
Yan Jiang wink - Ano ne.

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年10月16日 at 20:06:07

Artist: Yan Jiang wink
Title: Ano ne.
Source: くまクマ熊ベアー
Tags: kuma kuma kuma bear japanese anime pop jpop j-pop cover ユナ yuna 河瀬茉希 Kawase Maki ed ending laurier
BPM: 102
Filesize: 5303kb
Play Time: 04:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.3 stars, 582 notes)
  2. Laurier's Insane (4.81 stars, 901 notes)
  3. props to moeriko extermination squad (4.84 stars, 784 notes)
Download: Yan Jiang wink - Ano ne.
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Insane: Laurier
Background: 狐印
some hitsounds from this map and this map
2024/9/11 replaced mp3
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