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Hey everyone! My name is Zach and I just wanted to make this to introduce myself and maybe meet some new people to talk to. Some things I like to do is watch anime, read manga, play league of legends, and play osu. I have seen quite a bit of anime and I am currently diamond 4 on the NA league server. I have been playing osu for about a year on and off now, but i can only play the osu mania 4k mode. I'm also really into kpop and jpop so if anyone shares common interests and wants to chat you should add me on here or league ( my ign is NA Killjoy ) and we can talk.
hey man, welcome to osu! \:D/
you should totally check out the Otaku Culture section of the forums. :3

also let me know if you need help with anything~
Welcome to the Osu Forums! Feel free to add me in game if you have any questions! :D

Heyo! I do enjoy some J- and K-Pop every now and then, but I don't know how to socialize, sorry.

Enjoy your stay, though!
Welcome to the osu! forums.
Welcome to the fourms. Hope you will enjoy it here
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