Duck o-o wrote:
Winnyace wrote:
MrSparklepants wrote:
Would be better if it was on Stable, personally don't like it due to lazer scoring system, a 97% DT FC should not be about the same as a 99% NM FC (rough estimates)
Disagree. A modded score with lower accuracy shouldn't automatically be higher up in the leaderboards just because it is done with a mod. A score's greatness or magnitude doesn't go away just because it isn't higher up in the leaderboards.
Shouldnt automatically be higher up but realistically if u fc a map with dt with 97% its a lot more impressive than doing it 99% with nm lol
There should just be mod leaderboards that are free rather than needing supporter
Yes, I agree, but again, leaderboards don't dictate a score's impressiveness and frankly, it would depend on the map, but a 97% DT will be likely next to 99% NM in the leaderboards. Though... hmm... I don't know.
I will admit it: I don't think I should speak on this, since I don't really know all that much here. I'm mostly a casual player, worrying about my own scores and what I do in-game, thus perhaps I shouldn't really speak on this. I won't go further, because I don't have enough knowledge on this to continue.