All fixed without
01:34:048 - I don't think a Kiai fountain fits here.
00:46:005 (8) - Hidden for me.
Sorry to say it, but you need an easier difficulty.I made "Down to Up" easier again. I start to get tired of making this beatmap, so I don't will make another difficulty.
[Down to Up]Notes in "Right to Left" and "Wrong to Wrong" aren't far from the center too.
I understand why so many sliders, but the problem is that, almost all the notes aren't far from the center. It may seem a bit boring for other people.
[Wrong to Wrong]Lol, I was inspired by the background image. Look at it and notes - complete mess, yes, but I think it's cool.
Woah, be careful with this difficulty. I think I understand why "Wrong to Wrong", but everything looks like a complete mess. o_o;