
osu! unlocked the "200,000 users" achievement!

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Just under 7 months ago, our registered user count exceeded 100,000 people. Today, this figure has been doubled!

What can we say that hasn't been already written in newsposts about milestones? Even a fleeting interest that has led some to take the short time to register and become one of those 200,000 people is still a gesture of approval, a sign people like what osu! has to offer, and for this we're thankful and grateful, not to mention users who actually get involved in the community and help make osu! ever better with their maps, skins, modding, suggestions etc.

These days, a common number of connected users is half a thousand at a time, and we can reach peaks of 700 users or more. We're happy to know that so many people are having fun spending their time in osu!, and this motivates us even more to continue doing our best to ensure that. Onward and upward! :)
how 2 unlok "200,000 users" acheevmant?

Its not on mine profile wahts rong D=


strager wrote:

Its not on mine profile wahts rong D=
it's on osu!'s profile. =D

Gratz at the same time. XD

abalee wrote:

strager wrote:

Its not on mine profile wahts rong D=
it's on osu!'s profile. =D

Gratz at the same time. XD
where can I find osu!'s profile? D=

and congrats osu! and everyone!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This achievement should totally be on BanchoBot's profile

RemmyX25 wrote:

This achievement should totally be on BanchoBot's profile
"Catch 200,000 fruits?"
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Just great. :p

abalee wrote:

strager wrote:

Its not on mine profile wahts rong D=
it's on osu!'s profile. =D

Gratz at the same time. XD

I can't see it. :(

Cheers to osu! for 200,000 members though! \o/
It's a shame the 200,000th player (neither of them) has not even played a single song.
Proof that community growth is an exponential, and not linear function? :D

james039 wrote:

Proof that community growth is an exponential, and not linear function? :D
I would expect community growth to be a logistic curve. At first, it grows exponentially, as spread by word of mouth is proportional to the number of members, but as everyone potentially interested learns of the game, it will level off.

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

NOOO! That reminds me of Jynx! :o
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
does anyone know how many active users there are on osu!? like the amount of people who have logged on in the last month...
It's pretty so Coooool~

flan wrote:

does anyone know how many active users there are on osu!? like the amount of people who have logged on in the last month...
I guess it's much lower, because most of inactive users haven't heard about playing offline.

But still, good job.

ThePassingShadow wrote:

It's a shame the 200,000th player (neither of them) has not even played a single song.
Sry, need free-time and internet. :cry: In home i can play only offline. Aghhhr. Sry for my bad english. I try to fix it.
[deleted user]

Hello osu! 200,000 members!
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