
Advice and Tips from Experience - Assured Quality

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People learn from experiences in life and learn advice and tips from experience that they can impart to others, assured quality!
This survey thread in offtopic is a good place to share your advice and tips from experience and assure quality!

I will begin with my own advice and tips from experience.
Please note, these are assured quality.

Check the users on your friends list regularly. Have they had any birthdays recently? If a user has had a birthday in the last two weeks, make a thread about them and congratulate them on their progression through the massively multiplayer game of life! They deserve recognition for their daily bodily functions!

Don't have friends? That's okay! It's very easy to find friends in the modern millennium. You can find friends anywhere. In the library, at school, on the sidewalk, on the street, on Neopets, and even at your local Petco! Don't have access to other people or animals or virtual variants/deviants thereof? That's okay, you can look in the palm of your hand and make magical pretend friends!

Now that you have friends / acquaintances / enemies / pretend friends / pretend acquaintances / enemies / yourself / the palm of your hand / a pet / many pets / a Neopet / many Neopets / a social deviant / many social deviants, you can have fun exciting adventures with them!
A personal favorite of mine, and I'm sure you'll agree, is the game of mafia! It's almost as fun on the computer as it is in real life!
Here's some advice and tips for hosting and playing mafia, assured quality!

If you're starting a mafia game make sure not to tell anyone what the roles or win conditions are. It's very important that the users are completely blind to the proceedings. This makes your role as the game master much easier, as you can focus on an exciting game over a month with a disappointing finale rather than a wholly unfun experience! Mystery is magical!

If you are unsure of what to do during a day round, remember that veterans and beginners alike love to agree on policy lynches! Maybe some of your friends or pets are always scum! Vote for them! It's a safe pick every round!

Some claims are better than others! Are you looking for a claim that is super safe and that no-one will question? Pick Census Taker! Their useless presence relieves you of any suspicion! Now you can claim your role in style!

In kingmaker, the best claim is Hero! No exceptions! If you are tired of claiming Hero, claim Kingmaker! You'll win every round!

Assured quality!
so this turned from a real tidbit of advice on the subject of kindness to how to suck at mafia both as a host and palyer really quick.

on that note, join us in the osu mafia subforum! as long as you are not completely dumb we like to paly with you and don't bite!
Raging Bull
Happy birthday Tanz
I was actually touched by the friend part.
...and then it turned into how to play mafia.

QA checked. Approved.

My Advice: This is pretty standard, but if you really want to know someone, play with them in multi. It will really tell how the other person is and will lead to some mutual relationship. Or it could end badly and just sour the relationship. But we should always take risks. Risks are good and we'll never achieve anything without a bit of risk. Playing multi is another way to find enemies, friends, stalkers, potential people to stalk, other people who play your mode, lovers, wife/husband candidates, best friends for life, quality people, not-so quality people, pro players, noob not-so pro players and so much more.

DestinySonata wrote:

if you really want to know someone, play with them in multi. It will really tell how the other person is and will lead to some mutual relationship.
...that sounded like a nerd version of a relationship advice magazine or something.
Topic Starter
It's time for advice and tips from experience on everyone's favorite musical past-time, mapping! Assured quality!

Having trouble finding a song to map? A good solution is to go on myanimelist and look at the most recently reviewed animes! Try mapping the opening or ending of those shows! Topical picks are top picks!
Don't like anime? That's okay! Try mapping some rock or pop! You can't go wrong with the latest hits! Now that's what I call beatmaps!
Is your timing in shambles? Can't get that offset or BPM right? That's okay! There's nothing wrong with asking for help with timing! That seven minute piano solo isn't going to time itself, ask someone to do it for you!
Have you been mapping this rock song for too long? Are you halfway through and can't seem to press on? That's okay! Believe in the power of A C V H J! CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+H, CTRL+J! Presto! Your map is finished!
Is your map too easy? Raise your difficulty settings! Players love the extra challenge of a high Overall Difficulty! Is 9 not enough? Try 10!
The higher your tickrate setting is, the higher the combo and score is at the end of the map! Reward the player, give them tickrate 4!
Need some unbiased, helpful feedback for your map? Well you're in luck! Try the chat channel #modhelp! The regulars are eager to help you with your maps there! These modders have much experience in giving feedback to other users - a few of them even have a ranked map of their own!
Finished your mapset but don't have enough star priority to get it bubbled? That's fine! Mod some other user's maps and dump all of the KD you get into your own set! You can fuel your own train!
Is a BAT not willing to bubble your map because they disagree with a pattern? That's okay, don't change the pattern and ask a different BAT to check your map! The first BAT won't mind!
Add your map to your online favorites list! It will show that you really care and love your own work!
Congratulations, your map is ranked! Make sure to thank your friends and family in the Disqus comments!
I will follow your words till the end of time, Charles. You wise ol' bastard.
Sad thing is that way too many mappers do what Charles just said and they "succeed" in terms of rating... and somevery known mappers... mhm mhm

Charles445 wrote:

Need some unbiased, helpful feedback for your map? Well you're in luck! Try the chat channel #modhelp! The regulars are eager to help you with your maps there! These modders have much experience in giving feedback to other users - a few of them even have a ranked map of their own!
the QC is amazing


Always take caution. You never truly know. Your neibour, your mailman, your teacher, your brother, your sister, people walking down the streets, little Jimmy at the park, even your dog. They can all be Judas at any time.
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