'll see some drama happening
They're usually pretty fun since one doesn't need to worry about FCing it in order to get a nice point total added to their ranked score. The added challenge of FCing one in order to get a high rank on the leaderboard is cool, though.
Nakata Yuji

Derekku Chan wrote:

They're usually pretty fun since one doesn't need to worry about FCing it in order to get a nice point total added to their ranked score. The added challenge of FCing one in order to get a high rank on the leaderboard is cool, though.
Flipside: You have to worry about your accuracy dropping. This is the real problem with marathon maps for me, as a lot of them are freaking hard.
Marathon maps are supposed to be easier than regular maps, though. From my experience. Which is limited to Parapara, which is a really fun map.
Most seem to be around what I'd constitute as a "Hard" difficulty (sometimes with a few harder "insane" elements thrown in). In general, yes, they're usually easier than normal hard/insane maps. Once players build up stamina and improve their playing abilities, marathon maps should be a piece of cake. :)
depends on the difficulty of the map.
I like marathons, but only if the map itself is interesting enough to hold my attention. I love the DDR marathon and the Kumikyoku/Ryuuseigun, but I don't like Parapara since i find it too boring.
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Marathon map is ok. I like them but don't really like the song.
I'd say it depends on the song. parapara was boringggg... but I liked NeoMAX.

And I definitely don't want to play that Lucky Star Marathon. I haven't even tried, but I don't like Lucky Star very much. :(
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NeoMAX is around 7-8 minutes so i would call that a marathon.

i haven't actually finished playing through the whole of parapara mix, there just isn't enough streams in it <_<

also it's never ending D:

i remember playing the DDR marathon, the whole right side of my body got cold near the ending.

now "on topic": i think marathon maps are fun, but even more fun if you play them with friends in mp. gives that sort of competetive feeling (i think someone mentioned it in the thread already). ofcourse normal maps does aswell, but i can't explain it ^^

Gabi wrote:

NeoMAX is around 7-8 minutes so i would call that a marathon.

i haven't actually finished playing through the whole of parapara mix, there just isn't enough streams in it <_<

also it's never ending D:

i remember playing the DDR marathon, the whole right side of my body got cold near the ending.

now "on topic": i think marathon maps are fun, but even more fun if you play them with friends in mp. gives that sort of competetive feeling (i think someone mentioned it in the thread already). ofcourse normal maps does aswell, but i can't explain it ^^
I guess for the "Marathons are better in multiplayer" idea, its because if you miss in a marathon you still have a chance, while in most maps in MP, one miss and you're out (at least in the games im in)
I like them, though they are usually too hard for me. :P
Marathon maps are great for a nice test, not messing up for 4 min is a whole lot different than trying to not mess up for 15 min.

theres many good and bad points i think.

good points.
Marathons are mostly always collabs, so you get to play many different styles of mapping in one song, this i find to be very fun.
Getting a +1000 combo on a marathon map just feels soo much better than fc'ing a normal song.
If the songs in the marathon are great, then the longer the better is how i think :P

bad points.
When you have a bad go and cant keep a combo going, >_> mainly in multi because it makes you feel very nub.
If the songs are not chosen good for it, ....zzzzzzzzzzz time.
Sometimes it can be mapped so that theres too much of it what feels the same, which instantly makes it feel bad more easier than a normal size map.

Well thats my point of view over them, but overall i would say i'm glad there is marathon maps on here and i wish there was more :)

Fav one has gotta be the lucky star marathon :D
I love them, but of course they're not to be played everyday. They're fun to play with friends, taunting them for their tiredness. lol
I like marathon maps. It feels really great when i fc it. But in my opinion a real marathon map should not be shorter than 10 minutes, and should not have any brakes. :)
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Hate, the song choice is usually mediocre at best and I get bored of them extremely quickly. I've yet to find one I like.
Gotta say they're really fun and satisfying, and has an epic feeling to it most of the time.
Depends on my mood XD
If I like that song,it will be more fun to me to play it.
James marathon is AWESOME.
Boundary of Space is AWESOME.
The Rain Came Pouring Down is AWESOME.

love these - the quality of mapping is superb and they're rly fun to play.

I have huge dislike for paraparamax.. felt like it stole 36 minutes from my life.. had to make breaks cause it was too boring/repetitive/whatever to stand at one go.
Ahmmmm well, i think it depends....
it depends if the beatmap is good
and it depends on my mood too xD
but basically i guess it'd be fun when u play with ur friends in multiplayer n.n
I treat the enjoyment capabilities of a marathon map with the same standards that I give to a normal map: if it's intuitive and fun, I don't care if it's a marathon map.
As Taiko player, AHH!!!
If 1 miss... then it will be HELL :3...
Marathons are fun with 4 player Tag Coop!
I like playing them in multiplayer but I dont like playing them in coop mode or solo
An excellent time-waster. Love 'em.
They're allright. Major test of endurance, concentration and willpower, but hard as Hard Rock on an Insane Map.

arken1015 wrote:

As Taiko player, AHH!!!
If 1 miss... then it will be HELL :3...

DataCirno wrote:

Marathons are fun with 4 player Tag Coop!
I'll have to try that.
The thing is,if someone distracts you everything is ruined.
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