"Noreu," as he calls himself, was last seen online six days ago. It has been said that he was selling illegalized substances at an allay way, known as "OT!Drownout"
This is a place no man, no woman, no extras should visit. You will become one of the "Tarnished."
During his time in OT!Drownout, it has been said that he has been included on gang activities. This includes the following: living, drinking water, eating, exploding paint cans, marking up microwaves, betting on turtle battles (not the teen whatever version), drinking more water, selling a failed stock.
All these acts are inhuman to this society, thus leaving him to "Tarnished" status. As it stands, his body is taking immediate effect. There is no prison, but only the locks of his soul, strapping away his freedom to once live upon osu!forums, typing away a storm.