- Rank range: #5k-99,999 with BWS applied
- The tournament format is 1v1, teamsize 2. The minimum teamsize for a team is 1.
- All matches will be played with TeamVs, Score V2 and NoFail all enabled.
- All times mentioned are in UTC+0.
- All captains are required to be in the server until they are eliminated.
- This tournament will be badged and will therefore follow all rules listed here, along with anything else in the forum post.
- The only staff members that are allowed to participate in the tournament are GFX artists, Streamers and Commentators.
- Administration reserves the right to disqualify any player or team at any moment with no warning, if found breaking osu! community guidelines or violating tournament rules.
- A referee will ping you 15 minutes prior to your match and invite you to your match 5 minutes before the official start time.
- If a player does not turn up after 5 minutes of a lobby officially starting, the match will start without the missing player(s) and you will need to reschedule to a different lobby.
- You will play a single playthrough of the entire mappool in order from NM1 -> EZ1, which will be on the Main Sheet.
- Your team will get 90 seconds to ready up between each map, or the map will begin before you are ready.
- If one player of a team disconnects in the first 30 seconds of a map, they are allowed to replay the map after EZ1. Only one disconnect per team to prevent abuse of aborts and to ensure that the lobby doesn’t take too long for any participants
- Double picks are allowed, double ban is allowed. However, you cant ban EZ
An entire mod pool cannot be banned.
This means if there are 2 HDs and a team bans HD1, HD2 cannot be banned.
Ban order is ABBA. - A referee will ping you 15 minutes prior to your match and invite you to your match 5 minutes before the official start time.
- There will be NO warmups
- If you fail to show up 10 minutes after the match’s official begin time, you will automatically Forfeit.
- Every team has a 2 minutes timeout that can be requested anytime, but it can NOT be used in 10min late FF rule.
- Once the match officially begins, both team captains must roll. The highest roll decide pick order, loser will decide ban order. For 2 bans, the ban order will be ABBA.
- If one player disconnects from the match, they are allowed to call an abort in the first 30 seconds of a map. It may happen only once per match (per team). If it happens after 30 seconds, their score will be calculated as 0 unless they proof last known score and provide it in a special channel.
- Please respect your opponents and referee, remember the referee is doing their best and may be new to this, so be patient.
- You cannot pick TB.
- On Tiebreaker, free mod will be enabled. Playing with a mod is NOT required. You must have No Fail at least.
- EZ has a 2.0x multiplier on Tiebreaker.
- Time for each pick/ban is 90 seconds and time to ready up is 90 seconds. Remember to have your bans and picks prepared in order to not waste time.
- If you don’t ban a map before the timer runs out, you will lose your ban. No map will be banned, your opponent will then do their own ban.
- If you don’t pick a map before the timer runs out, your opponent will get to pick instead. (your pick will be given to your opponent.)
*you can see example in rule doc
- Qualifiers: 4NM, 2HD, 2HR, 2DT, 1EZ | 6.6★
- Round of 32: 5NM, 2HD, 2HR, 2DT, 1EZ, 1TB | 6.3★ BO9 (1 ban)
- Round of 16: 5NM, 2HD, 2HR, 3DT, 1EZ, 1TB | 6.5★ BO9 (1 ban)
- Quarterfinals: 5NM, 3HD, 3HR, 3DT, 1EZ, 1TB | 6.7★ BO11 (2 bans)
- Semifinals: 6NM, 3HD, 3HR, 3DT, 1EZ, 1TB | 6.9★ BO11 (2 bans)
- Finals: 6NM, 3HD, 3HR, 4DT, 1EZ, 1TB | 7.1★ BO13 (2 bans)
- Grand Finals: 6NM, 3HD, 3HR, 4DT, 1EZ, 1TB | 7.3★ BO13 (2 bans)
Staff Registration: November 17 - ∞
Player Registration: December 1 - December 22 (15 UTC)
Screening: December 23 - January 3
Qualifiers: January 4 - January 5*
Round of 32: January 11 - January 12
Round of 16: January 18 - January 19
Quarter Finals: January 25 - January 26
Semi Finals: February 1 - February 2
Finals: February 8 - February 9
Grand Finals: February 15 - February 16**
*You can play during the screening, but if 1 of your teammates got screened, your score will be removed and you will not be able to replay
**Grand Finals can be delayed by 1-2 weeks if all affected teams agree
Dates are subject to change in case of unexpected circumstances