
Shigure Ui - Ui Mugibatake de Tsukamaete

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024년 11월 30일 토요일 at 오전 12:11:22

Artist: Shigure Ui
Title: Ui Mugibatake de Tsukamaete
Tags: japanese pop j-pop jpop electronic female vocal vtuber virtual youtuber fiction catcher in the ui ナナホシ管弦楽団 nanahoshi orchestra Kangengakudan 岩見 陸 いわみたかし iwami takashi きろとん 丸岡詩織 Maruoka Shiori 照内 紀雄 teruuchi norikatsu 青葉台スタジオ aobadai studio kumika HASU SHIG ZECIN なな nana 紺色。 Lude Interlude- Hoto Cocoa Hoto_Cocoa Left island Beomsan Chinochan Dailycare Morinaga
BPM: 168
Filesize: 36486kb
Play Time: 03:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab Insane (4.48 stars, 742 notes)
  2. Hard (3.5 stars, 649 notes)
  3. Lude's Extra (5.75 stars, 1115 notes)
  4. Uncompressed Fury of a Raging Japanese JK (6.43 stars, 1183 notes)
Download: Shigure Ui - Ui Mugibatake de Tsukamaete
Download: Shigure Ui - Ui Mugibatake de Tsukamaete (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
insane - Left & Beomsan & Dailycare
extra -Lude

luscent / kanui
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