
Ranking keeps decreasing all of a sudden.

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As the title states, I don't know why my ranks keeps decreasing by 30s-100s.

I was at 6.1k when suddenly i played a song and got SS and it suddenly -500 rank although my pp didnt change.

Now, the more songs I play, the lower my rank gets. Is this a bug or something? D:
Seems related, seen at changelog.
Tom94/performance: [Tom94] Calculate pp for all key-mods in osu!mania.
Also your rank only "updates" after you play a ranked song. So it's also the result of people surpassing you in the meanwhile.
This is happening to me aswell, just dropped from around the 4.5-4.8k area to 5.9k I've decided to ignore the PP system because it doesn't seem to function correctly anymore but I couldn't help noticing a drop of over 1000.
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