
Osu or Rhythm enjoyer Discord Server

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Hihi, Here is HANABI_RN (, who is a osu gamer and made a Discord server for those osu gamer or any rhythm enjoyer. we always welcome u to join our big family no matter which game mode u play, our purpose just be enjoying the experience in this server and make new friends, that's simple !!

In case u would like to join the link will be down below, but if the link is not working i believe u can dm me in discord or just find the link in my osu profile as well ! Whatever, we're looking forward ur coming !!

嗨嗨各位,這裡是 HANABI_RN 我是一個osu玩家和我有創一個 Discord 伺服器是給那些有玩 osu 或是 音樂遊戲的人加入的,我們的原則基本上非常的和善沒有甚麼太大的主題,主要就是來交交朋友聊聊天這樣 ! 無論何時都很歡迎你們的到來!!

Link: [url][/url]
Hello! I don't think you're allowed to post this here in the Development forum. (Rules § Forum-wide rules #6)

I recommend posting to community/forums/topics/501854 instead, as this thread is intended for this kind of server.
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