Hello, I've just gotten back into osu! and I found online the skin I used in the past. I downloaded it but the skin doesn't seem to fit into the border of my screen. I went into settings to try and change the screen size so then maybe the skin would fit but no luck there.
[Also this is the link to the skin I choose https://skins.osuck.net/skins/1888?v=0]
Even when I shrunk the screen to see if maybe it'd fit, screen still doesn't. For reference the image below is what it used to look like.
(Was a screenshot from my insta post) I want the screen to be fit, but unsure how. If anyone could help, would be much appreciated. [New info below]
Alright I was searching and found that it's likely cause of my computer. Im using a Surface Pro 9 which doesnt have the biggest screen. I then displayed osu! on my monitor and found it fits:
Would there then be a way to make this skin fit on the screen of my surface pro 9? Would appreciate the help.