
Profile beatmap rank display for Lazer

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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You know how when you play a beatmap and get a high rank on it, it can display on your profile activity and for first places, there is even a entire display? If you know this feature - You play/played on Stable for atleast some time, if you never saw it, you are either a new player or use osu!lazer.

Here is the problem - This feature works purely on stable, and if you use lazer like me, you are out of luck. Also i noticed that if you get a first place on lazer, it doesen't display on your profile, and posibly not on people behind you, because only the person who got first place on Stable will get this displayed. This can allow for things like a 10th place being tagged as first, 2nd as 1st etc. which can cause confusion and false info can be spread because of this.

I don't know if anyone else noticed this, and if this already being worked on, but i wanted to highlight this issue in case it was unnoticed.
Mod balance is still a bit of an issue in Lazer, especially with mania where the Classic mod multiplier outright allows worse scores to climb to the top.

I prefer not for now.
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Yea, there are issues that need to be fixed before this could be made (pp rework, mod balance ect.) But I wanted to highlight this anyway because it was bugging me.
This is tracked as , and as mentioned above, blocked on mod rebalancing concerns for now.
This issue doesnt exist when I click on it
(not that im saying it doesnt exist, just that the link leads nowhere)
Link parsing fail, fixed.
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