
Sasuke Haraguchi feat. Choten-chan - Cubibibibism

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年10月24日 at 23:03:56

Artist: Sasuke Haraguchi feat. Choten-chan
Title: Cubibibibism
Tags: kyubibibibizumu kyubizumu cubism japanese jpop j-pop electronic video game vgm needy streamer overload ニーディーガールオーバードーズ 超絶最かわてんしちゃん omgkawaiiangel 超てんちゃん kangel あめちゃん ame-chan xemono peposoft にゃるら nyalra nyarura huyi520 cynsm astralcynsm rabbitt
BPM: 185
Filesize: 33074kb
Play Time: 03:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collllllllab Hardrdrdrd (3.53 stars, 479 notes)
  2. cynsm's Breaeaeaeakbbeaeaeaeat (6.35 stars, 914 notes)
  3. EeeexXtttTTrrrrrrrRaAAAAaa (5.89 stars, 881 notes)
  4. IiiIinNnnnsssSSaaAAne (5.05 stars, 753 notes)
  5. Mythhhhhhhhhhical Stooooooorm (6.5 stars, 904 notes)
  6. Normrmrmrmal (2.59 stars, 410 notes)
  7. Rabbitt's CcceEEezzZZzaAAnnnNNneEE? (6.11 stars, 1000 notes)
Download: Sasuke Haraguchi feat. Choten-chan - Cubibibibism
Download: Sasuke Haraguchi feat. Choten-chan - Cubibibibism (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Bloxi / MeAqua Tete

Normrmrmrmal by me
Collllllllab Hardrdrdrd by HUYI520 and me
IiiIinNnnnsssSSaaAAne by me
EeeexXtttTTrrrrrrrRaAAAAaa by me
Rabbitt’s CcceEEezzZZzaAAnnnNNneEE? by Rabbitt
cynsm’s Breaeaeaeakbbeaeaeaeat by astralcynsm
Mythhhhhhhhhhical Stooooooorm by me
HSer: astralcynsm
qualified for the third time......
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