
Smaller Resolution

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
Topic Starter
Like the Subject says, i need smaller resolution settings because my Computer is lagging on the fullscreen or on the 600x480 resolution

help pls :D
You can still apply custom resolutions by editing your user configuration file (like "user.WindowsUser.cfg").
// Windowed
Width = 1024
Height = 600
// Full Screen
WidthFullscreen = 1280
HeightFullscreen = 800
Topic Starter
FavouritesA = 
FavouritesB =
TreeSortMode = Search
TreeSortMode2 = Artist
keyOsuLeft = Z
keyOsuRight = X
keyFruitsDash = LeftShift
keyFruitsLeft = Left
keyFruitsRight = Right
keyTaikoInnerLeft = J
keyTaikoInnerRight = F
keyTaikoOuterLeft = D
keyTaikoOuterRight = K
keyKeySpecial = LeftShift
keyKeySpecialAlter = LeftControl
keyKey1 = Z
keyKey2 = S
keyKey3 = X
keyKey4 = D
keyKey5 = C
keyKey6 = F
keyKey7 = V
keyKey8 = G
keyKey9 = B
keyPause = Escape
keySkip = Space
keyToggleScoreboard = Tab
keyToggleChat = F8
keyToggleExtendedChat = F9
keyScreenshot = F12
keyIncreaseAudioOffset = OemPlus
keyDecreaseAudioOffset = OemMinus
keyIncreaseSpeed = F3
keyDescreseSpeed = F4
keyToggleFrameLimiter = F7
keyVolumeIncrease = Up
keyVolumeDecrease = Down
keyDisableMouseButtons = F10
keyBossKey = Insert
keySelectTool = D1
keyNormalTool = D2
keySliderTool = D3
keySpinnerTool = D4
keyNewComboToggle = Q
keyWhistleToggle = W
keyFinishToggle = E
keyClapToggle = R
keyGridSnapToggle = T
keyDistSnapToggle = Y
keyNoteLockToggle = L
keyNudgeLeft = J
keyNudgeRight = K
keyHelpToggle = H
keyJumpToBegin = Z
keyPlayFromBegin = X
keyAudioPause = C
keyJumpToEnd = V
keyGridChange = G
keyTimingSection = None
keyInheritingSection = None
keyRemoveSection = None
keyEasy = Q
keyNoFail = W
keyHalfTime = E
keyHardRock = A
keySuddenDeath = S
keyDoubleTime = D
keyHidden = F
keyFlashlight = G
keyRelax = Z
keyAutopilot = X
keySpunOut = C
keyAuto = V
Skin = asd2345325 Skin
SkinSamples = 1
UseTaikoSkin = 0
ComboFire = 0
Width = 640
WidthFullscreen = 1280
HeightFullscreen = 800
Offset = 0
Height = 480
EditorTip = 7
MenuTip = 4
Fullscreen = 0
Video = 0
VideoEditor = 1
Username = azmi2299
Password = 0df534d374ea7e06137d59b12a48960b
NotifySubmittedThread = 1
AutoChatHide = 1
FrameSync = 1
MouseDisableWheel = 0
MouseDisableButtons = 0
EditorBeatDivisor = 4
EditorGridSize = 32
DistanceSpacing = 0.8
MouseSpeed = 0.8
EditorSliderCurveType = 3
VolumeEffect = 88
VolumeMusic = 87
VolumeUniversal = 36
Ticker = 1
SnakingSliders = 1
Tablet = 0
Joystick = 0
ComboFireHeight = 3
ScreenshotId = 29
ScoreboardVisible = 1
HelpTips = 00000000000000000000
ChatSortMode = 1
Bloom = 0
BloomSoftening = 0
ComboBurst = 0
HoverSelect = 0
HoverReturn = 1
SkipTablet = 0
DisplayCityLocation = 1
ChatHighlightName = 1
Display = 1
Renderer = d3d
FpsCounter = 1
ProgressBarType = 1
DistanceSpacingEnabled = 0
UserFilter = 0
FrameSyncGl = 1
ShowSpectators = 1
MsnIntegration = 0
YahooIntegration = 0
LogPrivateMessages = 0
HighlightWords =
IgnoreList =
HitLighting = 1
ScreenshotFormat = 1
LobbyShowPassworded = 0
LobbyShowExistingOnly = 1
LobbyShowInProgress = 0
ShowReplayComments = 0
LobbyShowFriendsOnly = 0
LobbyShowFull = 0
LobbyPlayMode = 3
ChatFilter = 0
ChatRemoveForeign = 0
ChatLastChannel = #osumania
PopupDuringGameplay = 1
Wiimote = 0
ChatAudibleHighlight = 0
ManiaSpeed = 8
ManiaKeyStyle = 0
SaveUsername = 1
SavePassword = 1
KeyOverlay = 1
LastVersion = b20140310.4
IgnoreManiaSample = 0
IgnoreBarline = 0
SpinnerSnap = 0
ScaleMode = 1
RankType = 1
RefreshRate = 60
CustomFrameLimit = 240
ShowUnicode = 0
BlockNonFriendPM = 0
BossKeyFirstActivation = 0
LastPlayMode = 3
HighResolution = 0
LowResolution = 0
Language = en
ForceNewDefault = 0
ChatChannels = #osu #announce #indonesian #osumania #spectator DSGX #userlog #spectator#osumania PlantVSZombie #multiplayer #announce#osumania #osumaniaJulioiskandar CrackTiest egas00 BanchoBot afwan48 #osu#osumania #osumania#osumania wilbertaurean MMd- azg354 sampag Chillarmy Yuki Asuna
MyPcSucks = 0
NotifyFriends = 1
ConfirmExit = 0
UseSkinCursor = 0
PermanentSongInfo = 1
ForceSliderRendering = 0
AllowPublicInvites = 1
UpdatePending = 0
ScoreMeter = 1
GuideTips = 1
DimLevel = 100
ShowStoryboard = 0
IgnoreBeatmapSamples = 0
IgnoreBeatmapSkins = 1
AutomaticDownload = 0
RawInput = 0
ScoreMeterScale = 1
i can't find it where is it?

azmi2299 wrote:

keyEasy = Q
keyNoFail = W
keyHalfTime = E
keyHardRock = A
keySuddenDeath = S
keyDoubleTime = D
keyHidden = F
keyFlashlight = G
keyRelax = Z
keyAutopilot = X
keySpunOut = C
keyAuto = V
Skin = asd2345325 Skin
SkinSamples = 1
UseTaikoSkin = 0
ComboFire = 0
Width = 640
WidthFullscreen = 1280
HeightFullscreen = 800
Offset = 0
Height = 480
found it :3
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