
Can the slidder velocity change without changing in the timing section?

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Blu Block
Hello, I was mapping my first beatmap and added some slidders at the begginging of the map, nothing out of the ordenary there.

In later sections I was copy-pasting some slidders and sometimes flipping them but I felt something weird, I felt that some slidders were faster than others. I checked to see if I changed at some point the slidder velocity, but the whole song only had one "timing point" (are those called like that?).
I never intended to change BPM or slidder velocity on the song, and I willingly never did.

The tutorials I saw never mentioned anything about slidders changing velocity that isn't caused by the timing tab, and seems like nobody had that problem I the forums I think.

Could it be an illusion somehow? Am I actually correct? Is there a tool that objectivly tells me an individual slidder velocity? Can copy-pasting or flipping cause an slidder to change velocity?

I tried to fix it, the map it's published now:
are the sliders at the beginning placed before the only timing point by any chance?
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Blu Block

TotallyWaffles wrote:

are the sliders at the beginning placed before the only timing point by any chance?
Nope, the timming point starts at 00:12:437 and it's the first thing that's there on the timeline
can we get a map download?
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Blu Block

WitherMite wrote:

can we get a map download? I risk getting my beatmap stolen?
Hi Blu Block!

As long as you upload your beatmap, your beatmap wouldn't get stolen.
Besides, you're free to update it anytime you want if there are changes.
frankly there is zero incentive for anyone to steal someone's first map
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Blu Block
Hi, the map has been published, I tried fixing it.
Here's the link:
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