Hi 1900s!
There are 2 things that you need to do to combine 2 skins into one:
1.) Copy skin elements you want + any necessary folder and paste them into the other skin folder.
2.) Copy any necessary commands in skin.ini
Copy skin elements you want + any necessary folder and paste them into the other skin folderSince you want to add a 4K mania skin into HD+DT skin, you first need to know what kind of mania skin elements you need to copy.
In this spreadsheet, it is easier to look through so you know which one to copy:
Skinnable List SpreadsheetOnce you identified all of the mania skin elements, you may now copy them and transfer to the said skin.
Copy any necessary commands in skin.iniNow, take a look at your skin.ini in your 4K skin.
And start copying the commands that start with:
[Mania] <- Start copying here
[Mania] <- Stop copying at this point
Keys: 5
After that, paste the said commands to the other skin.ini.
However, if there's any existing commands in the Rafis skin, feel free to replace them.
NOTE: If the 4K skin uses the command of a filepath such as the commands
, you need to copy the folders from the 4K skin to the Rafis HD+DT too.