
PUP - Anaphylaxis

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercredi 27 novembre 2024 at 05:30:50

Artist: PUP
Title: Anaphylaxis
Tags: Parad0xa Paradoxa fieryrage plasma english punk rock male vocals pathetic use of potential bees daaanni
BPM: 252
Filesize: 6670kb
Play Time: 03:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. egg in the bucket (7,19 stars, 788 notes)
  2. Fiery x Raijodo x Plasma Triplet Extra (6,71 stars, 725 notes)
  3. Hard (3,71 stars, 598 notes)
  4. Insane (5,03 stars, 727 notes)
  5. Parad0xa's Extra (5,73 stars, 606 notes)
  6. Parad0xa's Normal (2,31 stars, 328 notes)
Download: PUP - Anaphylaxis
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
classic case of egg in the bucket

collab diff raijodo fiery plasma

basensorex / malph
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