
senya - Sokubaku Anemonation

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年9月28日 at 17:43:11

Artist: senya
Title: Sokubaku Anemonation
Source: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Tags: -_matha_- matha petal -mo- dailycare morinaga scub domino scubdomino [keqing] natsume shiki natsume_shiki 8972308 dolon doion -nenu- 4 dagger-gazel bwc2024ro16dt1 badlywoodcup 2024 round of 16 dt1 zun 東方Project toho touhou project 幽閉サテライト yuuhei satellite かませ虎 kamase tora Iceon 音霊 otodama 橙 chen 遠野幻想物語 Toono Gensou Monogatari youyoumu 9th single japanese pop j-pop jpop j-rock jrock rock video game videogame bondage 上海アリス幻樂団 Team Shanghai Alice 東方紅楼夢9 Kouroumu 9 K9 Stage 2 Theme
BPM: 150
Filesize: 17039kb
Play Time: 03:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dailycare's Normal (2.17 stars, 353 notes)
  2. Dolon's Hard (3.53 stars, 620 notes)
  3. Matha's Remorse (5.33 stars, 965 notes)
  4. Mo's Lunatic (4.57 stars, 800 notes)
  5. Satellite (5.14 stars, 979 notes)
Download: senya - Sokubaku Anemonation
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

normal: dailycare
hard: dolon
lunatic: -mo- and me (bwc ro16 dt1)
extra: petal

hs: -mo-
key: scub
bn: arsalan / shiyun
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