
ShinRa-Bansho - Mugen Shitto Gekijou "666"

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 8:18:25 AM

Artist: ShinRa-Bansho
Title: Mugen Shitto Gekijou "666"
Source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
Tags: netaminity theatre netaminity shiataa “666” ネタミニティ the bridge people no longer cross WATARUMONO NO TODAETA HASHI 渡る者の途絶えた橋 parsee mizuhashi 水橋 パルスィ 水橋パルスィ touhou 11 female vocal japanese pop jpop j-pop video game vgm sbcd-012 c94 comic market 94 comiket original album 収録アルバム 東方project touhou project chireiden zun team shanghai alice 上海アリス幻樂団 stage 2 theme ayaponzu* あやぽんず* ayo あよ kaztora 森羅万象 waoru kororo yakoh 夜好ころろ yagyu Shiroino シロいの Isu イス 216 William K collab doujin
BPM: 148
Filesize: 33871kb
Play Time: 04:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Beginning Act "Lunatic" (5.05 stars, 924 notes)
  2. Final Act "Netaminity" (6.03 stars, 1068 notes)
Download: ShinRa-Bansho - Mugen Shitto Gekijou "666"
Download: ShinRa-Bansho - Mugen Shitto Gekijou "666" (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st rank!!! wowowowow
Final Act "Netaminity" collab with William K

bn = Flask / Electoz !!

wed 27 nov 24 10:52pm - top diff 35.5%
sun 1 dec 24 4:59pm - top diff 40%
mon 2 dec 24 11:12pm - insane 30%
wed 4 dec 24 8:27pm - insane 35%
fri 6 dec 24 7:46pm - top diff revamp 1st kiai
sat 7 dec 24 5:17pm - insane 40%, top diff add more hitsound
sat 7 dec 24 7:44pm - add tag
sun 8 dec 24 11:04pm - insane 50%
tues 10 dec 24 7:46pm - insane 60%
tues 10 dec 24 11:07pm - insane 70%
wed 11 dec 24 12:30pm - insane 75%
thurs 12 dec 24 11:07pm - insane 85% + change sum stuff
fri 13 dec 24 9:24pm - insane done
sat 14 dec 24 6:34pm - top diff 50%
sat 14 dec 24 11:49pm - top diff 55%
sun 15 dec 24 10:00pm - insane adjust entire map + hitsound unfinish, top diff 75% + hitsound unfinish
mon 16 dec 24 7:33pm - all diff done except hitsound
mon 16 dec 24 11:48pm - all diff done including hitsound
mon 16 dec 24 11:53pm - forgot convert hitsound to insane diff, now done
tues 17 dec 24 0:28am - add & remove few hitsound
tues 17 dec 24 0:45am - lower whistle hitsound volume
tues 17 dec 24 8:22pm - change 4 slider shape on 4 note on top diff, add video, add 2 tag
wed 18 dec 24 7:27pm - Leledorf mod
fri 20 dec 24 12:27pm - ThemMelon mod
sat 21 dec 24 11:30pm - make insane diff more consistent
sun 22 dec 24 12:55pm - make insane & top diff more consistent
sun 22 dec 24 1:45pm - make top diff more consistent
sun 22 dec 24 8:42pm - improve top diff 3rd kiai abit
mon 23 dec 24 8:11pm - Emu mod, insane rework some pattern, top diff put some note on 3rd kiai so it harder
mon 23 dec 24 10:36pm - insane rework some pattern
mon 23 dec 24 11:12pm - top diff adjust few note
tues 24 dec 24 7:48pm - insane fix 1 note wrong beat snap, top diff fix 1 note miss time slider
tues 24 dec 24 11:33pm - insane move 3 note for better visual
wed 25 dec 24 1:18am - Flask mod (remove unnecessary tag)
sun 5 jan 25 3:17pm - Electoz mod
wed 8 jan 25 4:54pm - Flask mod
friday 17 jan 25 10:18am - Flask mod
friday 17 jan 25 3:34pm - Flask mod (remove 1 tag)
sat 18 jan 25 8:18am - Electoz mod
sun 19 jan 25 0:46am - qualify!!
sun 26 jan 25 1:03am - rank!!
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