
FELT - Hail Storm

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Topic Starter

Otaku-kun123 wrote:

00:11:031 (2) - I prefer that u delete this note because i think it sound better.
:arrow: I intend to follow tweet sound
02:38:680 (1,2) - I prefer to set the note first and then the slider.
It sounds better if delete 02:41:590 (3) - and make 02:41:366 (2) - longer to 02:41:590 -
:arrow: KEEP
your idea might be good, but I want to follow big clap by circle

03:33:866 (1) - press Q :arrow: OK
03:33:978 (1) - same ^ :arrow: OK

Nice map and work!
Sorry i couldn't help you so much ;w;
Thank you for modding!
red: change
blue: no change

Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

[ General]
  1. fine!

[ Normal]
  1. Normalにしては設定が甘いので、HPまたはODのどちらかを+1上げることをお勧めします。Easyがないからこの設定をしてるかもしれませんが、BPMが低いので+1上がったところで問題はないと思います。
  2. 00:12:486 (1) - スピナー後にwhistleをつけているので、ここにもwhistleを入れたほうがいいです。back soundにもそういう音はあります。あと、スピナー後のオブジェクトはど真ん中に置くことはあまりおすすめしたくないです。osuを始めたばっかの人はデフォルトスキンを使ってることが多いと思いますので、300とかの点数表示で被っちゃうので、何処か違うとこに置きたいです。
  3. 00:18:754 (2) - hitsoundのパターンを見てますと、ここにwhistleをつけるのは変です。外したほうが自然かと思います。
  4. 00:59:053 (1) - whistleだけでは物足りない感じがしましたのでfinishを始点に入れてみてはどうでしょうか?
  5. 01:00:844 (1,2) - (2)のリズムにちょっと違和感があります。このようなボーカルをフォローするリズムを試してみてはどうでしょうか?この方がリズムが理解しやすいし、プレイもしやすくなると思います。
  6. 01:10:247 (3) - normal-whistleを始点に入れませんか?
  7. 01:24:128 (2,3) - リズムちょいと難しいというかわかりにくいと思います。ボーカルにフォローしたいのはわかりますが、ちょっとわかりにくいかなって思います。なので、このリズムを試してみてください。
  8. 01:46:292 (1) - 00:12:486と同じ感じで、真ん中には(ry
  9. 02:37:784 (1) - ^ ここはスピナー後との時間の間隔があまりないので、もしかしたら間隔をもっと空けなければならないかもしれません。結構厳しいので・・・
  10. 03:07:337 (1) - ないほうが自然かも。
  11. 04:01:068 (2) - うーん、前の(1)がボーカルをフォローしているので、ここもボーカルにフォローすべきかと思います。なので、スライダーの代わりに04:01:292にサークルを一個置くほうがいいです。
  12. 04:06:441 (3) - 中点にclapを~
  13. 04:11:814 (1) - Normal diffで1/4はダメかなって思います。今までいろんな譜面見てきましたが、Normal diffでこれは見たことがないです。ここは素直に04:12:038にサークルを一個って感じにしたほうがいいです。

[ Hard]
  1. 00:01:740 (1) - 始点にhitsoundがないのは勿体無いかな、曲の開始でもありますし、finishをつけて強調させたい。
  2. 00:07:113 (3,4) - 見た目がちょっとあまりよくないので、スライダーを曲げてこのような感じにしてみてはどうでしょうか?
  3. 00:13:829 (4,5,1) - スライダーよりも5連打にした方が良いです。
  4. 00:16:963 (3) - 綺麗にスタックさせたいのでx:332 y:220に移動させてください。
  5. 00:34:650 (2) - リピートスライダーに変えてみませんか?今のままだとやりにくくて(3)でミスしてしまいます。
  6. 00:44:277 (5) - 中途半端に音を取ってしまっているので、1/4スライダーよりもサークル一個が適しています。
  7. 00:56:254 (3) - これも中途半端に音を取っています。このリズムを試してみてください。
  8. 00:59:053 (1) - 始点にfinishが欲しいです~
  9. 01:30:172 (4,5,6,7) - Hard diffでは、あまりこのようなinsaneレベルのリズムはおすすめしたくないです。(4)をサークル1個に変えてください。
  10. 01:31:292 (1) - 始点finish~
  11. 01:43:605 (1) - new comboいらないかな。
  12. 01:44:053 (1) - 前の(4)と近すぎるので離したほうがいいです。
  13. 02:53:232 (6) - 終点にfinish~
  14. 03:21:441 (1,2,3) - リピートスライダーにかえることをお勧めします。急にこのようなリズムがサークルで来るとミスりやすくなってしまいますので。Hard diffですから。
  15. 04:06:441 (1,2,3) - 重ねていますが、ここは重ねないほうがいいです。特にこのようにスペーシングを狭くして配置するべきところではないので。
  16. 04:11:814 (1,2) - hard diffのことを考えて(1)を消して(2)だけにしたほうが自然かと思います。もしくは、3連打に変えてしまったほうがいいです。
  17. 04:19:650 (1) - finish~

[ Lunatic]
  1. 00:01:740 ~ 00:14:277 - このパートに何もhitsoundが付いてないのは寂しいです。以下に書いてあるとおりにhitsoundを入れてみてはどうでしょうか? ほかのdiffには書いていませんが、同じ感じでお願いします。
    -00:01:740 (1) - ほかのdiffにも書いてある通りfinish欲しいです。
    -00:03:531 (5,6) - これらの始点にnormal-whistleをつけてみてはどうですか?
    -00:07:113 (1,4) - ^
    -00:10:695 (1,4) - ^
    -00:05:322 (1) - 始点にfinish~
    -00:08:904 (1) - ^
    -00:12:486 (1) - ^
  2. 00:18:195 (2) - これちょっと変かな。00:18:195で何の音を取っているかわからないです。このスライダーを消して、00:18:307にサークル一個置きましょ!
  3. finish付けて欲しいところ書きました。もし一つでも入れたいと思いましたら全部いれることをお勧めします。
    -00:33:978 (1) - 始点に
    -00:37:560 (1) - ^
    -00:41:142 (1) - ^
    -00:48:307 (1) - ^
    -00:51:889 (1) - ^
    -00:55:471 (1) - ^
  4. 00:59:053 (1) - 強い音がありますので、finishが始点に欲しいな。
  5. 01:07:560 (4) - 流れ的にCTRL+Gしたほうが好きです。
  6. 01:16:292 (1) - スピード変化は合ってないように見えます・・・通常速の1.0xにしたほうがいいかも。
  7. 01:26:590 (1) - ここのnew comboいらないです。
  8. 01:27:486 (1,2) - new combo交換しましょ!(1)を外して、(2)に入れる。
  9. 01:43:605 (1) - new comboいらないかな。
  10. 01:44:053 (1) - 前のオブジェクトに近いからもっと離すか、スタックさせたほうがいいかも。
  11. 01:45:620 (1) - finish~
  12. 01:52:784 (1) - 始点finish~
  13. 01:56:366 (1) - ^
  14. 03:35:657 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 開始が青線からっていうのはちょっといやらしいです。よく聞いてみるとこの連打は03:35:545から始まってるように聞こえますので、03:35:545にサークルを追加しませんか?もしくは、聞き取りやすい03:35:769から開始してもいいかと思います。
  15. 04:11:814 (1) - 01:16:292 (1)と同じです。
  16. 04:19:650 (1) - finish~

●Normal(1.68)-Hard(3.11)の差とHard(3.11)-Insane(3.95)の差があまりバランスが取れていません。少しHard diffが難しい(star ratingが高い)ので、3.00未満に調整してみてはどうでしょうか。Hard diffで1/4多く使ってるので、それを減らしたりすれば調整はそこまで苦ではないと思います。

以上です。 がんばってください~ :)
Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:


Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

[ General]
  1. fine!

[ Normal]
  1. Normalにしては設定が甘いので、HPまたはODのどちらかを+1上げることをお勧めします。Easyがないからこの設定をしてるかもしれませんが、BPMが低いので+1上がったところで問題はないと思います。
    :arrow: fix: OD+1しました
  2. 00:12:486 (1) - スピナー後にwhistleをつけているので、ここにもwhistleを入れたほうがいいです。back soundにもそういう音はあります。あと、スピナー後のオブジェクトはど真ん中に置くことはあまりおすすめしたくないです。osuを始めたばっかの人はデフォルトスキンを使ってることが多いと思いますので、300とかの点数表示で被っちゃうので、何処か違うとこに置きたいです。
    :arrow: fix!
    spinner後のcenter objectは目からうろこでした。今度私もmodで誰かに教えます
  3. 00:18:754 (2) - hitsoundのパターンを見てますと、ここにwhistleをつけるのは変です。外したほうが自然かと思います。
    :arrow: fix: ミスです...
  4. 00:59:053 (1) - whistleだけでは物足りない感じがしましたのでfinishを始点に入れてみてはどうでしょうか?
    :arrow: fix~
  5. 01:00:844 (1,2) - (2)のリズムにちょっと違和感があります。このようなボーカルをフォローするリズムを試してみてはどうでしょうか?この方がリズムが理解しやすいし、プレイもしやすくなると思います。
    :arrow: KEEP
  6. 01:10:247 (3) - normal-whistleを始点に入れませんか? :arrow: OK
  7. 01:24:128 (2,3) - リズムちょいと難しいというかわかりにくいと思います。ボーカルにフォローしたいのはわかりますが、ちょっとわかりにくいかなって思います。なので、このリズムを試してみてください。
    :arrow: fix!
  8. 01:46:292 (1) - 00:12:486と同じ感じで、真ん中には(ry :arrow: (ry
  9. 02:37:784 (1) - ^ ここはスピナー後との時間の間隔があまりないので、もしかしたら間隔をもっと空けなければならないかもしれません。結構厳しいので・・・
    :arrow: fix
  10. 03:07:337 (1) - ないほうが自然かも。 :arrow: OK
  11. 04:01:068 (2) - うーん、前の(1)がボーカルをフォローしているので、ここもボーカルにフォローすべきかと思います。なので、スライダーの代わりに04:01:292にサークルを一個置くほうがいいです。
    :arrow: OK
  12. 04:06:441 (3) - 中点にclapを~ :arrow: OK: 良く聞いたら聞こえた
  13. 04:11:814 (1) - Normal diffで1/4はダメかなって思います。今までいろんな譜面見てきましたが、Normal diffでこれは見たことがないです。ここは素直に04:12:038にサークルを一個って感じにしたほうがいいです。
    :arrow: fix

[ Hard]
  1. 00:01:740 (1) - 始点にhitsoundがないのは勿体無いかな、曲の開始でもありますし、finishをつけて強調させたい。
    :arrow: fix
  2. 00:07:113 (3,4) - 見た目がちょっとあまりよくないので、スライダーを曲げてこのような感じにしてみてはどうでしょうか? :arrow: fine!
  3. 00:13:829 (4,5,1) - スライダーよりも5連打にした方が良いです。
    :arrow: no change
  4. 00:16:963 (3) - 綺麗にスタックさせたいのでx:332 y:220に移動させてください。 :arrow: OK
  5. 00:34:650 (2) - リピートスライダーに変えてみませんか?今のままだとやりにくくて(3)でミスしてしまいます。 :arrow: fix
  6. 00:44:277 (5) - 中途半端に音を取ってしまっているので、1/4スライダーよりもサークル一個が適しています。
    :arrow: fix
  7. 00:56:254 (3) - これも中途半端に音を取っています。このリズムを試してみてください。
    :arrow: fix: 1/4始点は中途半端かな、やっぱり
  8. 00:59:053 (1) - 始点にfinishが欲しいです~ :arrow: OK~
  9. 01:30:172 (4,5,6,7) - Hard diffでは、あまりこのようなinsaneレベルのリズムはおすすめしたくないです。(4)をサークル1個に変えてください。
    :arrow: fix
  10. 01:31:292 (1) - 始点finish~ :arrow: KEEP
  11. 01:43:605 (1) - new comboいらないかな。 :arrow: OK: なんかかっこつけたかった
  12. 01:44:053 (1) - 前の(4)と近すぎるので離したほうがいいです。 :arrow: remap
  13. 02:53:232 (6) - 終点にfinish~ :arrow: KEEP
  14. 03:21:441 (1,2,3) - リピートスライダーにかえることをお勧めします。急にこのようなリズムがサークルで来るとミスりやすくなってしまいますので。Hard diffですから。
    :arrow: fix
  15. 04:06:441 (1,2,3) - 重ねていますが、ここは重ねないほうがいいです。特にこのようにスペーシングを狭くして配置するべきところではないので。
    :arrow: fix: 上と同じです
  16. 04:11:814 (1,2) - hard diffのことを考えて(1)を消して(2)だけにしたほうが自然かと思います。もしくは、3連打に変えてしまったほうがいいです。
    :arrow: remap
    reverse sliderにしました。normalで削ったのでこっちに使います
  17. 04:19:650 (1) - finish~ :arrow: OK: いいかんじ

[ Lunatic]
  1. 00:01:740 ~ 00:14:277 - このパートに何もhitsoundが付いてないのは寂しいです。以下に書いてあるとおりにhitsoundを入れてみてはどうでしょうか? ほかのdiffには書いていませんが、同じ感じでお願いします。
    -00:01:740 (1) - ほかのdiffにも書いてある通りfinish欲しいです。
    -00:03:531 (5,6) - これらの始点にnormal-whistleをつけてみてはどうですか?
    -00:07:113 (1,4) - ^
    -00:10:695 (1,4) - ^
    -00:05:322 (1) - 始点にfinish~
    -00:08:904 (1) - ^
    -00:12:486 (1) - ^
    :arrow: fine!!!
    実はいろいろ試してうまくいかなかったのでno hitsoundにしてました。
    ほぼ提案通り修正。すごい助かりました :)
  2. 00:18:195 (2) - これちょっと変かな。00:18:195で何の音を取っているかわからないです。このスライダーを消して、00:18:307にサークル一個置きましょ!
    :arrow: fix
  3. finish付けて欲しいところ書きました。もし一つでも入れたいと思いましたら全部いれることをお勧めします。
    -00:33:978 (1) - 始点に
    -00:37:560 (1) - ^
    -00:41:142 (1) - ^
    -00:48:307 (1) - ^
    -00:51:889 (1) - ^
    -00:55:471 (1) - ^
    :arrow: KEEP
  4. 00:59:053 (1) - 強い音がありますので、finishが始点に欲しいな。 :arrow: OK
  5. 01:07:560 (4) - 流れ的にCTRL+Gしたほうが好きです。 :arrow: fine!
  6. 01:16:292 (1) - スピード変化は合ってないように見えます・・・通常速の1.0xにしたほうがいいかも。
    :arrow: no change
  7. 01:26:590 (1) - ここのnew comboいらないです。
    :arrow: OK
  8. 01:27:486 (1,2) - new combo交換しましょ!(1)を外して、(2)に入れる。 :arrow: OK
  9. 01:43:605 (1) - new comboいらないかな。 :arrow: OK
  10. 01:44:053 (1) - 前のオブジェクトに近いからもっと離すか、スタックさせたほうがいいかも。
    :arrow: no change
  11. 01:45:620 (1) - finish~ :arrow: OK
  12. 01:52:784 (1) - 始点finish~ :arrow: OK
  13. 01:56:366 (1) - ^ :arrow: OK
  14. 03:35:657 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 開始が青線からっていうのはちょっといやらしいです。よく聞いてみるとこの連打は03:35:545から始まってるように聞こえますので、03:35:545にサークルを追加しませんか?もしくは、聞き取りやすい03:35:769から開始してもいいかと思います。
    :arrow: remap
    ここも何か意図があったような。。。circle x8だと対称な形が作りやすいとか。。。
  15. 04:11:814 (1) - 01:16:292 (1)と同じです。 :arrow: no change
  16. 04:19:650 (1) - finish~ :arrow: OK

●Normal(1.68)-Hard(3.11)の差とHard(3.11)-Insane(3.95)の差があまりバランスが取れていません。少しHard diffが難しい(star ratingが高い)ので、3.00未満に調整してみてはどうでしょうか。Hard diffで1/4多く使ってるので、それを減らしたりすれば調整はそこまで苦ではないと思います。
:arrow: 最初はSR3.5くらいありました(爆

以上です。 がんばってください~ :)
Thank you for modding!
orange: change
purple: no change

sorry for late reply :(
ごめんなさい!!! なかなかosuできなくてこんな遅くなってしまって・・・
とっても勉強になりました :) :) :)  
Awesome map, Good luck in the rank :D
Topic Starter

DaxMasterix wrote:

Awesome map, Good luck in the rank :D
thank you! :) :) :)
Hey! M4M from PM.
Well, here's my mod:

00:17:859 (1) – Not good flow. Maybe try something like this?
00:23:232 (1,2) – Blanket here?
00:26:366 (3,1) – Also not good flow. Maybe move 00:27:262 (1) – till it’s somewhere here: X:40 Y:13200:29:501 (2) – Rather remove the second white square, so the last part of the slider won’t be curved.
The one in the middle. So in the end the slider must look something like this:
00:41:142 (1,2) – Try to fix the blanket a bit.00:57:710 (2) – Why not make this slider look the same as this slider: 00:58:381 (3) - ? Like this:
01:22:560 (1) – Rather remove new combo01:38:904 (2,3) – Why not just blanket here?
02:16:516 (2) – Rather just make this a straight slider.02:40:247 (2) – Rather do this? I think it looks much better.
Copy and paste 02:39:351 (1) – then Ctrl+J and then Ctrl+G.02:43:381 (2,3) – Maybe make a small blanket?
02:54:351 (3) – Move this circle till it’s here: X:52 Y:17202:56:366 (4,1) – Improve the blanket.
03:02:187 (3) – Rather do this?
It forms a kind of triangle and blankets 03:01:740 (2) – 03:03:307 (1) – Remove NC?03:25:919 (1,2) – This doesn’t look so good in my opinion. Make these two sliders look the same? Copy and paste 03:26:814 (2) – and then rotate the new slider till it looks like this:
04:13:381 (2,1) – Blanket this better, like you have blanketed this one: 04:12:038 (1,1) – This is all I could find. Nice diff.

00:39:799 (3,4) – What about a blanket here?
00:43:605 (3,4) – I don’t like this. Rather this?
Copy and paste 00:43:045 (2) – then Ctrl+J00:47:859 (5) – Maybe this here:
Copy and paste 00:46:963 (3) – then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G00:55:919 (2,4) – Improve this stack. Place 00:56:814 (4) – here: X:276 Y:21201:12:934 (5,2) - ^, move 01:13:829 (2) – till it’s here: X:332 Y:15101:26:366 (2,3) – Blanket here.01:28:829 (5) – Rather do this?
01:55:919 (3,1) – Rather blanket here.02:10:695 (1,2,3,4,5) – Complete this square shape. So DS 02:11:366 (4,5) – like you had DS’ed the previous notes.
Something like that.02:20:322 (4,5) – Don’t make a jump here. Rather form a triangle shape with the previous notes. Like this:
02:22:784 (4,1) – Fix this stack. Move 02:23:232 (1) – till it’s here: X:448 Y:31902:51:889 (1,2,3,4) – Try to form a shape with these. Like this:
Something like above, but just better.03:29:501 (1,4) – This stack can be improved. Move 03:30:844 (4) – till it’s here: X:148 Y:14803:57:262 (1) – Move this slider a bit upwards till it’s somewhere here: X:256 Y:236 to make the flower shape look better04:27:486 (2,4) – Improve stack. Place 04:28:381 (4) – here: X:288 Y:37104:31:963 (4,6) - ^, place 04:32:859 (6) – here: X:380 Y:183Also a very nice diff.

Overall, very nice mapset.
Hope this gets ranked soon.
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Hey! M4M from PM.
Well, here's my mod:

00:17:859 (1) – Not good flow. Maybe try something like this?

:arrow: OK
but about 00:17:859 (1) - , I use other way for good flow to next note
00:23:232 (1,2) – Blanket here? :arrow: OK
00:26:366 (3,1) – Also not good flow. Maybe move 00:27:262 (1) – till it’s somewhere here: X:40 Y:132
:arrow: no change
I intend to align 00:27:262 (1) - and the end of 00:26:366 (3) - in a straight line
00:29:501 (2) – Rather remove the second white square, so the last part of the slider won’t be curved.
The one in the middle. So in the end the slider must look something like this:
:arrow: no: I want irregular curveing at this part00:41:142 (1,2) – Try to fix the blanket a bit. :arrow: no: I don't intend to blanket00:57:710 (2) – Why not make this slider look the same as this slider: 00:58:381 (3) - ? Like this:
:arrow: change to other pattern01:22:560 (1) – Rather remove new combo :arrow: KEEP01:38:904 (2,3) – Why not just blanket here?
:arrow: no change
for good flow to next note, I don't use blanket pattern
02:16:516 (2) – Rather just make this a straight slider. :arrow: OK!02:40:247 (2) – Rather do this? I think it looks much better.
Copy and paste 02:39:351 (1) – then Ctrl+J and then Ctrl+G.
:arrow:no change
moving to next part is so confusing...
02:43:381 (2,3) – Maybe make a small blanket? :arrow: good!
02:54:351 (3) – Move this circle till it’s here: X:52 Y:172 :arrow: OK02:56:366 (4,1) – Improve the blanket. :arrow: OK
03:02:187 (3) – Rather do this?
It forms a kind of triangle and blankets 03:01:740 (2) –
:arrow: fine!03:03:307 (1) – Remove NC?
:arrow: no: but move NC to 03:02:859 (1) - 03:25:919 (1,2) – This doesn’t look so good in my opinion. Make these two sliders look the same? Copy and paste 03:26:814 (2) – and then rotate the new slider till it looks like this:
:arrow: OK, I agree04:13:381 (2,1) – Blanket this better, like you have blanketed this one: 04:12:038 (1,1) –
:arrow: change to other patternThis is all I could find. Nice diff. :arrow: <3

00:39:799 (3,4) – What about a blanket here? :arrow: no, I prefer mine
00:43:605 (3,4) – I don’t like this. Rather this?
Copy and paste 00:43:045 (2) – then Ctrl+J
:arrow: KEEP00:47:859 (5) – Maybe this here:
Copy and paste 00:46:963 (3) – then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G
:arrow: OK! good looking~00:55:919 (2,4) – Improve this stack. Place 00:56:814 (4) – here: X:276 Y:212 :arrow: fix01:12:934 (5,2) - ^, move 01:13:829 (2) – till it’s here: X:332 Y:151 :arrow: fix01:26:366 (2,3) – Blanket here.
:arrow: no change
I want copy pattern
01:28:829 (5) – Rather do this? :arrow: good!
01:55:919 (3,1) – Rather blanket here.
:arrow: no
since low SV and small DS, blanketting is hard to keep good flow
02:10:695 (1,2,3,4,5) – Complete this square shape. So DS 02:11:366 (4,5) – like you had DS’ed the previous notes.
Something like that.
:arrow: fine!02:20:322 (4,5) – Don’t make a jump here. Rather form a triangle shape with the previous notes. Like this:
:arrow: KEEP
I think jump pattern is suitable for this part, but if other modders say not good it, I reconsider
02:22:784 (4,1) – Fix this stack. Move 02:23:232 (1) – till it’s here: X:448 Y:319 :arrow: fix02:51:889 (1,2,3,4) – Try to form a shape with these. Like this:
Something like above, but just better.
:arrow: OK, fix it~03:29:501 (1,4) – This stack can be improved. Move 03:30:844 (4) – till it’s here: X:148 Y:148 :arrow: fix03:57:262 (1) – Move this slider a bit upwards till it’s somewhere here: X:256 Y:236 to make the flower shape look better
:arrow: KEEP
your right, but a little hard because of large spacing, imo
04:27:486 (2,4) – Improve stack. Place 04:28:381 (4) – here: X:288 Y:371 :arrow: fix04:31:963 (4,6) - ^, place 04:32:859 (6) – here: X:380 Y:183 :arrow: fixAlso a very nice diff. :arrow: <3<3

Overall, very nice mapset.
Hope this gets ranked soon.
Good Luck! :D
Thank you for modding!
red: change
blue: no change
No don't grave this please ;w;
Topic Starter

Kinshara wrote:

No don't grave this please ;w;
I cannot prevent to grave it now,,, sorry :?

but, I'll never give up for ranked!!!
from pm ~




00:18:531 (3,4) -  初見だとここの部分は厳しいと思います

01:00:956 (2,3) -  3をはやく押してしまいます。 もうちょっと離したほうがいいと思います

01:14:725 (7,1) -  csがいきなり大きくなって違和感を感じました
01:13:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -  ここの部分で少しずつ大きくするような緑線を入れてみてはどうでしょうか

02:12:262 (8,1) -  8と1のdsと02:12:486 (1,2) -  1と2のdsを同じにしたほうがたたきやすいです

03:07:560 (1) -  個人的には曲げたほうが好きです

03:25:695 (7,8,1) -  stackきちんとしてあげましょう

03:26:814 (4) -  5にstackしてみてはどうでしょうか

04:22:784 (7,8,1) -  dsがきつく感じます


00:44:277 (5) -  方向を1のほうに向けてみてはどうでしょうか

01:33:307 (2,4,1) -  全部まっすぐはすごい固いかんじになってしまうので、どれか曲げたほうがいいかもです



またね :)
Topic Starter

-Yuzuriha wrote:

from pm ~

:arrow: ごめんないさい!URLミスりました... でもこの譜面のmodをお願いしたかったのでよかったです~


:arrow: 気持ち下げました

00:18:531 (3,4) -  初見だとここの部分は厳しいと思います
:arrow: KEEP

01:00:956 (2,3) -  3をはやく押してしまいます。 もうちょっと離したほうがいいと思います
:arrow: OK:ちょっと修正

01:14:725 (7,1) -  csがいきなり大きくなって違和感を感じました
01:13:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -  ここの部分で少しずつ大きくするような緑線を入れてみてはどうでしょうか
:arrow: no change

02:12:262 (8,1) -  8と1のdsと02:12:486 (1,2) -  1と2のdsを同じにしたほうがたたきやすいです
:arrow: fix~

03:07:560 (1) -  個人的には曲げたほうが好きです
:arrow: SV変えないなら有ですね。でもここは遅くしたいのでこのままで

03:25:695 (7,8,1) -  stackきちんとしてあげましょう
:arrow: fix!

03:26:814 (4) -  5にstackしてみてはどうでしょうか
:arrow: いいかんじ<3

04:22:784 (7,8,1) -  dsがきつく感じます
:arrow: fix~


00:44:277 (5) -  方向を1のほうに向けてみてはどうでしょうか
:arrow: やっぱ違和感あるよね。。。

01:33:307 (2,4,1) -  全部まっすぐはすごい固いかんじになってしまうので、どれか曲げたほうがいいかもです
:arrow: 4に決めた!


:arrow: edit久しぶりすぎて忘れたんですけどねw Ruleも変わったみたいだし勉強しなおそうかな
またね :)
Thank you for modding!
red: change
blue: no change

Hi there, coming from either your or my request/queue or m4m, whatever. Be so kind to answer to my mod and tell my why you denied suggestions.

Suggestion, no change neccessary
Rather important change
Not so important change/small note or opinion
(copy paste end | HistoryTag: ~ Sploosh ~)

00:08:008 (4) - You could silence the Sliderend if you feel fancy
00:08:904 (1) - Maybe ctrl+g this one?
■ 00:12:486 (1,2) - I think you should unstack this one (not only to be consistent with stuff like 00:07:113 (1,2) - and 01:48:307 (1,2) - , but also so that it's easier to read)
■ 00:16:068 (1,2) - ^
■ 00:18:531 (3,4) - This doesnt really look like it'd be that fast, since it has, well, kinda the same distance 00:18:195 (2,3) - has. They player only knows this from before 00:16:740 (3,4) - . People might misread that.
As another example, the player could also read 00:35:322 (6,7) - as a faster combo like ^ is, yet it isnt.
■ 00:19:202 (6) - stack is pretty off
■ 00:22:225 (4) - This also has more spacing than it should have (since they just played the same rhythm with less spacing, 00:21:441 (1,2) - )
01:15:396 (2,3,4) - How about this?

■ 01:16:292 (1) - if you did ^, then you probably want to move this one (maybe stack it?)
■ 01:30:844 (8) - Maybe you could make this one faster (since it's the same sound as 01:16:292 (1) - ) and place it somehow similar to this?

Make it round so that the player doesnt Sliderbreak if he's suprised by the speedup

■ 02:38:680 (1,2) - I think this one should be consistent with 01:16:292 (1) -
■ 02:39:799 (3,4) - I would never expect this spacing like this, once again
■ 02:53:232 (9) - See 1:15
■ 03:40:135 (1) - I think it'll be better if you let the Spinner end on where the break starts now, since that swoosh sound doesnt stop until then
■ 04:05:769 (2,3) - unstack (see previous ones)
04:11:814 (1) - Now, this is where it'll become a problem I think. The song's kinda slow on that part, youve had a break before that and suddeny, BAM, fast Slider and you realize that too late - Your combo is now gone. In the end it might be better if you just mapped all of these like 02:38:680 (1,2) -

Now, there's that spacing thing that buggs me. Sometime you use the same spacing for either 1/4 or 1/2 timings and there is no way of telling which is which. You maybe want to go over that again (Ive written down some examples)
This also forces some rather random speedups and slowdowns (kinda like 03:00:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ) which dont really have to be there.

■ 00:29:053 (1) - unstack please. It'll be easier to read if it's more visible, since so many things appear at one in that combo
■ 01:04:762 (2) - I think something like this would be easier to read (having a Slider start on the blue tick feels weird to me)

■ 02:27:934 (3,4,5) - move these down by just a little so that the automatic stacking doesnt make them touch ingame

■ 03:40:135 (1) - same as in Lunatic

■ 00:21:889 (4,5) - since this is the easiest diff, I'd try to avoid stack everywhere possible
■ 01:44:053 (1,1) - Iam not sure if QATs will let you go through with that. The minimum time between a Spinner and the next object should be at least 750ms and you're just under that with ~670ms. Might want to ask a QAT for this
■ 02:46:516 (1) - This one is extremely close to the bottom of the screen, you might want to move it up just a little bit
■ 03:28:157 (4) - ^ same thing
■ 03:40:135 (1) - same as the other diffs
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

Hi there, coming from either your or my request/queue or m4m, whatever. Be so kind to answer to my mod and tell my why you denied suggestions.

Suggestion, no change neccessary
Rather important change
Not so important change/small note or opinion
(copy paste end | HistoryTag: ~ Sploosh ~)

00:08:008 (4) - You could silence the Sliderend if you feel fancy
:arrow: no thank you
00:08:904 (1) - Maybe ctrl+g this one?
:arrow: I intend rightside moving like 00:09:351 (2) -
■ 00:12:486 (1,2) - I think you should unstack this one (not only to be consistent with stuff like 00:07:113 (1,2) - and 01:48:307 (1,2) - , but also so that it's easier to read)
:arrow: I like this stack pattern for accent
■ 00:16:068 (1,2) - ^
■ 00:18:531 (3,4) - This doesnt really look like it'd be that fast, since it has, well, kinda the same distance 00:18:195 (2,3) - has. They player only knows this from before 00:16:740 (3,4) - . People might misread that.
As another example, the player could also read 00:35:322 (6,7) - as a faster combo like ^ is, yet it isnt.
:arrow: OK, decrease spacing
■ 00:19:202 (6) - stack is pretty off
:arrow: u~m, I dont think so
■ 00:22:225 (4) - This also has more spacing than it should have (since they just played the same rhythm with less spacing, 00:21:441 (1,2) - )
:arrow: fix
01:15:396 (2,3,4) - How about this?
:arrow: I want symmetrical pattern at this part
■ 01:16:292 (1) - if you did ^, then you probably want to move this one (maybe stack it?)
■ 01:30:844 (8) - Maybe you could make this one faster (since it's the same sound as 01:16:292 (1) - ) and place it somehow similar to this?

Make it round so that the player doesnt Sliderbreak if he's suprised by the speedup
:arrow: no change
your suggetion is intersiting! but I don't want to use this SV-changing many times.

■ 02:38:680 (1,2) - I think this one should be consistent with 01:16:292 (1) -
:arrow: I feel the same pattern is boring
■ 02:39:799 (3,4) - I would never expect this spacing like this, once again
:arrow: fix
■ 02:53:232 (9) - See 1:15
■ 03:40:135 (1) - I think it'll be better if you let the Spinner end on where the break starts now, since that swoosh sound doesnt stop until then
:arrow: nice suggetion!
■ 04:05:769 (2,3) - unstack (see previous ones)
04:11:814 (1) - Now, this is where it'll become a problem I think. The song's kinda slow on that part, youve had a break before that and suddeny, BAM, fast Slider and you realize that too late - Your combo is now gone. In the end it might be better if you just mapped all of these like 02:38:680 (1,2) -
:arrow: KEEP
this part is the turning point from slow to fast. so I think this pattern is suitable. but this SV-changing is unusual way. if other modder indicate the same stuff, I consider again

Now, there's that spacing thing that buggs me. Sometime you use the same spacing for either 1/4 or 1/2 timings and there is no way of telling which is which. You maybe want to go over that again (Ive written down some examples)
This also forces some rather random speedups and slowdowns (kinda like 03:00:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ) which dont really have to be there.
:arrow: ok, consider it

■ 00:29:053 (1) - unstack please. It'll be easier to read if it's more visible, since so many things appear at one in that combo
:arrow: OK
■ 01:04:762 (2) - I think something like this would be easier to read (having a Slider start on the blue tick feels weird to me)
:arrow: fix
■ 02:27:934 (3,4,5) - move these down by just a little so that the automatic stacking doesnt make them touch ingame
:arrow: nice!

■ 03:40:135 (1) - same as in Lunatic
:arrow: fix!

■ 00:21:889 (4,5) - since this is the easiest diff, I'd try to avoid stack everywhere possible
:arrow: OK
■ 01:44:053 (1,1) - Iam not sure if QATs will let you go through with that. The minimum time between a Spinner and the next object should be at least 750ms and you're just under that with ~670ms. Might want to ask a QAT for this
:arrow: remap
according to t/241019 , this amount of time worries me. so I change to no spinner pattern

■ 02:46:516 (1) - This one is extremely close to the bottom of the screen, you might want to move it up just a little bit
:arrow: in playing view, I see it no problem
■ 03:28:157 (4) - ^ same thing
■ 03:40:135 (1) - same as the other diffs
:arrow: fix!
Thank you for modding!
orange: change
green: no change
2015-03-03 20:52 Estellia-: I'll start with normal then
2015-03-03 20:53 Estellia-: 00:16:068 (1,2) - Blanket fix
2015-03-03 20:54 Estellia-: 00:17:859 (3,4) - Consider blanket??
2015-03-03 20:54 Estellia-: 00:19:650 (1,2) - Blanket fix
2015-03-03 20:54 Estellia-: 00:23:232 (1,2) - Same^
2015-03-03 20:54 Estellia-: 00:31:292 (3,4) - ^
2015-03-03 20:55 Estellia-: 00:39:351 (4) - Slider shape is very awkward, consider change :P
2015-03-03 20:55 Estellia-: 00:41:142 (1,2) - Fix blanket
2015-03-03 20:56 Estellia-: 01:25:695 (4,5) - Centralize?
2015-03-03 20:56 Estellia-: 01:28:381 (3,4) - Consider blanket
2015-03-03 20:56 Estellia-: 01:34:874 (1,2) - Blanket fix
2015-03-03 20:57 Estellia-: 02:08:904 (4,5) - ^
2015-03-03 20:57 Estellia-: 02:22:113 (1,2) - ^
2015-03-03 20:57 Estellia-: 02:23:232 (2,3,1) - ^
2015-03-03 20:57 Estellia-: 02:26:814 (3,4) - ^
2015-03-03 20:57 Estellia-: 02:33:754 (3,4) - ^
2015-03-03 20:58 Estellia-: 02:35:769 (1,1) - Distance too short for recovery time in Normal
2015-03-03 20:58 Estellia-: 02:43:381 (2,3) - Blanket fix
2015-03-03 20:58 Estellia-: 02:48:083 (4,5) - ^
2015-03-03 20:58 Estellia-: 02:48:978 (5,1) - ^
2015-03-03 20:58 Estellia-: 02:50:769 (2,3) - consider blanket?
2015-03-03 20:59 Estellia-: 03:22:337 (1,2,3) - ^
2015-03-03 20:59 Estellia-: 03:26:814 (2,3) - Blanket fix
2015-03-03 20:59 Estellia-: 03:26:814 (2,3,4) - ^
2015-03-03 20:59 Estellia-: 03:29:501 (1,2) - ^
2015-03-03 20:59 Estellia-: 03:57:710 (1,1,2) - ^
2015-03-03 20:59 Estellia-: 04:03:754 (5,6) - ^
2015-03-03 20:59 Estellia-: 04:12:038 (1,1) - ^
2015-03-03 21:00 Estellia-: That's it I think
2015-03-03 21:00 Estellia-: I feel like for Normals you need to have better blanket techniques because only then it will be a neat Normal
2015-03-03 21:01 Estellia-: Also, minimize the use of weird slider shapes such as 00:41:142 (1) - 01:30:396 (5) -
2015-03-03 21:01 Estellia-: That's all my advice for normal~
2015-03-03 21:01 Estellia-: Moving onto Hard~
2015-03-03 21:06 Estellia-: 00:03:531 (3,4) - Slider shapes are weird
2015-03-03 21:06 Estellia-: `00:12:486 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rhythm may be too hard to understand
2015-03-03 21:07 Estellia-: 00:37:337 (5,1) - Blanket fix
2015-03-03 21:07 Estellia-: 00:40:471 (4,1) - Make this more circular?
2015-03-03 21:07 Estellia-: 00:50:993 (3,1) - The overlapping is very obstructive looking, shift 1 away
2015-03-03 21:08 Estellia-: 00:57:374 (6,1) - Shift 1 closer to 5 so rhythm is more understandable
2015-03-03 21:12 Estellia-: 01:38:232 (1,2) - I don't like how the sliders touch
2015-03-03 21:13 Estellia-: 02:34:426 (2,3,4) - Flow is very conflicting here, consider changing the flow of these sliders
2015-03-03 21:15 Estellia-: I think that's about it
2015-03-03 21:16 Estellia-: I don't want to be too strict about your Hard
2015-03-03 21:16 Estellia-: Also I find some rhythms to be not optimal for Hard diffs, especially the parts where you were following the drums.
2015-03-03 21:17 Estellia-: As the drums are rather soft, I'd rather you pick up some of the vocal as well and remove some repetitive rhythms like here: 01:56:366 (1,2,3) -
2015-03-03 21:17 Estellia-: On to lunatic~
2015-03-03 21:19 Estellia-: For your Lunatic, I really won't like to say much, because you did a really good job!
2015-03-03 21:20 Estellia-: Although you mainly followed the drums, it is still ok for Insane players to follow
2015-03-03 21:20 Estellia-: And I also have a feeling that this difficulty will be very fun! >w<
2015-03-03 21:20 RandomEffect: thanks a lot~
2015-03-03 21:20 Estellia-: Maybe 01:16:292 (1) - could be slowed down more
2015-03-03 21:20 Estellia-: Nothing much to say for your lunatic, it is really well done
2015-03-03 21:20 Estellia-: Ok that's it from me~
2015-03-03 21:21 Estellia-: Was my mod ok? owo
2015-03-03 21:21 RandomEffect: thanks, your blanket suggetions are so useful~
2015-03-03 21:22 Estellia-: Haha thank you >w<
2015-03-03 21:22 Estellia-: I can only do blanket mods :c
2015-03-03 21:22 Estellia-: Which is sad :c
2015-03-03 21:22 Estellia-: I'll go post this log on your map~
Topic Starter
thank you, Estellia- :)

fix some blankets
  1. 01:25:695 (4,5) - centralize
  2. 02:35:769 (1) - delete the note of after spinner

osu! more the FELT!!!!

ganbattekudasai!! :D
Kamio Misuzu
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FELT <3
Yes, I love FELT <3

  1. 00:29:501 (5) - Try removing the whistle and use a drum-hitclap here instead for a stronger emphasis.
  2. 00:50:993 (5) - Remove whistle on the body lol.
  3. 00:51:889 (1) - There seems to be a very faint cymbal sound in the background here. Adding a finish to match that would be pretty cool.
  4. 01:20:769 (2,3) - Not a big fan of the 1/2s being here since we skip through a lot of the vocals as well. How about this?
  5. 01:34:874 (1,2,3) - Hmm how about this kind of rhythm instead to match the vocals better?
  6. 02:13:381 (4) - I think adding a whistle with normal additions here sounds great with that piano.
    1. 02:28:157 (4) - Here, too :D
  7. 02:38:904 (1) - I think you also missed a finish here to go with the clap.
  8. 02:41:142 (4) - The slider is kinda weird here since you had a greater density of notes in the first kiai (01:18:754 (4,5) ), where in the second kiai it's easier to play o_o; I would probably break up that slider and follow the first kiai imo.
  9. 02:52:784 (1,2) - Maybe try this pattern instead so that the finish hits the slider end instead, to be consistent with 01:30:396 (5). Oh, and add a finish as well.
  10. 02:58:157 (2) - I think you missed a whistle on the slider head here.
  11. 03:06:441 (1,2) - Not a big fan of what's going on here :P maybe move this around like this?
  12. 03:33:978 (2,1) - Hmm, try a drum-hitfinish on the repeat and drum-hitclap on the slider end. I find that this sounds really good with the music!
  1. 00:13:829 (4,5) - Kinda confusing to play ;w; how about this instead?
  2. 00:51:889 (1) - How about a finish here to match that faint cymbal sound? (same point as Normal)
  3. 01:04:874 (3) - The repeat slider here sounds kind of empty? Maybe add a whistle with normal additions to the head and tail for better feedback?
  4. 01:05:322 (4) - Kind of weird how you're following the instruments at 01:04:874 (3) - but this slider passes through a similar sound at 01:05:545. I would suggest to continue following the instruments until the next measure at 01:06:217.
  5. 01:26:590 (3) - Try Ctrl+J and place it to bit to the left? I think it plays nicely that way.
  1. 00:07:672 (3) - This is quite difficult to read for AR8 since the objects appear a lot earlier than compared to AR9.
  2. 00:30:844 (2) - Were you aiming to match the sliderbody with 00:29:837 (4,1,2,3,4,1)? Try moving the slider end to x:14|y:178
  3. 02:30:620 (2,3,4,5) - How about a whistle with normal additions on the head for these and then one on just the 5 to match the vocals?
  4. 02:43:829 (4) - Remove the drum-sampleset from the head here. Probably an accident :P
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Giralda wrote:

Yes, I love FELT <3

  1. 00:29:501 (5) - Try removing the whistle and use a drum-hitclap here instead for a stronger emphasis.
    :arrow: fix!
    I forgot only normal-diff...
  2. 00:50:993 (5) - Remove whistle on the body lol.
    :arrow: lol fix
  3. 00:51:889 (1) - There seems to be a very faint cymbal sound in the background here. Adding a finish to match that would be pretty cool.
    :arrow: KEEP
    I cannot hear that
  4. 01:20:769 (2,3) - Not a big fan of the 1/2s being here since we skip through a lot of the vocals as well. How about this?
    :arrow: fine!
  5. 01:34:874 (1,2,3) - Hmm how about this kind of rhythm instead to match the vocals better?
    :arrow: OK
  6. 02:13:381 (4) - I think adding a whistle with normal additions here sounds great with that piano.
    1. 02:28:157 (4) - Here, too :D
    :arrow: I don't like it, sorry
  7. 02:38:904 (1) - I think you also missed a finish here to go with the clap.
    :arrow: yes, thanks XD
  8. 02:41:142 (4) - The slider is kinda weird here since you had a greater density of notes in the first kiai (01:18:754 (4,5) ), where in the second kiai it's easier to play o_o; I would probably break up that slider and follow the first kiai imo.
    :arrow: remap
    you're right. that's a little boring
  9. 02:52:784 (1,2) - Maybe try this pattern instead so that the finish hits the slider end instead, to be consistent with 01:30:396 (5). Oh, and add a finish as well.
    :arrow: no change
    in this part, I intend to make inconsitent pattern with first kiai. finish hitting slider''s start is fine, too. but i missed finish... add it :|
  10. 02:58:157 (2) - I think you missed a whistle on the slider head here.
    :arrow: fix
  11. 03:06:441 (1,2) - Not a big fan of what's going on here :P maybe move this around like this?
    :arrow: fix
    I intended to make 03:07:560 (2) - by straight slider for big finish -sound, but your symmetrical pattern is fine! i prefer it
  12. 03:33:978 (2,1) - Hmm, try a drum-hitfinish on the repeat and drum-hitclap on the slider end. I find that this sounds really good with the music!
    :arrow: OK
    I missed only normal-diff, too...
  1. 00:13:829 (4,5) - Kinda confusing to play ;w; how about this instead?
    :arrow: fix
    several modders say the same point, so OK change~
  2. 00:51:889 (1) - How about a finish here to match that faint cymbal sound? (same point as Normal)
    :arrow: no change
  3. 01:04:874 (3) - The repeat slider here sounds kind of empty? Maybe add a whistle with normal additions to the head and tail for better feedback?
    :arrow: good idea~
  4. 01:05:322 (4) - Kind of weird how you're following the instruments at 01:04:874 (3) - but this slider passes through a similar sound at 01:05:545. I would suggest to continue following the instruments until the next measure at 01:06:217.
    :arrow: KEEP
    if following the instruments correectly, 1/4rhythm appears. that's hard to find rhythm for hard, imo
  5. 01:26:590 (3) - Try Ctrl+J and place it to bit to the left? I think it plays nicely that way.
    :arrow: fix~
  1. 00:07:672 (3) - This is quite difficult to read for AR8 since the objects appear a lot earlier than compared to AR9.
    :arrow: mmm, KEEP
    around SR4, almost diff are AR8. but if other modder indicate the same, I reconsider it
  2. 00:30:844 (2) - Were you aiming to match the sliderbody with 00:29:837 (4,1,2,3,4,1)? Try moving the slider end to x:14|y:178
    :arrow: fine!
  3. 02:30:620 (2,3,4,5) - How about a whistle with normal additions on the head for these and then one on just the 5 to match the vocals?
    :arrow: that's good~
  4. 02:43:829 (4) - Remove the drum-sampleset from the head here. Probably an accident :P
    :arrow: yes, fix
Good luck~
Thank you for modding!
red: change
blue: no change

Nice map x.x

00:18:754 (4) - move 1/4 later? I think it fits music better
02:07:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - following a smooth curve instead of returning jump may fit the atmosphere better imo. ofc you can keep current patter c:
03:27:934 (1) - moving 1/4 earlier will fit music better. hear the drum in music. btw I think current rhythm is kind of confusing, and doesn't have a clear theme
03:24:351 (1) -
03:31:516 (1) - ^
04:19:650 (1,2) - exchange nc? kinda hard to read to me

00:24:575 (4) - move a bit farther from 00:24:128 (3) -
01:38:904 (2) - move farther. this is kind of confusing antijump
02:38:904 (1) - move under 02:37:784 (1) - ?

Looks fine~

I think the map needs a bit more polish. Find 2 more mods then call me back. Good luck :3
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:


Nice map x.x

00:18:754 (4) - move 1/4 later? I think it fits music better
:arrow: u~m. I want to follow bass drum sound
02:07:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - following a smooth curve instead of returning jump may fit the atmosphere better imo. ofc you can keep current patter c:
:arrow: I remap to smoother pattern~
03:27:934 (1) - moving 1/4 earlier will fit music better. hear the drum in music. btw I think current rhythm is kind of confusing, and doesn't have a clear theme
03:24:351 (1) -
03:31:516 (1) - ^
:arrow: OK, add notes intead of moving 1/2 notes. I want to follow strong main sound, too

04:19:650 (1,2) - exchange nc? kinda hard to read to me :arrow: fix

00:24:575 (4) - move a bit farther from 00:24:128 (3) - :arrow: ok
01:38:904 (2) - move farther. this is kind of confusing antijump :arrow: ok
02:38:904 (1) - move under 02:37:784 (1) - ?
:arrow: you recommend stack ? ok, fix

Looks fine~ :arrow: <3

I think the map needs a bit more polish. Find 2 more mods then call me back. Good luck :3
Thank you for modding!
red: change
blue: no change
star icon.....

hope this mod will help you at least a bit.

  1. 00:08:120 - you missing a note here or if you want to emphasis that ring sound by that slider is also fine.
  2. 00:14:277 (1,2,3,4) - these are really strong sound but you didn't add any hitsound there so I think you have to add it such as drum-finish or something.
  3. 00:19:650 (1) - I wonder why you didn't add finish to this obvious cymbal or are they too calm, apply to the same case.
  4. 01:05:993 (9) - next note is cymbal which have shorter spacing than previous note. rather move this further from the next note to emphasis cymbal better. you can move it to 368|130 for keeping neat or elsewhere that you think it's fit.
  5. 01:09:799 (1) - similar same reason as above but in this case, the way this note placed doesn't flow nicely, I suggest you to stack this with 01:11:366 (6) to keep it neat and improving flow and improve cymbal emphasizes.
  6. 01:20:098 (1) - three word of vocal using just one reverse slider is weird for insane imo.
  7. 01:31:292 (1) - this one really need finish imo. beginning of second kiai (in case there have kiai fountain.)
  8. 01:33:978 (5,6,7,1) - make these four consistent spacing would be a good idea for me, better flow.
  9. 01:38:456 - beginning of vocal but it's on tail, weird.
  10. 01:27:710 - since you are ignore this cymbal, 01:27:486 you can change to two 1/2 slider to emphasis vocal instead.
  11. 01:40:023 (5) - looks similar as 1/4.
  12. 02:15:956 . 02:16:180 - missing note.
  13. 02:20:993 (1) - unnecessary NC, you didn't add NC like this on the beginning so you have to remove.
  14. 02:25:359 (2) - this note is calm imo, add whistle?
  15. 02:41:702 (3) - move a bit right, almost touch plus keep consistent spacing.
  16. 02:53:680 (1) - add finish, same reason as I mentioned and you add finish on this note at the beginning of second kiai as well so why not.
  17. 03:00:620 (1) - very strong beat at tail, hmm weird.
  18. 03:03:531 (4) - touched, move a bit left.
  19. 03:03:978 (1,2,3) - make triangle like this? recently on tail is very strong beat and it need to be click imo, and 3 I show you is stack on previous slider tail so it will be neat.
  20. 04:11:814 (1) - just want to share this idea, this is triple so kickslider and the jump is another option.
  21. 04:25:695 (1) - unnecessary NC imo.
  22. 04:26:814 (1) - inconsistent spacing which happen because of lower SV and I think it's not necessary to do that, just make them consistent would look at lot better.
  1. 00:15:172 (1) - maybe you have some reason to do this but I think this is really weird, make their spacing consistent look better.
  2. 00:57:262 (5,6) - a bit left would be good.
  3. 01:38:232 (1) - very strong beat on tail.
  4. 02:53:232 (6) - finish on tail.
  5. 03:40:135 (1) - add some hitsound?
  6. 04:26:366 (4,5,1) - consistent spacing, short distance begin at 04:27:486 (2)
  1. 02:38:904 (1) - better place this at the center like you did on 03:57:710 (1) because I believe that newbie will look at the center first. if you place so far and they look to it suddenly and see two (1) they will confused.
  2. 04:26:366 (2,3) - I'm not sure if it better to replace these two with one 1/2 slider because I think three circles is too much especially on the end, if combobreak, rip.
overall is nice map! good luck with ranked :D
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

star icon.....

hope this mod will help you at least a bit.

  1. 00:08:120 - you missing a note here or if you want to emphasis that ring sound by that slider is also fine.
    :arrow: yes, considering previous pattern, blue-line's note is missed. but I intend to emphasis ring sound and keep arrow pattern
  2. 00:14:277 (1,2,3,4) - these are really strong sound but you didn't add any hitsound there so I think you have to add it such as drum-finish or something.
    :arrow: good idea!
  3. 00:19:650 (1) - I wonder why you didn't add finish to this obvious cymbal or are they too calm, apply to the same case.
    :arrow: ok, I recheck all finish places 8-)
  4. 01:05:993 (9) - next note is cymbal which have shorter spacing than previous note. rather move this further from the next note to emphasis cymbal better. you can move it to 368|130 for keeping neat or elsewhere that you think it's fit.
    :arrow: OK, it looks good, too~
  5. 01:09:799 (1) - similar same reason as above but in this case, the way this note placed doesn't flow nicely, I suggest you to stack this with 01:11:366 (6) to keep it neat and improving flow and improve cymbal emphasizes.
    :arrow: the place of 01:09:799 (1) - is suitable for good flow for me. I want to keep it
  6. 01:20:098 (1) - three word of vocal using just one reverse slider is weird for insane imo.
    :arrow: ok, reverse is not suitable for this part
  7. 01:31:292 (1) - this one really need finish imo. beginning of second kiai (in case there have kiai fountain.)
    :arrow: ok
  8. 01:33:978 (5,6,7,1) - make these four consistent spacing would be a good idea for me, better flow.
    :arrow: I make consistent spacing about 01:33:978 (5,6,7) - , but keep the spacing of 01:34:650 (7,1) - for good flow
  9. 01:38:456 - beginning of vocal but it's on tail, weird.
    :arrow: it's good for cymbal sound, imo
  10. 01:27:710 - since you are ignore this cymbal, 01:27:486 you can change to two 1/2 slider to emphasis vocal instead.
    :arrow: ok, use 1/2 slider x2
  11. 01:40:023 (5) - looks similar as 1/4.
    :arrow: I think not so
  12. 02:15:956 . 02:16:180 - missing note.
    :arrow: I want to follow vocal at this part. 1/4 rush is not good, imo
  13. 02:20:993 (1) - unnecessary NC, you didn't add NC like this on the beginning so you have to remove.
    :arrow: ok
  14. 02:25:359 (2) - this note is calm imo, add whistle?
    :arrow: wow, i mistaked...
  15. 02:41:702 (3) - move a bit right, almost touch plus keep consistent spacing.
    :arrow: ok
  16. 02:53:680 (1) - add finish, same reason as I mentioned and you add finish on this note at the beginning of second kiai as well so why not.
    :arrow: ok
  17. 03:00:620 (1) - very strong beat at tail, hmm weird.
    :arrow: I like this pattern about cymbal, sorry
  18. 03:03:531 (4) - touched, move a bit left.
    :arrow: ok
  19. 03:03:978 (1,2,3) - make triangle like this? recently on tail is very strong beat and it need to be click imo, and 3 I show you is stack on previous slider tail so it will be neat.
    :arrow: I don't like this flow, sorry
  20. 04:11:814 (1) - just want to share this idea, this is triple so kickslider and the jump is another option.
    :arrow: umm, i want to use high speed slider
  21. 04:25:695 (1) - unnecessary NC imo.
    :arrow: ok
  22. 04:26:814 (1) - inconsistent spacing which happen because of lower SV and I think it's not necessary to do that, just make them consistent would look at lot better.
    :arrow: ok, fix
  1. 00:15:172 (1) - maybe you have some reason to do this but I think this is really weird, make their spacing consistent look better.
    :arrow: ok, i agree with you~
  2. 00:57:262 (5,6) - a bit left would be good.
    :arrow: k
  3. 01:38:232 (1) - very strong beat on tail.
    :arrow: same reason as insame
  4. 02:53:232 (6) - finish on tail.
    :arrow: k
  5. 03:40:135 (1) - add some hitsound?
    :arrow: u~m, unnecessary, I think
  6. 04:26:366 (4,5,1) - consistent spacing, short distance begin at 04:27:486 (2)
    :arrow: ok
  1. 02:38:904 (1) - better place this at the center like you did on 03:57:710 (1) because I believe that newbie will look at the center first. if you place so far and they look to it suddenly and see two (1) they will confused.
    :arrow: ok, fix
  2. 04:26:366 (2,3) - I'm not sure if it better to replace these two with one 1/2 slider because I think three circles is too much especially on the end, if combobreak, rip.
    :arrow: mm, i like this pattern. sorry, keep
overall is nice map! good luck with ranked :D
Thank you for modding!
red: change
blue: no change

10nya wrote:


good luck on the song, it's a good one ~

EDIT: supported~
LOLOLOLO 11 months ago and here i am, from the queue


  1. please add reitaisai 10 or 例大祭 10 event and the song is actually from おてんば恋娘 (Tomboyish Girl in Love) theme :)
  1. 02:30:172 (3,4) - : actually 02:30:396 - doesn't have any music at all, which its means this part is pretty awkward. how about change this into slider? it's more fit :3
  2. 03:38:232 (2) - : add finish
  3. 04:13:381 (2) - : 2nd slider point 2 grid to left to make better shape :)
  4. 04:16:068 (1) - : remove finish, there's nothing here o3o
  1. 00:43:717 (4) - : how about rearrange like this? the flow is quite bad for me ><!
  2. 00:49:426 (3) - : this slider is too close from previous but it's in the middle of 00:48:978 - and 00:50:098 - so why dont put this on 216 320 to make better jump? it's not a big deal too since they all sliders
  3. 01:07:113 (2) - : move this slider to 01:06:889 - and add circle to 01:07:560 - would be good :D it'll follow vocal
  4. 01:36:441 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - : bad flow imo, how about rearrange like this? simply just reshape slider on 01:36:441 - copy pasted sliider 3
  5. 01:46:963 (1) - : add finish
  6. 02:13:157 (4,5) - : bad flow, how about rearrange like this? use 1,60x ds :3
  7. 02:35:322 (4) - : bad flow, how about rearrange like this? it'll make the flow better :D
  8. 04:02:187 (2) - : bad flow, how about change this into 2 circle?
  9. 04:26:814 (1) - : unsnapped
  1. 00:10:247 (4,5,1) - : make the ds same?
  2. 00:29:837 (4,1,2,3,4,1) - : 3 grids up? it'll make the streams more neat
go bubble \w\
Topic Starter

10nya wrote:

10nya wrote:


good luck on the song, it's a good one ~

EDIT: supported~
LOLOLOLO 11 months ago and here i am, from the queue

wow, thanks for remember my map for a long time! I'm very very happy<3<3<3
  1. please add reitaisai 10 or 例大祭 10 event and the song is actually from おてんば恋娘 (Tomboyish Girl in Love) theme :)
    :arrow: ok, I refine tags~
  1. 02:30:172 (3,4) - : actually 02:30:396 - doesn't have any music at all, which its means this part is pretty awkward. how about change this into slider? it's more fit :3

    :arrow: there is weak drum sound though not follow vocal. I prefer to make 1/1 slider pattern at this part
  2. 03:38:232 (2) - : add finish
    :arrow: missing... thank you~
  3. 04:13:381 (2) - : 2nd slider point 2 grid to left to make better shape :)
    :arrow: nice symmetrical slider<3
  4. 04:16:068 (1) - : remove finish, there's nothing here o3o
    :arrow: ok
  1. 00:43:717 (4) - : how about rearrange like this? the flow is quite bad for me ><!
    :arrow: ok
  2. 00:49:426 (3) - : this slider is too close from previous but it's in the middle of 00:48:978 - and 00:50:098 - so why dont put this on 216 320 to make better jump? it's not a big deal too since they all sliders
    :arrow: ok, separate both a little. but since I want to keep consistent spacing, adjust the other notes
  3. 01:07:113 (2) - : move this slider to 01:06:889 - and add circle to 01:07:560 - would be good :D it'll follow vocal
    :arrow: i want to keep the same way as 01:08:008 (1,2) -
  4. 01:36:441 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - : bad flow imo, how about rearrange like this? simply just reshape slider on 01:36:441 - copy pasted sliider 3
    :arrow: fine!
  5. 01:46:963 (1) - : add finish
    :arrow: lol thx
  6. 02:13:157 (4,5) - : bad flow, how about rearrange like this? use 1,60x ds :3
    :arrow: the flow to next note is not good. but 1.6x pattern is nice, change spacing a little
  7. 02:35:322 (4) - : bad flow, how about rearrange like this? it'll make the flow better :D
    :arrow: ok
  8. 04:02:187 (2) - : bad flow, how about change this into 2 circle?
    :arrow: fine!
  9. 04:26:814 (1) - : unsnapped
    :arrow: !?!? i cannot find it by Ai-mod... thanks a lot!!!
  1. 00:10:247 (4,5,1) - : make the ds same?
    :arrow: ok
  2. 00:29:837 (4,1,2,3,4,1) - : 3 grids up? it'll make the streams more neat
    :arrow: ok
go bubble \w\
Thank you for modding!
orange: change
blue: no change
All good as far as I know.

Topic Starter
yes! thank you! :) :) :)
ike pls rank (((runs
I'm thinking about this.
EDIT: once this version gets out of qualified state:
Hold it!


AR 4.5 is kinda much, considering that it is easiest diff in mapset. Beginners are usually bad at reacting, so 4.0 would be the best option here (and honestly your patterns not really requires anything higher that 4.0)


Is CS 3.9 was set accidentally or on purpose? If yes, change to 4 please.

Let me know~
Topic Starter

Kodora wrote:

Hold it!


AR 4.5 is kinda much, considering that it is easiest diff in mapset. Beginners are usually bad at reacting, so 4.0 would be the best option here (and honestly your patterns not really requires anything higher that 4.0)
:arrow: ok, I agree with you~


Is CS 3.9 was set accidentally or on purpose? If yes, change to 4 please.
:arrow: when I adjusted SR a long time ago, I set it. but about the latest mapset, that's unnecessary as you say

Let me know~
all fix!
Rebubbled! <3
Placeholder for rank Kite's map was dq

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Kite's map was dq
Don't know why the placeholders are all holding themselves back from this mapset
but I'm gonna rank it.

Zero__wind wrote:

Don't know why the placeholders are all holding themselves back from this mapset
but I'm gonna rank it.
lol sorry about that :P
do you love FELT ?

Congrats on qualified and good luck for ranked!
ohhh... another felt song on qualified state :)

will add to discography after ranked
Finally!!! Congratulations! :D
Weeee ~ Omedeto Random-san owo
おめ!!! ;)
Topic Starter
I'm surprised just now!!!

Thank you very much everyone!

I'll be back ASAP~
One more day! Please no DQ
Sorry for inconvenience. This mapset has been taken out of the qualified section due to these reasons:

Insufficient quality.
The space, flow and some rhythm is not good enough and can be polished more before ranking.

Below is a modding that from my prospective. Just some examples of the issue.
00:03:531 (5,6) - Can be a lot better if the symmetry is well performed.
00:10:695 (1,2,3) - It is hard to hit in this flow. Although the distance is the same with 00:10:471 (5,1) . Example as a choice:00:17:411 (5) - Reads like a 1/4. Can be a little misleading.
00:18:195 (2,3) - We often read it as 1/4 jumps but here is 1/2. And the distance between 00:18:531 (3,4) - is quite large. So it's confusing here.
00:25:023 (1,2) - You can make an comparision with 00:16:963 (4,5) , and the distance suddenly goes large.
00:50:545 (2,3,4,5,1) - Tricky spacing I guess. You can make the 1/2 rhythm larger in 5-1.
01:16:292 (1) - Unreadable slider.
02:38:904 (2) - This jump can be a little bit hard or not nature to hit. You can move the note 2 downward to make the jump not that hard to hit.
02:55:695 (2,3,4,5,6) - Unbalanced distance between 1/4 rhythms. You can make the distance equal to each other, or just stacking 2,3,4 is a good choice.
03:27:262 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - The stacking on 1,2 makes the part hard to read.
04:11:814 (1) - Also unreadable.

00:31:963 (1,2) - In previous part and the starting part of the vocal you followed the drum. And now I am not sure what track you are following. If you are on vocal, the ending of the slider 2 is on a drum and the vocal is still strong.
00:57:150 - Here is a drum. And it's strong. A note is suggested to emphasize here.
01:22:560 - Just a suggestion but I know you are following the drum, but here the vocal is really strong.

More moddings are welcomed. Other diffs are done well. Good luck.

Topic Starter

but, thank you Atrue ;)
I'll do my best for next chance!
lol why its graveyarded
Don't give up random

Please rank it for all us FELT lovers ;-;
This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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