You can add tags via the beatmap editor, simply write them into the field "Tags", sepparated by spaces.

A hastag (#) is not needed at all. (mentioning this since you used it in your map.)
Tags usually are words that:
- Language of the song
- Genre of the Song
- Other mappers involved with this mapset (GD, Collab, SB, Skin/Sound elements)
- If it describes the map (simple, jump, tech, stream, etc)
- Notable names/groups to mention (Example: Vocaloid (as in my example), if the song is sung by a Vocaloid)
- Creator of the background/video used in the map.
- "FA Featured Arist" in case you use the song of a Featured Artist and the song is from the
FA libraryPretty sure there are more options, but I can't think of any more rn.
Regardless, hope this helps you