
Random tips!

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Anyone else got any random tips to share? I'll start

I find exaggerating the finger movement a little bit (as opposed to minimizing it) helps me with LN and hitting harder rice patterns in general. My finger control improves at the cost of some stamina, most useful when I'm pushing my limits. It makes my finger movements less blurred and more distinct. Worked well with 7k, dunno bout 4k.
the half time is OP use it when you dont understand certain patterns on a song or even want to learn a new skillset entirely (chordjacks, handstreams, dumps etc)
sightread more files, seriously not enough people realise how important it is and just fall into the trap of retrying the same bunch of files over and over

midgy wrote:

fall into the trap of retrying the same bunch of files over and over
i do this so much i just love playing the songs that i listen to regularly XD

Kaaruumii wrote:

i do this so much i just love playing the songs that i listen to regularly XD
if you're having fun then that's what's really important but it will slow down improvement
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midgy wrote:

sightread more files, seriously not enough people realise how important it is and just fall into the trap of retrying the same bunch of files over and over
Adding on what u said, typing 'unplayed=' only shows songs you've never played which is useful for sight-reading alot of songs.

I find for some songs with an unusual/new pattern, it can be useful to play the map a second time to get yourself more familiar with it.

A tip for measuring progress. Group by Recently Played, then play a few songs you had sight-red '3 month(s) ago' & 'Over 5 months ago'.

Kaaruumii wrote:

midgy wrote:

fall into the trap of retrying the same bunch of files over and over
i do this so much i just love playing the songs that i listen to regularly XD
Trying playing those songs no more than 2-5 times. Come back to the same song a few months later, then demolish your previous score. That also gives u a feeling a satisfaction, while avoiding the pit of playing the same maps over and over again.
Playing LN casually (like literally,just 2 or 3 maps per session) helped me to improve a lot on ln for 7k as i got better on rice.

Extra: curling your thumb on 7k gives you more mobility to other fingers.
this isn't a tip but a cool thing I'm learning
I believe its mostly for 4k but some of the information can be of value

btw turn on viewing mode if you want to actually understand it
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For LN patterns, dont slam the keys. LN's are mostly about that finger control & co-ordination, also pattern recognition.
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