(i learned to do bbcode + forum gfx...)
This tournament is all meant for fun, and friendliness (hence the name), so show some sportsmanship to your opponents and don't cause any problems.
Team Captains have the responsibility of letting their team know when the Discord ping gets sent out and inviting them to the lobby as soon as possible.
Team Captains will also roll for a higher score in their multi lobby chat with !roll, and the team with the higher roll will get to choose whether to protect or ban first, and will also be able to pick a map from the mappool and pick their win condition after they've discussed with their team.
Now, about win conditions, as mentioned previously, you will be able to choose your win condition. Your options are Score V2, Combo, or Accuracy. Score V1 is not allowed.
And to remind you about teams, there will be two players playing each map and have you will have a maximum of 4 players per team. You can play with 2, 3 or 4 players but not 1, or 5.
Referees, Commentators, and Streamers will be able to play. The rest of the staff roles will not allow you to play.
Artists = Sillot, icyishere not an osu player...
Referees = AstalFanBoy, ZnowFanGirl, Flouncy, ERA Sunny, [LS]Mari, Promachos, itsnicki, ERA Trooperr, baconway, Bexacles, colby, Jan, Chicken Sammy, bumk, --Glitchy--, SunApple, MayuTuna and Xusterio.
Mappool Selectors = kafkalover, Livium, TPColor, itsnicki, FloopChoop, ERA Trooperr, --Glitchy--, and Worthlessnut9.
Showcasers = kafkalover, itsnicki, Netroo, ERA Trooperr, AomDCO, N4iveDx, racksack, [Crz]Magi, manwelcchii, Reamcy, bumk, 2kyFangirl, --Glitchy, and Xusterio.
Streamers = AstalFanBoy, ERA Sunny, Bexacles, colby, Silhoueska Elze, itsnicki, and SunApple.
Commentators = kafkalover, AstalFanboy, Flouncy, ERA Sunny, itsnicki, Reamcy, Bexacles, colby, shed, Silhoueska Elze, and ERA Trooperr.
Play Testers = kafkalover, Astronian, itsnicki, Aquarius_hps, kokistarr, ERA Trooperr, N4iveDx, racksack, [Crz]Magi, Pop06, bumk, and 2kyFangirl.
Mappers = 1qxz, Livium, TPColor, Promachos, CrayZigg, kafkalover, itsnicki, alumence, Shad0wStar, Aquarius_hps, Chrisse, kartofle, kokistarr, chen_sawthis01, SatoriMaiden, FloopChoop, Valice, Worthlessnut09, and Moreily.
Spreadsheeters = EpsilonMaiagare
GFX Designer = kafkalover (for mod icons), itsnicki (for forum post)
Team Registrations: June 30th - August 1st
Qualifiers: August 10 - August 11
Ro32: August 17 - August 18
Ro16 - August 24 - August 25
Quarterfinals: August 31 - September 1
Semifinals: September 14 - September 15
Finals: September 21 - September 22
Grand Finals: September 28 - September 29