what are you doing to improve speed?
also heres a chart that you should prob play and maybe use osu trainer to make rate changes (if youre not willing to go to lazer)
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2292715#mania/4895476 its good because the charting is kinda shitty rolls and akward hp in general
i also found that playing chordjack helps, especially with quads. i guess that inverse LN pattern could help but you probably started with fnf so you prob cant do LN well if at all but if you can then inverse LN is probably good. if you dont already, try to minimize finger movement and keep fingers close to keys. i found that (for some reason) that i can play slightly faster if i hit with finger instead of finger tips. try to tense arm muscles and hands as it helps quite a bit but it can take practice to comfortably switch between not doing that and doing that. try to play jack charts which use single jacks (like fnf whitty mod) to practice moving finger. thats everything i can think of on a whim
tldr: use rates, tense arms and hand, minimize finger movement, play a variety of charts
i know this is super long but hey, atleast its not "play more"