
zetton - khorosho zhivyot na svete koshtantan

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2 января 2025 г. at 22:25:57

Artist: zetton
Title: khorosho zhivyot na svete koshtantan
Tags: marvollo m_a_r_v_o_l_l_o horosho jivet zhivet jivyot живёт シカ部 Shika-bu シカ色デイズ Shikairo Days Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan japanese anime pop jpop j-pop op opening shikabu colored deer-colored daze shikanokonokonokokoshitantan my deer friend club nokotan やぎぬまかな 和賀裕希 lantis 福森優光 sixth floor tiktok tik-tok cv 鹿乃子のこ 潘めぐみ 虎視虎子 藤田咲 虎視餡子 田辺留依 馬車芽めめ 和泉風花 han megumi fujita saki tanabe rui izumi fuka torako koshi anko meme しかのこのこのここしたんたん вини пух винипух вини-пух шиканоко ноконоко кошитантан russian cartoon soviet советский мультик mashup remix piroshki
BPM: 177
Filesize: 1593kb
Play Time: 00:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. hard (3,48 stars, 113 notes)
  2. insane (4,39 stars, 136 notes)
  3. normal (2,21 stars, 75 notes)
  4. piroshki's special (4,9 stars, 149 notes)
  5. shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan (5,43 stars, 145 notes)
Download: zetton - khorosho zhivyot na svete koshtantan
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

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