
Thoughts on rice bucket training?

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Do you think this would be useful?

yeah cool gainz brother
no this is baloney
Total votes: 12
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This is an interesting training method used to get stronger finger/forearm muscles but i don't see this specific training style ever talked about for rhythm games (at least for osu). The training method is quite simple, just shove your hand into a bucket of rice and do various things like twisting your fist whilst submerged both directions, opening and closing your hands in the rice, and even diving your hands deep in the rice. This is so far my personal favorite forearm workout and i've only lightly been doing it for about 2 months but its not like i have any evidence that it makes you better but i have improved a bit (it's around the time that i have came back to the game lol) but back then it was hard for me to get progression as smooth as it is now then it was for me then. Here is an example of the workout and let me know what you think. (I am not saying by any means that this is a replacement for playing the game only just a supplement to osu mania training and also getting big forearm gains.)

Never noticed about strong forearms among best players in this game.
Looks like it'd be good for recovery and avoiding injury. I bought some finger stretchers few weeks ago to prevent possible injury, and maybe make em finger extensors stronger as a side benefit. Alternatively i could just used a bucket of rice.

I don't think it's great for developing hand strength in the long-term. At some point you'll need some heavier rice(?) or some other exercises so you can progressively overload the muscles. Apart from that, it looks good for injury prevention.
I actually do this before even knowing anything about osu just because it was satisfying for me, well its good as some sort of warm up, because before i play my hands feel so lethargic so its good to have something to squeeze..
It's times like this that I wish someone would hire a scientist to study this but I believe it helps if you work the proper muscles
-Crazy Frog
this will not give you stamina for mania since they're completely different movements and positions, but yes absolutely do this if you want jacked forearms in general lol
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