
[osu!stable] unable to upload edits to one of my submitted maps

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been playing around with conversions the past few days and it seems that I broke one of my submitted maps, somehow
if I delete this map locally and then redownload it from the website, I can make changes and upload those changes with no issue: beatmapsets/2214474
but if I do the same thing with this map, when I go to upload, it thinks it's a brand new map: beatmapsets/2214422

no clue why this is happening, no clue how to fix it
here's a video of this in action
moved to help so we can track this better.

Hi, again.

Im thinking that upon each new submission there is different metadata being involved which is prompting the game to think that it is a fresh new map.

Make sure when you go to submit the map you are using the exact same metadata and timing points. If you are using conversion programs it would be best to try and time it correctly first then add in the notes.

Or contact the conversion program maker to see if they are tracking this.
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Blushing wrote:

moved to help so we can track this better.

Hi, again.

Im thinking that upon each new submission there is different metadata being involved which is prompting the game to think that it is a fresh new map.

Make sure when you go to submit the map you are using the exact same metadata and timing points. If you are using conversion programs it would be best to try and time it correctly first then add in the notes.

Or contact the conversion program maker to see if they are tracking this.
bound state was also a conversion, I've made multiple edits to it this morning using arrowvortex for mapping, converting over to .osu format and making further edits to offset using lazer/stable. I don't think it has to do with the conversion process, when I redownloaded both of the maps for the video, I had deleted them locally from within osu and confirmed that they were gone in explorer. I'm pulling what is ostensibly on osu's side, making no changes, then opening the "upload beatmap" prompt. for bound state (and also hai la noi, which isn't in the vid), this procs the prompt for uploading changes. for tarantula funk beats, this procs the prompt for uploading a brand new map. this happens whether I make no changes or if I make arbitrary changes in the osu editor after redownloading them from the site.

edit: so I'm looking at the .osu file in notepad, not making any changes manually here. it seems that when I select "upload beatmap," the map is saved automatically and then the beatmapid and beatmapsetid are changed.

before upload beatmap:

after upload beatmap:

omg dude did I actually ask you to delete the wrong one lmao

edit 2: I downloaded osu onto my laptop which has basically nothing else on it except work/school stuff and the same thing happened when I downloaded tarantula funk beats from the site and tried to upload changes.
edit 3: nvm about the corrupt beatmap thing, that's coming from one of the maps that is automatically installed when you install osu lol. I give up, this has to be something wrong on the site's side of things.
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plis..... dunno what else to do here
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final bump before I give up on this one completely
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