
Creepy Nuts - Otonoke (TV Size) [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 октября 2024 г. at 13:16:14

Artist: Creepy Nuts
Title: Otonoke (TV Size)
Source: ダンダダン
Tags: DanDaDan dan da dan anime japanese j-pop pop jpop hip hop hip-hop hiphop rap opening op クリーピーナッツ jersey club dj松永 dj matsunaga r-shitei r-指定 minijack mini jack jacks vocal dump Flade
BPM: 173
Filesize: 14297kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced - 4Key (1,99 stars, 516 notes)
  2. Flade's Hard - 4Key (2,5 stars, 756 notes)
  3. Hey - 4Key (3,72 stars, 1068 notes)
  4. Hyper - 4Key (3,02 stars, 919 notes)
  5. Normal - 4Key (1,43 stars, 333 notes)
Download: Creepy Nuts - Otonoke (TV Size)
Download: Creepy Nuts - Otonoke (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Sya/Suzume <3

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