I started with alternate tapping when I began. However, I still find that I do have a dominant finger(my middle finger), and I notice that I will sometimes start patterns or initiate double/triples starting with my middle finger rather than a strict alternate. I watched an excellent guide on YouTube the other night about tapping. I never knew about single tapping and how that ties in when you add double/triple/quad/quint et al.. A light-bulb moment for me was when the video described being able to start any sequence or perform any sequence using either of your two fingers. Now, I'm also trying to banish bad habits on lower star maps, I've already seen some improvement carry into higher star maps. I'd also recommend my own practice method. Outside of actually playing osu!, you can practice patterns just tapping on your desk, or thigh, or open a blank note on your PC. Get deliberate time each day of maybe 5 minutes of patterns to really ingrain and feel what you are doing. Taking away the distraction of the game, and aim, focus, rhythm. Isolate it. 1-2 1-2 2-1 2-1 1-2-1 2-1-2. I have also thought about taking study to a much further level and potentially looking up beginner snare drum rudiments, but that is sweaty try-hard territory beyond what is practical for actual play. That being said everyone is different and what works for some might not work for you. Find out what works best for you and your individual play style. I started practicing single tapping with both fingers instead of strict alternating, and found that it allowed me to get some patterns that otherwise would have been more difficult(the goal being to only use this as a temporary crutch and not something to be relied upon with the original and end goal of strict alternate tapping).