
UI revamp

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Firstly i'm sorry if this has been posted before, and for my bad english.

Actually, the new options menu AND the font are awesome upgrades in my vision, the problem is, the new options menu doesn't combine actually well, so i tought in suggesting a UI revamp, it's a nice style, but didn't got along too well with the rest.

If i can make some "considerations",i would suggest that:

- Nem main menu, with the classic 4 options, but maybe in a different and more "modern" characteristics like animations or whathever.
- For the 5 buttons on te song select menu: I guiess that all could go in a single menu with differente divisions, would make the UI cleaner.
- Not using the same texture for the song select menu button and the ranking ones, that would be quite nice for skinners.
- New animation possibilities would be nice too, just think at how great would be a song select button with a glowing effect, or even others( yeah, that could have a menu too, after all there's bad PC users like me xD)

I guess that's all for suggestions, of course you dev team are not obligated to hear them, it's just some things i personally would like to see, and that i think would improve quite a bit for players enjoyment :D
vague ideas of no value. sorry. a redesign is already underway and i'm not looking for feedback until it is live.
The worst thing in new UI is that checkboxes and radio buttons look identical.

Ogion wrote:

The worst thing in new UI is that checkboxes and radio buttons look identical.
Maybe an overlay, the "bar/button" changes color when you hover over it.
Or just change it. I like the new menu, not the new checkboxes/radio buttons.
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