
Hey :)

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Hello all! I'm S4Gerbals and I've been on here for quite a decent time but I'm not your greatest player but I still try!

I'm a mouse player, maybe thinking about getting a tablet soon but I don't know.

I have a stream also! Although no one watches :)

Stream link:

My name is Manny, I just turned 15 today! I'm a very mixed person, examples are Mexican, Korean, Puerto Rican, so on so forth. I like typing stories and I soon want to be a Computer Programmer!

That's all I have for my introduction, if you stop by the stream thank you so much! If you follow I'll give shout outs <3 :)
Welcome to the osu!community Manny! I hope you will have a blast here. If you need any help just add me in-game or here or hit me up in the #help channel if you need any help or tips. Have fun and keep up to the rhythm.
hi hi!


Soo you want to be computer programmer?
Pretty awesome~

so... hope you enjoy your stay here!
Welcome S4Gerbals! (why that name? hehee)

I hope you have a great time here and in the game! I personally think it would be great to have more mouse players, but that's just me :P
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DestinySonata wrote:

Welcome S4Gerbals! (why that name? hehee)

I hope you have a great time here and in the game! I personally think it would be great to have more mouse players, but that's just me :P
S4 stands for another game ( S4 League ); and my name on there was -Gerbals* even though the correct name would be Gerbils. It was taken :B

S4Gerbals wrote:

DestinySonata wrote:

Welcome S4Gerbals! (why that name? hehee)

I hope you have a great time here and in the game! I personally think it would be great to have more mouse players, but that's just me :P
S4 stands for another game ( S4 League ); and my name on there was -Gerbals* even though the correct name would be Gerbils. It was taken :B
Used to go by Kuma-Sulker on S4 League -ohmaigawsh- I knew you was from that game. Hopefully the amount of hackers went down......(never going back).

Oh and an addition, if you ever get a supporter tag, you can change your name to Gerbals. I mean the slot was taken but the player may have got banned. If you can't just email asking for the name and there a chance they can give it to you. Just a quick note.
Welcome to the osu! forums ~
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The amount of hackers raised to extreme levels now ever since they changed to hackshield instead of X-Trap. Oh, I'll see if i can get supporter then, thanks :3 :oops:
Hello Manny, welcome!
Please enjoy your stay here, and it is a little late, but happy birthday!
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SharinganGirl wrote:

Hello Manny, welcome!
Please enjoy your stay here, and it is a little late, but happy birthday!
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