
how to up handspeed

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i can do s rank in *5~6 maps
but my hand speed has not increased for the past two months and i cant vibro
do you have any hint to improve fingers speed?
you don't need to learn vibro yet. just keep playing maps slightly faster than you can comfortably do and eventually you will see improvement
I can't S rank 5-6* maps properly tbh so i'll just say that you still need to play more. I mean that is kinda obvious but with that i mean that you should just play based on bpm for now, try to play some jumpstream maps from icyworld and others and so on. For other kind of speed like single streams and jacks i'm pretty sure that you should do the same thing. Just don't get very frustated about it, speed when you get stuck is like training a muscle, ot may take you months until you can progress to the next level. Just enjoy the process. i wrote way too much lol
I find that in order to increase hand speed you need to get back into a learning state of mind and memorize what playing quicker feels like

It's much more exhausting to even go a little faster but I can reccomend this:

Try figuring out your limit. When playing turn on no fail and go as fast as you can CONTROL (don't forget good posture too lol)

(going fast without control is fine but in the long run which isnt very long it hurts you way more than it helps)

is this limit as fast as you usually play? If not then your gonna have to figure out why if it's something YOU CAN work on then try fixing the problem

if it is as fast as you can go then there are a few options that I see could be the problem

Not enough muscle mass (muscle is extremely important for lots of gameplay aspects)

Bad posture (obvious)

No warmup/stretches (very important for keeping hands safe your hands will likely not improve if you treat them like dirt there is a ton of information to learn for warmup so I reccomend learning from many sources especially doctors)
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