
Inori Minase - Winter Wonder Wander [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 8:49:14 PM

Artist: Inori Minase
Title: Winter Wonder Wander
Tags: py-chan initial d initial_d snow jpop j-pop pop japanese female voice vocal vocalist inorin いのりん ready steady go! xmas x-mas christmas 5th single KICM-1817 奈良悠樹 yuki nara 栁舘周平 shuhei yanagidate 上條直之 naoyuki kamijo f.m.f
BPM: 136
Filesize: 7437kb
Play Time: 03:36
Difficulties Available:
  1. Beginner - 4Key (1.07 stars, 481 notes)
  2. Easy - 4Key (1.43 stars, 768 notes)
  3. Hard - 4Key (2.65 stars, 1630 notes)
  4. Normal - 4Key (1.97 stars, 1184 notes)
  5. Winter Magic - 4Key (3.26 stars, 1916 notes)
Download: Inori Minase - Winter Wonder Wander
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Random Series

Raison d'etre | Winter Wonder Wander | The Angel Of Fallen Origins

Thank You Initial D for Hitsound

Update Log
  1. 11/05/2024 : Mapset submitted
  2. 11/06/2024 : Adding Initial D's HS/KS
  3. 11/11/2024 : Quzy3315's mods and self mods
  4. 11/13/2024 : Quzy3315's additional mods
  5. 11/19/2024 : Karin-'s KS mods
  6. 12/23/2024 : 1st BN mods
  7. 12/26/2024 : KS mods
  8. 01/07/2025 : 2nd BN mods, delete KS and keep HS, removing delay on Tom2 sample, and Qualified
  9. 01/14/2025 : Ranked

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