
[osu!stable] Can't log into Bancho

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Problem details: I'm failing to log into Bancho on my Windows XP SP3 computer. I'm using the latest version of osu!, and ProxHTTPSProxy with certificates installed when playing osu!. I can fetch seasonal backgrounds, check and download updates, see in the proxy logs that I'm connecting with servers, but osu! complains that my client is too old for online play. When playing on a certain private server connecting with the -devserver method, I can log in, but it the game about forged certificates (which might be the one reason) and when submitting scores I get an error that I'm using test signing mode and score submission is disabled (that particular server doesn't really care, but this might also contribute to not being able to play on Bancho).

Video or screenshot showing the problem:

osu! version: Stable 20240513.1 (latest)
- Marco -
Try switching the release to Cutting Edge, logging in on CE and if it fails try wiki/Help_centre#log-files and post the contents of the network.log file as a reply to this thread.
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Nothing has changed. Network log contents:

2024-07-26T20:46:52: ----------------------------------------------------------
2024-07-26T20:46:52: Network Log for User775
2024-07-26T20:46:52: osu! version unknown
2024-07-26T20:46:52: Running on Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3, 2 cores
2024-07-26T20:46:52: ----------------------------------------------------------
2024-07-26T20:46:52: Attempting to use protocol 3072..
2024-07-26T20:46:52: Attempting to use protocol 768..
2024-07-26T20:46:52: Attempting to use protocol Tls..
2024-07-26T20:46:52: Success!
2024-07-26T20:46:52: Request to web/check-updates.php?action=check&stream=cuttingedge&time=638576308124062500&os= () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:46:55: Request to web/osu-getseasonal.php () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:46:55: Request to () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:46:56: Request to () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:46:56: Request to () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:46:59: Request to web/check-updates.php?action=check&stream=cuttingedge&time=638576308192656250&os= () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:47:08: Request to web/bancho_connect.php?v=b20240612cuttingedge&u=Oreeeee&h=********************************&fx=dotnet4|dotnet4&ch=***************************************************************************************************************************************************&retry=0 () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:47:08: Request to () successfully completed!
2024-07-26T20:47:08: Request to web/check-updates.php?action=check&stream=cuttingedge&time=638576308285000000&os= () successfully completed!

why on god's green earth are you still using XP?

(If you're doing WEIRD stuff, expect no help)
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I'm using it cuz it's a great OS! I think the issue is that the error message happens when test mode is enabled, and since test mode didn't exist in XP (it depends on BCD, which got introduced in Vista), osu assumes it's on. I would prolly need to port BCD to XP, and for now call Windows Vista the oldest OS that can still play on Bancho.
If windows XP acts as if the Test Mode is activated even if its not displayed then it might have to be upgraded to a new OS or mess with the systems themself, but be weary if you do anything that triggers anything inside osu!'s internal systems and triggers then we cannot help you as the easiest solution is to just upgrade your OS to something that is maintainable.
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How fucked am I if I get the "Your account has been flagged for using cheats" or when I get restricted? And how likely is it to happen when I use a modified ntdll.dll and possibly other system files? (let's assume no direct tampering with osu source code/memory, because that's a direct highway to ban). Or is it better to message some higher-ups for permissions, since the dev team (or at least ppy) knows REALLY WELL that the game works on XP, and even showed screenshots of it? Well, I mean, cheating is bannable, but playing on Windows XP isn't.

Oreeeee wrote:

How fucked am I if I get the "Your account has been flagged for using cheats" or when I get restricted? And how likely is it to happen when I use a modified ntdll.dll and possibly other system files? (let's assume no direct tampering with osu source code/memory, because that's a direct highway to ban). Or is it better to message some higher-ups for permissions, since the dev team (or at least ppy) knows REALLY WELL that the game works on XP, and even showed screenshots of it? Well, I mean, cheating is bannable, but playing on Windows XP isn't.
if you are messing with .dll, or any of the game files then it is out of the GMT hands and completely up to the dev team in what they want to think you are doing.

I will quote chromb: "(If you are doing WEIRD stuff, expect no help)"

messing with game files in any way is doing weird stuff. I will not help any further, I gave you the options, you can mess with the OS files or something to make it not appear as if test mode is on, or you can upgrade your OS, but messing with the game files is out of our hands and we warned you.
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Thanks for the info. I will still continue my journey, but I will definetly stay away from testing on Bancho for now, as this condition is triggered also on private servers (but they don't care about that, they still let you log in and submit scores, even though the big dark red box in the right bottom corner says otherwise).
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