
How do I add hitsounds to my beatmap in osu-lazer?

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I finished making a beatmap, and then noticed the page that shows you what problems you have yet to fix. It was bitrate and a lack of hitsounds- I've already fixed the former.

Now... the second issue seems impossible to fix.

osu-lazer doesn't function quite the same as the osu-stable. There aren't files for each song, I can't exactly open one of those files a to drag the sound files in as you normally would. At this point I'd just post the map as it is, I don't really care about it getting verified etc., I just want it to be public... The problem is that I can't find any button to do that either. I think I have to fix the hitsound problem first.

I searched through the files for anything resemblant of a space where I could put the sound files, and found a link which led me to a post that mentions:
"For now the procedure to modify skins or beatmaps is to export the item, update it, and then reimport it again with your desired changes."

How am I supposed to update the exported item? It appears in the form of any other beatmap, and when I click it, it opens up the song in the game. I imagine the fix might be to right-click the file and find where the data is stored (Is that a thing?), but I barely know any coding and don't particularly know anything about computer files I don't know what I can open or move around without breaking something.

The tutorials I find all refer to osu-stable. While I could attempt to open it instead of osu-lazer, the last time I tried, I couldn't install it since I'm on a work device. (not sure why it allows osu-lazer but not osu-stable, but at least I've got something...). So while I would love to continue editing the file using osu-stable, it's likely impossible for me.

What do I do? Is there anything I can do? I'm stumped. ToT
lazer cannot upload beatmaps. Whether or not you hitsound your map, you'll have to export it into stable and upload from there.

(pls ignore last post I cant read)
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