
Ash Cup 2 Staff Registrations (4k o!m)

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Hi there I'm Ash, host of Ash Cup 2,
this post is regarding the staff applications for Ash Cup 2, if you are interested in applying please keep on reading, if you are interested in playing and you meet the criteria there will be an additional post sometime in the future once everything is finalized.

Info about the tournament:
Ash Cup 2 is a 5 Digit tournament for 4k Mania, with a rank range of 80,000 - 10,000 with the focus being allowing newer/ lower ranking players an opportunity to gain some tournament experience without the pressure of participating in larger tournament environments like MWC
It is a continuation of Ash Cup (as scuffed as it was) and has subsequently been improved upon based on the feedback received.
Following the conclusion of the initial Ash Cup, the map selection process has also been revised now including several play testers per map and ensuring maps are well balanced for the pool they have been selected for.
the tournament will be a round of 32 (assuming enough applicants) and a double elimination bracket and is planned to be held closer to the end of this year once the map pool is finalized and staff roles are in order.

Staff Application Info:
If you have read this far i can assume you are interested in applying to be part of the staff team fore Ash Cup 2, currently we are looking for:

Play testers for the map pool to ensure quality control
Referees to preside over matches to ensure things go smoothly
Streamers to stream the match for others to watch
Commentators for commentary during matches
Map pool selectors to help with providing maps for the tournament
sheeters to help with setting up the spreadsheets and making sure they're up to date
skinners (not necessary but appreciated) to make a skin for the tournament to be streamed with.

What qualities are we looking for in staff?
We expect the staff involved in this tournament to act respectfully and courteously to all other members of staff and players, we don't require any prior tournament experience however it would be appreciated if you have had some form of exposure to some of these roles in the past.

If any of these roles interest you please fill out the form linked below detailing your desired roles, IGN and discord tag for contact if your accepted.

please note if you have ben accepted i will send you a friend request on discord failing that i will message you in-game to let you know.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me either on here or on discord @ ashen_rosey

thank you for reading and remember to have fun!!
What's the deadline for these applications?
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Chimchar wrote:

What's the deadline for these applications?
probably like end of november? think that'll be enough time to get everything in order
imo - You need more detail tournament infos before start application. like tournament format (32 ts2 DE or others) and generally timing schedule. an clear plan will help to attract experienced staff. so an formal tournament post is good even your tournament haven't start yet.
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[GB]Rush_FTK wrote:

imo - You need more detail tournament infos before start application. like tournament format (32 ts2 DE or others) and generally timing schedule. an clear plan will help to attract experienced staff. so an formal tournament post is good even your tournament haven't start yet.
alright thank you for the advice i'll add those details in now
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edits: added skinners and sheeters to the forum post and added those roles to the staff application form, please note there will be a limited number of spaces for these slots.
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