
Da LAB feat. Minh Toc & Lam - Bau Troi Moi

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, November 30, 2024 at 1:16:31 PM

Artist: Da LAB feat. Minh Toc & Lam
Title: Bau Troi Moi
Tags: vietnamese tieng viet tiếng việt vpop pop v-pop rap vocal band m∞n moon mpakk rabbit run jgkid emcee l
BPM: 90
Filesize: 8039kb
Play Time: 04:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. New Sky, New World, New Love, New Me. (4.93 stars, 890 notes)
Download: Da LAB feat. Minh Toc & Lam - Bau Troi Moi
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

check out Da Lab
All by me (new audio 30/11)
(lmao i hate the rap part where some of the vocal are offbeat)

BN: knightc0re / Gorou
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