
Don't know what to do

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I really wanted to break the 40k wall. Why? Look at it yourself.

But I just can't. I feel like I'm closer than ever, but every "doable" maps just became not doable for some reason. I'm in a loop where I get a 300pp play, get really close to 39k, stopped remembering how to play, gets further to 39k, and goes back. (I don't want to take a break for this reason)

I'm planning to just keep playing as much as I could until I get there and take a (long) break after, but each and every session just demotivated me to continue. I feel like I can't, for some reason.

It's not like I don't enjoy the game, I do. I really do enjoy the game.
grind more frequently

try to full combo the songs with A scores on it
dung eater
play maps that make u motivated just by trying, not maps that would motivate you only if you fc it (and demotivate if you can't)
this was me trying to break 20k lol. i made it by like 200 ranks but then i decayed to where i am now :/ i know your struggle. you will get there!
Happy Satoko

I mean...
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Happy Satoko wrote:

I mean...
I played more (or the same) as 6 months ago in 2023, but I was so much worse like you see on the graph. (Not to mention that I also played lots of osu in different servers).

But honestly, I don't think I can get to even 1k play count a month. It's just my limits now lol

McEndu wrote:

grind more frequently

try to full combo the songs with A scores on it
I've decided to take a break for at least a week since I think I've been pushing myself a lot this month. Maybe if I derust I'll be better, who knows
u dont like dt?
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Djemovampire wrote:

u dont like dt?
HELLO rematnyar!! LET'S REPORT renp!!!


OK SO... What you need to do is to really chill out, don't continue retrying so much bro (or you weren't? but it seems to be the same problem). It's so close.. So close that it made you desperate. That's exactly where I once fell in this vicious cycle. To the point that I stagnate for 3 years true story.

Play what you enjoy. PP is an achievement, but at the same time it's ultimately just a number. Back then I was a 7kpp player and got obliterated by 5kpp player in a multi in a consecutive manner. We can say syaron105 was a really strong contender in TWC being very stable and strong, being a top player at the time. But a lot of new Taiko player who know tasuke912 as a great mapper don't know that he was an anti-choke monster in TWC. What we all know that he is now 14kpp sitting at #200 or so ??

Don't lose stability, don't lose enjoyment. I wish you good luck and for your wellbeing.

rematyar wrote:

each and every session just demotivated me to continue
i think OSU depends 90% on mentality, so if you have bad mentality and you're demotivated you'll get nothing. just dont give up and stay motivated and you'll be fine. i would also recommend you not to focus on rankings that much?
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seifuku wrote:

rematyar wrote:

each and every session just demotivated me to continue
i think OSU depends 90% on mentality, so if you have bad mentality and you're demotivated you'll get nothing. just dont give up and stay motivated and you'll be fine. i would also recommend you not to focus on rankings that much?
If I'm being completely honest, if I don't care about the ranking, then I wouldn't even play the game. The reason why I'm still playing is because "I want to break the wall".
hey man, you gotta grind some farmable skills first before trying to rank up. trying to FC/farm maps in every session will net you disappointment and despair.

push your skill first before setting scores >_>
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Lilyn wrote:

hey man, you gotta grind some farmable skills first before trying to rank up. trying to FC/farm maps in every session will net you disappointment and despair.

push your skill first before setting scores >_>
Yeah just ignore my aim grind for the past 6 months that's fine

rematyar wrote:

Lilyn wrote:

hey man, you gotta grind some farmable skills first before trying to rank up. trying to FC/farm maps in every session will net you disappointment and despair.

push your skill first before setting scores >_>
Yeah just ignore my aim grind for the past 6 months that's fine
hows your streams
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ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

hows your streams
Probably the worst aspect I have (alt maps better). But I'm trying to at least be decent at it yes
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I'm still lost btw. Ignore the I want to break the 40k, all of my skills are depleted now lol

I think this is skill issue and this is just the wall I can't and never will overcome, I don't even know why am I so bad lmao, I'd lose to a 6 digit if we played multi

rematyar wrote:

I'm still lost btw. Ignore the I want to break the 40k, all of my skills are depleted now lol

I think this is skill issue and this is just the wall I can't and never will overcome, I don't even know why am I so bad lmao, I'd lose to a 6 digit if we played multi

rematyar wrote:

I'm still lost btw. Ignore the I want to break the 40k, all of my skills are depleted now lol

I think this is skill issue and this is just the wall I can't and never will overcome, I don't even know why am I so bad lmao, I'd lose to a 6 digit if we played multi
I call it pp sickness. Stop playing for pp, rather for FCs. It can also be a pp map you're doing.

rematyar wrote:

I'm still lost btw. Ignore the I want to break the 40k, all of my skills are depleted now lol

I think this is skill issue and this is just the wall I can't and never will overcome, I don't even know why am I so bad lmao, I'd lose to a 6 digit if we played multi
Take a break
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_mp1506 wrote:

I call it pp sickness. Stop playing for pp, rather for FCs. It can also be a pp map you're doing.
If I'm completely honest, I've stopped caring about pp for like a week now. Play for FC my ass I can only FC 4* or lower (it's really boring, I'm telling you) and it just made me basically lost interest in playing ngl.

Maybe I'll take this chance to take a break and see where I'll go from there

Naiad wrote:

rematyar wrote:

I'm still lost btw. Ignore the I want to break the 40k, all of my skills are depleted now lol

I think this is skill issue and this is just the wall I can't and never will overcome, I don't even know why am I so bad lmao, I'd lose to a 6 digit if we played multi
Take a break
pretty much this or play something different, like tourney mappools or train a different skillset
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Ok this month I decided to train streams.

After a week of playing different bpm of stream maps, I'm worse than when I started (for some reason LOL)

Anyone @ a mod to lock so this thread won't be filled with my rage lolw
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