
Desucon 9

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Hi. Just like last year Im gonna make a shitty Desucon thread again in hope that it'll be more popular this time.

So most people want this info:

What? - Anime, Video Games, Fantasy, Books, etc. The Biggest Nerd (or Otaku) Convention in Norway. Cool shit to buy and see!
Where? - Norges Varemesse, Lillestrøm, Norway
When? 27th - 29th of June.
Friday: 16:00 - 21:00 (VIP 15:30)
Saturday: 12:00 - 21:00 (VIP 11:00)
Sunday: 10:00 - 19:30 (VIP 10:00)

If you don't have anywhere to stay in Lillestrøm, you can actually stay overnight at the con as long as you either have a VIP ticket or a Festivalpass + Overnight Stay. Overnight Stay comes with the VIP ticket, but if you have a regular Festivalpass you can buy Overnight Stay for an extra 150NOK.

You can buy tickets and find more (but not much) information at their official site:

Who is going?
  1. Dolphin
  2. 31415926535897
  3. -GN
  4. Zerzxes
  5. Jona
  6. Dazzy
  7. Zumori
  8. Kiwikun's girlfriend.
  9. Cuppp
  10. LittleMisa
  11. Anonymkis
  12. Lighteaker
  13. ityka
If you plan on going, just post in this thread! Are you cosplaying? Who are cosplaying? What do you plan on doing at the con?

Personally, I'm gonna be cosplaying as Nue Houjuu, genderbent, and if they have the same events they had last year, I'm gonna go for the cosplay blind dating contest and the normal cosplay contest. :D
I'm excited! :'DD
Pedovan2k14 2! the return of pedovan.
i'm gonna dye my hair blue and accidentally cosplay someone

i'm not
I might come, depends on my money and if i can get some friend to join me :P sounds really fun tho :D
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hype \o/

If we get enough people going maybe we can arrange an actual meetup. I mean I guess we could even if we're few but then it wouldnt feel like an actual meetup it would more of less be "uh.. hi... im [username]" whilst if we had a good amount of people it would be like "wooooh!!! Desucon!! osu!Skandi!!!"

I will try make a sign to make myself easy to spot.
More updates to come I suppose lol

(Im probably gonna use this as a "my progress on shit and pictures" thread)
ew norweigan anime

Chokladboll wrote:

ew norweigan anime
swedish anime masterrace

Liiraye wrote:

Chokladboll wrote:

ew norweigan anime
swedish anime masterrace
thanks but no thanks
I might be going /o/ probably as something moe and cute ;w;
My gf is going. I would too, but I'm away. :( Look for her, though. :)
Going together with Zumori :3
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We seem to have quite a few going this year. I am being hopeful that we'll have enough people to arrange a meetup.
If we get 10 or more (preferably) people that are pretty sure they can go I'll try looking at the schedule when its available and see what we can do!
The meetup will probably be on Friday (the first day) as that day is the "social event" day this year. No sort of special event or contest is going on afaik. I dont know if the shop stands are even gonna be open. The art stands will be to my knowledge.

TL;DR: if we get more than 10 people coming I'll set up for a meetup on Friday (Day 1)
Oh if it's in Lillestrøm its just a short way with the train, I might go ~
LittleMisa is most likely coming c:

Edit: i have some questions i need answered in order to go, mind if i contact you ingame/pm you dolphin ?
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Jona wrote:

LittleMisa is most likely coming c:

Edit: i have some questions i need answered in order to go, mind if i contact you ingame/pm you dolphin ?
Sure, talk to me any time.

Jona wrote:

I might come, depends on my money and if i can get some friend to join me :P sounds really fun tho :D
i gotcha' you wont be going alone bby~
I was actually planning to go, but apparently I forgot that I'm traveling to Thailand at that date so I won't be able to. Maybe next year? 8-)
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KinomiCandy wrote:

I was actually planning to go, but apparently I forgot that I'm traveling to Thailand at that date so I won't be able to. Maybe next year? 8-)
Sure thing. I personally plan on going every year.
Wowowow, I always go. Would be cool to meet some osu! people.
I'm going!!! x3 :D

I finally found someone to cosplay !
Momo-chan from: mekaku actors, idol dress cosplay =^.^=

the skandinavian osu cookie might ruin it, but i'll bring it anyway :)
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My stepsister (who I think is also going) might be coming over next weekend, and if she does, we'll be working on a sign for the meetup, for sure! I'll keep you updated. For the rest of you who're going, maybe you should do something to be recognized better too?

I guess you could possibly print out the osu! skandi cookie and put it on your clothes with a safety pin.
Also going !
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Cosplay hype
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where is the hype ffs

you know desucon is THIS weekend.

btw i added the opening and closing times to the op.

ALSO. IMPORTANT. MEETUP: WHEN AND WHERE? -GN and Pi are only going on Saturday as far as I know and I know that me and Zerzxes are staying for the whole con (heck we're even sleeping there lol)

Im not sure where we will have a meetup but Im thinking it might be wise to have it in an easy-to-find location where there won't be a lot of people.
If you want to find me just look after a black-haired guy with weird red and blue wings lol.

I'm gonna see if I can make some sort of sign to make it easier to find us.

Even still we should decide what time we meet up. I'm thinking maybe 14:00 or 15:00 at Lillescenen on Saturday, since nothing is going on there at that time. If you don't know where Lillescenen is, just ask any of the staff (or look for me!)

You can see the schedule here
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Seeings as no one objected..

osu!Norway@Desucon meetup.
15:00 at Lillescenen on SATURDAY.

!kill Dolphin triplepost
Ok, looks good. Will try to be there.

Any way to identify you today, Dolphin? I'm going with a bluestriped genser and a camera bag, so holler if you see me.
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Anonymkis wrote:

Ok, looks good. Will try to be there.

Any way to identify you today, Dolphin? I'm going with a bluestriped genser and a camera bag, so holler if you see me.
I have black hair.

i may or may not be wearing a Nue Houjuu cosplay (i kinda broke it already)

and i'm wearing a black shirt and shorts.

looka after an emo guy walking together with a crossdressing Zerz 8-)
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I just got home from Desucon. Sorry anyone who wanted to meet me or Zerz on Sunday, we left rather early because we both had a 7~8 hour drive ahead of us and we wanted to be home at least BEFORE midnight lol.

I'll be posting pictures soon I guess then we can pretty much just call this thread pointless! :)
Get hyped for the sexiest Zerzx you have ever seen.
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Instaboner!! Hot Zer
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Liiraye wrote:

Instaboner!! Hot Zer
Sweet mother of god. What happened to Zerz?
Hvis jeg hadde venner og dra med og en flybilet/togbilet ville ha drad neste år, men siden jeg har ingen av de tingene så er det litt vanskelig.
Oi wow, I was there but didn't see this post.... oh well
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