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Post your dreams :)
Ill start
Had a dream of me in the house i grew up. I was in my old room sleeping and I heard some strange noises but decided to ignore it. After like ten minutes of the noises I decided to open my eyes to look but i couldn't move. Out of nowhere something came flying at me, it didn't do anything but look at me and scream. Obviously I was terrified but i couldn't do anything I just kept on staring at the thing. I think this is what they call sleep paralysis? But i was dreaming so LOL after like 20 seconds I could finally moved i just screamed and pushed it out of the way and woke up was like 4 am
i had a dream where i became popular
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mrdumpling64 wrote:

i had a dream where i became popular
How did it go?
Vuelo Eluko
i had a dream of being a virgin

mrdumpling64 wrote:

i had a dream where i became popular
I once had a nightmare that I was in the hospital and then when I woke up I was in the hospital.


Calm your tits lewa, the worst OT mod tm will take care of it
Eren Yaeger
I once had a dream where a female liked me...once.
I had a dream where I met yui's voice actor orz
I had a dream, but it was about suicide and explosions soooooo yeah
I had a dream last night that I was drumming on a desk with spoons and people were loving it like it was a concert.

Last night, I dreamed that I was in town and looking at tights and panties. Specifically, kneesocks and stockings, I think. I really want some and going to a shop would be such a racy experience.
Just last night I had this dream. All I could remember is that I was in a Japanese history class and as a field trip we stepped into a time machine and went to the Sengoku era.

Ok, so I've been speed running a lot of Bioshock infinite before I start this one. I had a dream a few nights ago that was quite strange.
I was Booker Dewitt from Bioshock infinite and I was playing through the game. At first it was awesome, using the vigors was incredibly fun, shooting shit, riding on the skylines. It was amazing and I was having a blast.... then I met Elizabeth. At first I was like, "Oh man I'm gonna get Elizabeth and I'm going to get to use tears and stuff. I was so wrong, I go into the tower and I just see her sitting in a chair. Not moving, I get inside the room, call her by her name, and she doesn't move. She suddenly yells "CATCH!" and she throws a book at me. I had to open the door myself in order to get her out, I quickly learned that Elizabeth was actually autistic, I'm not even saying that to be insulting, she would just slug behind me, she weighed me down, all she did was throw rocks at me. The only thing she ever said was "Catch!" but then when she learned my name, she started saying "Booker catch!" and once again, just rocks and other useless things, she literally picked up a bucket of rocks at the beach and just threw them at me for an hour. Her tears didn't help at all, they either did jack shit or made things worse, I was bleeding out and I see med kits through a tear, I tell her to open it, she does, there was a handyman standing behind the med kits. Needless to say, I died, but normally Elizabeth would stick a needle in your and you're fine. Nope, she starts stabbing me with the needle yelling "NO DIE! NO DIE!" then I woke up.
Fun fact, before this story I wanted to cosplay Booker but I didn't want to because I wouldn't have an Elizabeth, now I don't want one.
Honestly, my dreams are weird! Still a lot of them involve video games in some way, shape or form.
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Metruzero wrote:

Ok, so I've been speed running a lot of Bioshock infinite before I start this one. I had a dream a few nights ago that was quite strange.
I was Booker Dewitt from Bioshock infinite and I was playing through the game. At first it was awesome, using the vigors was incredibly fun, shooting shit, riding on the skylines. It was amazing and I was having a blast.... then I met Elizabeth. At first I was like, "Oh man I'm gonna get Elizabeth and I'm going to get to use tears and stuff. I was so wrong, I go into the tower and I just see her sitting in a chair. Not moving, I get inside the room, call her by her name, and she doesn't move. She suddenly yells "CATCH!" and she throws a book at me. I had to open the door myself in order to get her out, I quickly learned that Elizabeth was actually autistic, I'm not even saying that to be insulting, she would just slug behind me, she weighed me down, all she did was throw rocks at me. The only thing she ever said was "Catch!" but then when she learned my name, she started saying "Booker catch!" and once again, just rocks and other useless things, she literally picked up a bucket of rocks at the beach and just threw them at me for an hour. Her tears didn't help at all, they either did jack shit or made things worse, I was bleeding out and I see med kits through a tear, I tell her to open it, she does, there was a handyman standing behind the med kits. Needless to say, I died, but normally Elizabeth would stick a needle in your and you're fine. Nope, she starts stabbing me with the needle yelling "NO DIE! NO DIE!" then I woke up.
Fun fact, before this story I wanted to cosplay Booker but I didn't want to because I wouldn't have an Elizabeth, now I don't want one.
Well dam LOL some intense stuff

Tuxdude143 wrote:

Honestly, my dreams are weird! Still a lot of them involve video games in some way, shape or form.
Haha usually mine involve video games too mostly about the one i just recently played :p
I see a lot of dreams that keep repeating visiting same places, which don’t really exist. There’s a city, that doesn’t change besides some really small details every now and then. So it is just like any other city, but it’s only accessible while dreaming. It reflects Helsinki, but besides a few buildings, subway trains and the place names, you could never realize it actually is Helsinki.

Anyway, last night I saw a dream in which I slept 24 hours. It started from the moment I woke up (it was the same time I went to sleep), so I thought I actually woke up IRL (has never happened before - my dreams are usually lucid dreams, which makes it even more odd) after they told me I really slept 24. I remember adjusting donuts in some box, and then leaving somewhere with my friend's car and her family (it was apparently her birthday). Then I was at home again (?). I cycled downtown with my cousin, which we used to do a lot, actually, when we were like 10. We saw a surreal thing (glass cube with white background, which had a white stick figure crying in it, gravity rotated 90 degrees, and I swear to fuck that thing was actually living and not just some animation) near a particular shop, and then I woke up. This is why I love dreaming.

E: Unnecessary infos spoilered.
Dreamt that I was in a abandoned facility being chased by things that avoided my eyesight but made sure I knew they were there as with anything like this the doors were jammed shut and I couldn't get out. The dream kept going where I would hide and run and hide and run then I woke up with a headache.
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Static Noise Bird wrote:

I see a lot of dreams that keep repeating visiting same places, which don’t really exist. There’s a city, that doesn’t change besides some really small details every now and then. So it is just like any other city, but it’s only accessible while dreaming. It reflects Helsinki, but besides a few buildings, subway trains and the place names, you could never realize it actually is Helsinki.

Anyway, last night I saw a dream in which I slept 24 hours. It started from the moment I woke up (it was the same time I went to sleep), so I thought I actually woke up IRL (has never happened before - my dreams are usually lucid dreams, which makes it even more odd) after they told me I really slept 24. I remember adjusting donuts in some box, and then leaving somewhere with my friend's car and her family (it was apparently her birthday). Then I was at home again (?). I cycled downtown with my cousin, which we used to do a lot, actually, when we were like 10. We saw a surreal thing (glass cube with white background, which had a white stick figure crying in it, gravity rotated 90 degrees, and I swear to fuck that thing was actually living and not just some animation) near a particular shop, and then I woke up. This is why I love dreaming.

E: Unnecessary infos spoilered.
Crazy man I wish i could lucid dream more often but i never try haha i've seen videos and read stuff on how to do it but ehh
Am I the only one who can't remember my dreams ?
The very few I can remember always end up with me sticking my fingers into a friend's eyes, or being choked by someone, etc. :/

It didn't happen since last year though
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Varetyr wrote:

Am I the only one who can't remember my dreams ?
The very few I can remember always end up with me sticking my fingers into a friend's eyes, or being choked by someone, etc. :/

It didn't happen since last year though
No I'm like that a lot I usually don't remember my dreams.

Varetyr wrote:

Am I the only one who can't remember my dreams ?
The very few I can remember always end up with me sticking my fingers into a friend's eyes, or being choked by someone, etc. :/

It didn't happen since last year though
I tend to forget my dreams around 5 seconds after waking up. It happens so quickly
Last night I was at an office in a skyscraper near Kalasatama, Helsinki. I remember drinking coffee and looking down to the smaller buildings and watching at the subway train pass by. Some of the buildings seemed oddly Asian-themed, I've seen similar buildings in my dreams before, though they have been near Ruoholahti, which is a couple kilometres away. So, the city changes occasionally. Kalasatama has had a construction site (somehow actually hovering in air, on several levels, with normal habitated houses on there also) on the other side of the subway's tracks, which wasn't there this time. There was a smaller one, which actually exists at the moment in the real world, too (the last time I saw the hovering one, was when the IRL construction site wasn't even there yet - similar happened once with Kivikko; I saw buildings being built to a place where there was just forest - a year later they started building houses very close to, if not right there).

I was listening to radio and there was a song on, reportedly by some Finnish rock band, though I don't think I have ever heard of the band, nor the song, before. Then I threw my coffee cup at a window below the office, a dude looked at me and rushed out of his office, not sure if he was coming after me or trying to get away from me.

Earlier I saw a dream in which I was running around with a friend of mine, a former enemy of mine, and my best friend. We were in search for weed, and a hiding place from cops. It was mainly in Hakaniemi, though later we somehow were near Savio and Malmi (two places which I don't see too often in my dreams). At one point they were rushing through a train and I just sat down to a bench and looked out of the window. I don't think this country has ever been as green as the landscape I just saw. Though, I see a lot of unreal landscapes, which is just another plus about my dreams.

This features another repeating element of my dreams - trying to take photos of those surreally beautiful scapes, but having either no camera (and then rushing to search for one) or a broken camera. It's really teasing. I wish I was good at drawing and/or painting so I could try to reproduce them sometimes.
I had a dream last night but I forgot what it was

DestinySonata wrote:

Varetyr wrote:

Am I the only one who can't remember my dreams ?
The very few I can remember always end up with me sticking my fingers into a friend's eyes, or being choked by someone, etc. :/

It didn't happen since last year though
I tend to forget my dreams around 5 seconds after waking up. It happens so quickly
write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. you'll learn to remember them

also there are other methods but if you care enough you can research them yourself
I had a baby in my dream, but didn't know who the mother was. Suddenly time skipped and that baby is a 16-18 year old girl. She started to sing, and somehow it made me heartbroken.

It's one of those dreams when I have to think for a while after waking up.

Maybe it has to do with Clannad After Story.
did you have sex with her

thelewa wrote:

did you have sex with her
No, I didn't.
She was supposed to be my daughter, never in my life I've thought about doing that.

piruchan wrote:

She was supposed to be my daughter
das hawt brah
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piruchan wrote:

thelewa wrote:

did you have sex with her
No, I didn't.
She was supposed to be my daughter, never in my life I've thought about doing that.
We don't judge :)

piruchan wrote:

She was supposed to be my daughter
Dreamcest is my fetish.
Why is everyone quoting me?

Shellghost wrote:

Dreamcest is my fetish.
Go make a wikipedia page for that.
I once had a dream to spin spinners perfectly
oh shit i had a strange dream last night, I was hugging a 183cm guy who is my classmate and i can still remember Ellie Goulding was staring at me. was she jealous?
God i always had strange dreams like D33d
/me runs
I had a dream where it was my day of marriage (an arranged one) and I finally met the person who I would marry. I couldn't see the person in my dream clearly, but what I do remember was that person had black hair. It was a nice short dream.
had a dream (or a nightmare) where i got stabbed by a little girl (couldn't see/remember the face, or the weapon used, butihopeitwasalolihehe), i could taste blood gushing in my mouth and feel a weird sensation pulsating throughout my body from the stab area (in the back).

i woke up sweating a bit and couldn't move for around 5 minutes because the stabbing sensation numbed down my body and yeah, weird shit
Had a dream where I was shooting multiple-personalities of myself.
I enjoyed it.

and then I saw a cat that always shows up in my dreams.... I named it Nick owo

I need to see a psychologist.
Not for the shooting, but for the damn cat that always shows up.
Stop using spoiler tags when there are no spoilers to hide.
I had a dream where I was grocery shopping naked, and I started becoming increasingly anxious about being naked.

spoiler cause im a rebel
Wow haha you're such an edgy dude xD

OT: My dreams are ridiculously often based on something to do with trains nowadays. Tonight, a random girl, who was earlier panicking in the train I was in, left on the next station, put herself on a leash, tied to the end of the train, and was hanged in the process when the train started moving again. Super pleasant.
Last night I dreamed about my deceased teacher came to our classroom. No, she wasn't a zombie. She's still perfectly healthy, and she asked to us what's the lesson for today. (of course my class was as noisy as fuck).

I don't remember what happenned next, but I do remember my next dream. It was about.... BPRD meets Spiderman. [spoiler]Don't ask me why.[/spoiler]
And then I woke up.
I saw possibly the clearest dream ever. It was in Herttoniemi, albeit an alternative version of it (several buildings were different, the ocean continued way further than it really does, a whole field appeared in a place where there's just more buildings, et cetera). It was mainly about whales and lifting them for some reason off the ocean. Whales, in Finland. In that small area of ocean. And lifting them off it.

It was really yellow/orangeish everywhere, though it was clearly summer. One cycling road was taken from another far away real life part of the city, for a reason or none. An old couple almost rode over me while I was crossing that road. 8-)

At one point I left somewhere (a railway station that looked different from all the ones I've visited); there were yoloswaggers who didn't appreciate my taste in music. Then I woke up really soon.
i had a dream where i met a nice, innocent girl and we lived happily ever after in a place far, far away

and then my alarm clock sounded and i realised it was Monday morning
I had a dream that i was on a runaway (or chasing someone)

Usually my dreams are vague, but sometimes i can remember it well
I dreamt I went to a really expensive restaurant and had salmon, but it was tough and overdone..
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mrdumpling64 wrote:

i had a dream where i met a nice, innocent girl and we lived happily ever after in a place far, far away

and then my alarm clock sounded and i realised it was Monday morning
I would of cried
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