
Super Smash Bros (All Games)

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After going through 12 pages and finding a few Brawl topics, i was dissapointed that there was no topic dedicated to the best game in the series (Melee) So I just made a catch-all Smash Bros topic :P

So, what game do you play?, who are your mains?, Why do think Brawl/Melee/N64 is better than the other 2 games in the smash series?

Obviously, I play Melee. Over 4000 hours logged on 2 profiles since Christmas 2004, all bonuses, trophies, stages, and characters unlocked (working on special messages now, some of those are pretty crazy o.o)

I actually own 4 copies of Melee since my launch day copy literally got played to death (it simply refuses to do any sort of work lol)

I main, Peach, Ganon, Fox and Bowser, but I can play pretty much everyone.

Melee was a definate improvement over the N64 version of smash, but I think they slowed the game down too much in Brawl, it feels too casual to me, Melee feels more like a tourney game to me.
The infintate air dodges are nice but the fact that you can't do directional air dodges, and subsequently can't wave dash, is grade A epic fail in my book.

Oh yeah, they killed Peach's D-smash from hell in Brawl too, bastards ._.
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Ah, yeah, the N64 version was definitely the most balanced, not really any broken combos or glitchtechs, but I like mah glitctechs :3

The thing with melee is it actually took a fair degree of skill to play a character well, unlike Brawl where everyone and their mother can chain grab <.<

If someone pillars me across Dest with Falco in Melee I'm not as pissed as if someone chain grabbed me across Dest in brawl lol

I love Bowser in Melee but speed characters just wreck his life :( at least I can hang with the mid tiers
Can't stand the original SSB, too clunky for me and the Nintendo 64 controller is the worst fucking piece of shit ever

Brawl = shitty casualfag game with tripping

Melee = best

I play Jiggs and Sheik in SSBM; or rather, I used to back when I played a lot, haven't played in years now since I have nobody to play with now.
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Good Shiek players are EVIL with a capital 3 !

Really good friend of mine plays high level Shiek, and that up air can suck it for all eternity.

The one good thing the 64 controller had going for it was, aside from the fail-tastic control sticks, they were damn near impossible to break, I've seen em spiked hard enough to pull the system off the counter/entertainment center and bounce away unharmed lol

Oh and Jiggs = <3 Her and Peach are underestimated big time by casual players :3
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Gotta be careful going online if your Wii is softmodded though, so no online for joo.

If it's unmodded Falco is still pretty rigged in Brawl <.< gotta love those chain grabs, him and DeDeDe.

I agree with Shiek and Falco being rigged though, especially Shieks up air, did I mention I hate that damn U-air yet? Yeah, should NOT be able to kill at anywhere near the percents it does lol.

Despite lacking an easy spike, I think Fox is a better character than Falco, it just takes a bit more skill to play him, shine combos with both of the Star Fox crew are pretty evil though.

What we do when someone is being a dick with Top/High tiers is mix it up and restrict it to mid-tier and down, helps keep the games fair and improve your skills with other characters :3

That's probably why I'm so good with Bowser lol
I prefer Brawl compared to the other games mostly because of the new air and grabbing physics and general new content.
I do like playing the Melee from time to time, but I focus more on Brawl. The standards for unlocking characters in Melee were WAY too high.

Dexrain wrote:

What we do when someone is being a dick with Top/High tiers is mix it up and restrict it to mid-tier and down, helps keep the games fair and improve your skills with other characters :3
I don't like using tiers IMO. They restrict your choice of characters based on the abilities of a particular character, rather then on what play style you like to use.

Oh, and I like Ness.
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5ku112 wrote:

The standards for unlocking characters in Melee were WAY too high.
Actually, you can unlock every character in Melee by simply playing multiplayer, just do 1000 one stocks and stage dive and you have all characters lol

5ku112 wrote:

I don't like using tiers IMO. They restrict your choice of characters based on the abilities of a particular character, rather then on what play style you like to use.
Like I said, it's only when someone is being a dick with high/top tiers, usualy isn't enforced here though lol.

I'll still take my Bowser up against the top tiers and do alright though haha.

Dexrain wrote:

5ku112 wrote:

The standards for unlocking characters in Melee were WAY too high.
Actually, you can unlock every character in Melee by simply playing multiplayer, just do 1000 one stocks and stage dive and you have all characters lol
But thats just lame :cry: .....
Well i prefer brawl myself although many of the solo games a bit worse...
It feels like that Brawl is more for people that play for fun and melee is more for gamers that care about skill :roll:

Also we need more SSB music in osu!

Xgor wrote:

Also we need more SSB music in osu!
Agree but who wants to start a beatmap project?

*Looks at the amount of songs*

Dexrain wrote:

Gotta be careful going online if your Wii is softmodded though, so no online for joo.
Brawl+ wifi works pending you and the people you're playing with are running the exact same Brawl+ code.

Also I find tiers in general to be a stupid idea. If someone's being really good/gay with a certain character, just throw on random. Real men play Random.
I love how brawl is one of the games where people will deny tiers till their death when it's probably one of the popular games where tiers actually matter.

Tiers are based on matchups, matchups are the recorded probablity that X character will beat X character. So you can say OH BUT I USE X CHARACTER AND DO FINE AGAINST SNAKE! Well congratufuckinglations you just missed the entire point of tiers. Tiers are to show who has the most advantageous matchups across the board.(In effect say something about the power of the characters moveset in general)

The reason tiers are dynamic is that you may find out an amazing way to play a character that turns out to be really safe against X, Y, and Z character. so his worth increases than what was previously thought. But the rate of finding these good matchup strategies is usually quicker for higher tier characters. Melee went out of hand with this because people started finding things like wavedashing, L-cancelling, and compeletly threw the game for a loop. Tiers are just the representation of the game as the top players know it.

Seriously, if someone knows what he is doing, some matchups are just unfair. There is a reason metanight and snake win 60%+ of the recorded brawl tourneys, and trust me, it's not "BUT THEY JUST PLAY THOSE CHARACTERS BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY'RE BETTER" look at SF4, some people have standards and don't play Rufus or Sagat and are able to compete well(and win) in tourneys.(For reference, SF4 is a much much much much much more balanced game than brawl) People try to play the low tiers, usually some pretty good people too, see Mike Z and his Tager in Blazblue. He admits he gets stomped and there are times he feels like he has no tools to fight certain traps with some characters.
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lukewarmholiday wrote:

I love how brawl is one of the games where people will deny tiers till their death when it's probably one of the popular games where tiers actually matter.

Tiers are based on matchups, matchups are the recorded probablity that X character will beat X character. So you can say OH BUT I USE X CHARACTER AND DO FINE AGAINST SNAKE! Well congratufuckinglations you just missed the entire point of tiers. Tiers are to show who has the most advantageous matchups across the board.(In effect say something about the power of the characters moveset in general)

The reason tiers are dynamic is that you may find out an amazing way to play a character that turns out to be really safe against X, Y, and Z character. so his worth increases than what was previously thought. But the rate of finding these good matchup strategies is usually quicker for higher tier characters. Melee went out of hand with this because people started finding things like wavedashing, L-cancelling, and compeletly threw the game for a loop. Tiers are just the representation of the game as the top players know it.

Seriously, if someone knows what he is doing, some matchups are just unfair. There is a reason metanight and snake win 60%+ of the recorded brawl tourneys, and trust me, it's not "BUT THEY JUST PLAY THOSE CHARACTERS BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY'RE BETTER" look at SF4, some people have standards and don't play Rufus or Sagat and are able to compete well(and win) in tourneys.(For reference, SF4 is a much much much much much more balanced game than brawl) People try to play the low tiers, usually some pretty good people too, see Mike Z and his Tager in Blazblue. He admits he gets stomped and there are times he feels like he has no tools to fight certain traps with some characters.
Yeah basically

A lot of people think tiers are absolute and set in stone which is totally wrong

Or they think that the tier list is wrong, like "hay i beat my buddy's marth using pichu that means pichu isn't shit tier now right?", gj now try that against a pro
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I'm just saying a Wii update wiped my friends soft mod haha.

I like how this turned into a discussion on tiers btw

A rough Idea of how Tiers are ranked is how well a certain character plays against all other characters while being played at the maximum potential of the characters at the current point in time, if that makes any sense lol.

Heard it was based on ranked tourney wins at one point, not sure if that's BS or not

I'm not too familiar with the tier rankings in Brawl (not that serious about it lol) but I know MK and Snake are on top, and I believe C.Falcon is at the bottom this time around?

I know the old Melee tier ranking, not sure if it's been updated since the last time I bothered to look though XD

Dexrain wrote:

I'm not too familiar with the tier rankings in Brawl (not that serious about it lol) but I know MK and Snake are on top, and I believe C.Falcon is at the bottom this time around?

I know the old Melee tier ranking, not sure if it's been updated since the last time I bothered to look though XD
CF and Jiggs suck now

Makes me sad :(
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Yeah, Jiggs and Ganon got the nerf bat HARD, Samus and Fox got it pretty bad too.

Actually just looked up the tier list, I'm surprised Zelda, Shiek and Bowser are as low they are in Brawl, and holy crap I didn't realize Kirby was that low in Melee lol

I guess I'm a bit more serious about smash than some people, but at the end of the day it's about having fun, casualfags, tourneyfags we can all get along, right? I mean, we all still love these games :P

Getting back to the topic of tiers, my favorite characters to play with are Bottom and Mid tier (Bowser and Ganon) I'd like to think I'm better with Bowser than any sane person should be, but uh, not for me to judge u.u /attempt at being humble

Managed to take him all the way to the semi finals in a local tourney about 3 years ago, lost to my buddies Peach, his fat ass is just too easy to grab combo.
I'm not too serious on tiers (my friends don't know what the fuck i'm talking about), I only use them at a tourney or something like that. I hate it when my friend gets all super serious about tiers and he's all like "DUDE WTF? WHY DID YOU USE NESS? HE'S A LOW TIER CHARACTER! USE A TOP TIER CHARACTER!"

I just don't use tiers sometimes, they just annoy me when people start screaming at me for using a low tier character.

Anybody want to share some friend codes? I haven't played in a while.
Seriously, shut up about tiers, because real men use Random.

Though I doubt casualfags and tourneyfags can get along together. For example, I play with items on. If I'm not mistaken, this upsets tourneyfags because there's now an element of "luck" thrown into the mix (while not untrue, the ability to adapt to unfavourable situations is also a component of skill. Though there are times where good item luck throws skill completely out the window) and anything that may be perceived as "unfair" is totally unacceptable. For someone like me, who just doesn't give a shit, it's not a problem. Items are usually stacked against my favour and I consider it a refreshing change of pace.
Nakata Yuji
Melee was better.
Too bad there's like no more community for it.

Nakata Yuji wrote:

Melee was better.
Too bad there's like no more community for it.
Please tell me what tiers have to do with random.
Melee is not better. :(
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Items don't bother me as much as most tourneyfags, everything simply gets turned into a projectile XD

And at the end of the day, I still play for fun, even if I am a bit more serious than most casual players about it lol

Soooo~ /dropping tiers discussion

And, new discussion, memorable moments / glitches in smash

For me, it's some of the insane bank shots I've gotten in multi-smash ( Fox bouncing a fully charged super scope blast back at Marth who counters it and sends it into an unsuspecting Ness ^^ ) or randomly falling through the stage on Brinstar Depths, Corneria, and Battlefield.

Oh, and stopping a thrown star rod with Fox's reflector shield for the first time, we had to pause the game and stare in disbelief for like 2 whole minutes just saying, "Did I really just deflector shield a star rod?"

And I guess on the topic of items, for those who play items :P What's your favorite? Paper Fan FTW

Real1 wrote:

Melee is not better. :(

Legendary video that I hope most of you have seen.

slight nsfw
wow that was pretty good
Smash 64.

Pce bros

oh I love brawl
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Custom (unique) characters/stages is still a few steps away for me. With my luck, injecting custom characters will make the game crash and I'll be hopeless to solve it.
I somehow manage to make my Wii crash when making my own textures, but downloading and importing from other websites works fine for me. Wish there was a PAL custom music code, though.

I'm horrible at Melee, but I enjoy watching it more. Main Ganondorf.
I'm alright at Brawl, main Marth and do alright in some tournaments.

awp wrote:

oh I love brawl
That is freaking awesome, I would do that but I don't want to mod my Wii in fear of bricking it. (Unless there's someway I can do it without modding that I don't know about)

Anyway, despite being able to do that kind of stuff in brawl, I still prefer Melee due to its fast pace and less room for error. But brawl is still fun a party game, I don't like how easily the characters and stages were unlocked though. In Melee we accidentally overwrote our completed save with an old one, and we still have not gotten all the characters back.
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rust45 wrote:

Anyway, despite being able to do that kind of stuff in brawl, I still prefer Melee due to its fast pace and less room for error
Yeah i still say they slowed brawl down too much, and the tripping.../wrist
Melee is a much more fluid game, and I like the game physics better, now, if you could transplant the melee physics engine onto brawl... O.O even a speed increase and the return of the directional air dodge would be a huge improvement

rust45 wrote:

In Melee we accidentally overwrote our completed save with an old one, and we still have not gotten all the characters back.
Really? o.o My data got wiped going through airport security around Christmas of 2004 (curse you offbrand memory cards! never, EVER, again!) And I managed to get all characters and stages back within a month or so, still, it's more of a challenge than brawl XD

And I've heard that soft mods are, for the most part pretty safe, you just have to watch when you go online as a system update can wipe your mod
we had all characters in melee <1 week after getting it

also with Brawl+ (I'm on 5.0 currently), imo it feels more fast-paced and challenging than melee. Problem with brawlplus though, is that it's tourneyfaggy, ie the game was (re)designed with tourneyfags in mind, so some items behave strangely, and a couple final smashes crash the game. From what I've read online, they're not too concerned with fixing these high-priority bugs because "tourney players don't use items" like the faggots that they are.


– No Homebrew/Stage Builder Method –
Direct Link to Premade SD Package (Full, 24.0MB): Includes textures for competitive play
Please make sure you do not have any custom stages on your Wii or SD card, or your Wii will freeze.
Load Brawl as you normally do, go into Stage Builder, and when a program named Gecko comes up, hit A.
apparently you can play Brawl+5.0 (has custom texture SD loading) without modding your Wii.
no tourneyfags use Brawl+ really, although people are usually setting up separate consoles for it.

Also is that Brawl+ hack easily removable as with modded wii's.
To play regular brawl, just launch regular brawl as per usual

to play Brawl+, launch Brawl through gecko with an RSBE01.gct in /codes and presto. Brawl+ is only 10kb, if anyone was wondering.

people have gone through considerable lengths to make hacking wii/brawl easy
I was playing melee, screwing around on giant melee using Master Hand (see master hand glitch). I happened to be facing bowser at the time. When I started using laser, I happened to touch a super shroom. The lasers then continulally shot out from my hand. Using it to my advatage, I used my other moves. However the game froze after that. That happen to anyone
My main in Brawl is Snake *-* I also play with Toon Link and Marth sometimes, but Snake is my favourite.


awp wrote:

Cool *0*~
i play brawl more than melee.
my favorite characters in brawl are ike, marth, link and samus ( but especially zero samus xD)
but i think i play ike most...^^
i can't take a difference from melee and brawl now, because it was long ago when i played melee...^^
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