
Help with Audio Offset

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Greetings, all! I'm fairly new to osu! and really enjoy osu!mania. I feel I've been scoring decently while having fun playing, but I've noticed my key presses are frequently off just a hair from what would sound natural with the beat or melody.

So, I'm attempting to correct this with the Audio Offset setting but having some trouble. Just to confirm: if I'm watching my replay and my inputs are to the right of the white bar at the bottom of the screen, it means I'm hitting early, correct? So, I would correct it with a negative offset, right?

Also, is there a consensus on what the best song to test against would be? I've been using one of the pre-installed songs (Rostik - Liquid) but I wanted to see if there were better options.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
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If your hits appear on the right of the white bar, it means you are hitting late (corrected with negative Universal Offset, or positive Local Offset).
Also, take into consideration that most of the wrong offset probably comes from you not hitting in time instead of something hardware related. If your hits sound accurate according to the song (but the game gives you low accuracy), and your unstable rate is low enough, then adjusting based in your input is appropriate. If you feel the hit-sounds sound off-timed, then you need to work on making them sound on time.

Since songs usually are only accurate in timing up to about 5ms in average if you base the offset on the hit-sounds timing (since the sound timing is only accurate in 10ms intervals for most people, because DirectSound support in Windows Vista or later has limited hardware support), it is not possible to have a perfect offset except in rare cases. This map is usually used as a base to set the Universal Offset.
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Thank you for the quick and informative reply! I apologize, but I'm not familiar with Local Offset. Where is this located and is it different for each song?

As for why I believe the offset needs adjusted, it is as you describe in the second half of your first paragraph: my keyboard input clicks sound accurate according to the song, but I get a lot of "Good" indicators instead of "Great." I know this will improve with more practice, but I want to make sure I have the audio configured correctly before I start developing muscle memory based on what may be an incorrect timing.
I played almost 3 years with incorrect timing. (lots of input lag so I had to hit ~60ms early)
Took me like 3 days to adjust myself to good timing.

So don't worry to much about that. With time you'll essentially learn to be consistent in your inputs, and learn to shift your timing to get rainbow 300s.

Trying to fix timing on the computer side won't help you achieve greater scores. (personal experience, I did try to do this, but it never helped me, only practice helps)
If you're starting out and get a ton of 200/100, it's normal. Mania timing is harsh.

Regarding Local Offset, yes it's for each song, you adjust it game with + and - keys. (you can rebind these keys in the options menu)
But I wouldn't recommend playing with it unless you're playing with some obscure not submitted map and you don't wanna fix it the editor directly.
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