
Skill Issue Question

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Hi, little background on me. I have been playing mania on and off for years now, and have been highly inactive for months now. I really liked to get back into playing mania and I feel like my ways of reading notes and patterns are well and all, but my finger speed as well as stamina is very, very low.

I know what most would say; play more, and so I did. Sometimes more consistent and more frequent than other times, but I just never really seem to push past my plateau. I would really like to push far into mania and beat the maps I always looked up to, but I just don't see it happening which is in return making me sad about playing mania.

Any tips (broader than play more) that can help me? I do think play more will always benefit in the long run, but so far for me it hasn't proven itself to be.


In my opinion, pushing your limits is always a way to go but not too much to the point of risk of injury, playing maps that are hard but doable, this reminds me time and time again that I am capable of doing better than I am now. Stamina is something that comes in naturally the more you play, by doing so in harder maps you might be able to stay consistent in lower end ones.

also try doing this, in local rankings there is only yourself, set a score, and then set a better one of the same map, because the more you practice, the more stamina you can conserve throughout the entirety of the song and not mindlessly spending it. With this kind of mindset you can input patterns with minimal effort.

this is what I think so I hope it could help you in any way, good luck.

d0t wrote:

Hi, little background on me. I have been playing mania on and off for years now, and have been highly inactive for months now. I really liked to get back into playing mania and I feel like my ways of reading notes and patterns are well and all, but my finger speed as well as stamina is very, very low.

I know what most would say; play more, and so I did. Sometimes more consistent and more frequent than other times, but I just never really seem to push past my plateau. I would really like to push far into mania and beat the maps I always looked up to, but I just don't see it happening which is in return making me sad about playing mania.

Any tips (broader than play more) that can help me? I do think play more will always benefit in the long run, but so far for me it hasn't proven itself to be.


play more consistently + try focusing on skillsets you neglect or dont practice much, you will eventually get results dont worry if you arent as good as you were for a while, i was really bad trying to get back to where i was and now i can say ive gotten back to where i was + better than i was ever in chordjacks and speed maps now. no need to rush though pls enjoy game
I'll just say what i did for de-rusting, since it seemed to work well for me.

Most of my time tends to be on easier maps on a lower scroll-speed, about 2-3.5* for me. With about 10-15% of it on harder maps. Generally I focus on developing my finger independence/co-ordination/dexterity whatever u wanna call it and playing the map smoothly with fairly good technique.The lower scroll-speed forces me to listen to the music to hit the notes on time, and makes it more challenging to read the pattern. My aim isn't to perform well, its to practice

When I play harder maps, my aim is to perform well. So I go to a comfortable scroll-speed then play some harder maps, ending the session when my physical/mental stamina is depleted. Pushing your limits in healthy doses is good for improvement, be careful not to overdo it.

As for pushing past an old plateau, it varies from person to person. In my case 2015-16 me hit a plateau, because he spammed through too many hard maps, and built alot of bad habits. Now I know that's stupid and don't do that.
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